Koristi se RAPID kao opcija depozita. Uopšte se ne koriste bonusi/besplatni okreti. Prokockao sam uplaćeni iznos više puta i uspeo da osvojim 800 EUR od kojih sam pokušao da podignem 500 EUR.
Isplata od 500 EUR je zaglavljena u istoj fazi „Na čekanju" već skoro dve nedelje.
Nisam bio u mogućnosti da pošaljem KIC verifikaciju preko veb stranice jer opcija nije dozvoljena, ali sam poslao potrebnu dokumentaciju putem e-pošte u nadi da ću ubrzati proces odobravanja.
Korisnička podrška nije od pomoći, stalno mi govore jedno te isto, da je moje povlačenje u „završnoj fazi".
Citat „Želeo bih da vas uverim da ovo nema razloga za brigu i da je vaše povlačenje bezbedno. Ljubazno vas molimo za malo strpljenja dok se vaše povlačenje obrađuje i izvinjavamo se za eventualne neprijatnosti."
Used RAPID as the deposit option. No bonus/free spins used at all. Gambled the deposited amount multiple times and managed to win 800 EUR of which I've attempted to withdraw 500 EUR.
500 EUR withdrawal has been stuck in the same "Pending" phase for almost two weeks now.
Have not been able to submit KYC verification via website as the option is not allowed, I have however sent the required documentation via email in hopes of that speeding up the approval process.
Customer support is of no help, they keep telling me the same thing over and over again, that my withdrawal is in the "final stage".
Quote "I would like to assure you that this is nothing to worry about and that your withdrawal is safe. We kindly ask you for some patience while your withdrawal is being processed, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused."
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