NaslovnaPritužbeSpinanga Casino - Nalog igrača je zatvoren bez objašnjenja.
Spinanga Casino - Nalog igrača je zatvoren bez objašnjenja.
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4.500 €
Spinanga Casino
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 20/11/2024
Slučaj je zatvoren
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Neopravdana žalba
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pre 2 meseci
The player from Spain's account was closed after she requested a withdrawal of 4500 euro. After she submitted verification documents, the casino returned only her initial deposit of 25 euros, and she received no meaningful explanation, just automated responses. The Complaints Team informed her that the casino's decision was based on anti-money laundering regulations prohibiting payments for third-party deposits. As a result, the complaint was closed, and the player was advised to use payment methods solely in her name for future online casino-related deposits.
Račun igračice sa Španije je zatvoren nakon što je zatražila povlačenje 4500 evra. Nakon što je predala dokumente za verifikaciju, kazino je vratio samo njen početni depozit od 25 evra, a ona nije dobila nikakvo smisleno objašnjenje, samo automatizovane odgovore. Tim za žalbe ju je obavestio da je odluka kazina zasnovana na propisima protiv pranja novca koji zabranjuju isplate za depozite trećih lica. Kao rezultat toga, žalba je zatvorena, a igraču je savetovano da koristi metode plaćanja isključivo u svoje ime za buduće depozite vezane za onlajn kazino.
Nakon što sam dostigao 4500 evra i zatražio povlačenje, kazino me je zamolio da verifikujem svoj račun. Nakon postavljanja dokumenata, rekli su mi da mi zatvaraju račun bez mogućnosti ponovnog otvaranja i vratili su mi 25 evra koje sam položio. Tvrde da su odredbe i uslovi prekršeni, iako sam ih pregledao i nisam prekršio nijedan.
Kada pokušam da dobijem objašnjenje, šalju samo automatske poruke. Ne mogu da razgovaram sa njima i čini mi se da je nemoguće da tražim svoj dobitak — ovo je prevara.
After I reached 4500 euros and requested a withdrawal, the casino asked me to verify my account. After uploading the documents, they told me they were closing my account without the possibility of reopening it, and they returned the 25 euros I deposited. They claim that terms and conditions were broken, even though I reviewed them and didn't violate any.
When I try to get an explanation, they only send automated messages. I can't talk to them, and it seems impossible for me to claim my winnings—this is a scam.
Una vez conseguidos los 4500 euros, y solicitar un retiro, el casino me solicita verificar la cuenta. Después de cargar los documentos, me dicen que cierran la cuenta sin posibilidad de reabrirla, y me devuelven los 25 euros ingresados. Dicen que se han quebrantado los términos y condiciones, cuando yo no he violado ninguno después de revisarlos.
Cuando intento que me den una explicación, solo me mandan mensajes automáticos, no puedo hablar con ellos, veo imposible que pueda cobrar, esto es una estafa.
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaše negativno iskustvo sa Spinanga kazinom.
Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja kako bih bolje razumeo situaciju.
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete koliko dugo ste bili igrač kazina i kada je tačno vaš nalog blokiran?
Možete li da navedete koje ste dokumente predali na verifikaciju?
Koje ste igre igrali da biste akumulirali trenutni balans u kazinu? (slotovi, igre uživo, klađenje na sport)
Da li ste svoj trenutni balans postigli uz pomoć bonusa?
Možete li, molim vas, da podelite sa mnom poruke iz kazina u vezi sa kršenjem odredbi i uslova? Šalji e-poštu ili transkripte ćaskanja na moju e-poštu na , ili postavite snimke ekrana ovde
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Marta11,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your negative experience with Spinanga Casino.
Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can better understand the situation.
Could you please advise how long were you a player of the casino and when exactly was your account blocked?
Could you please list which documents you submitted for verification?
What games did you play to accumulate your current balance in the casino? (slots, live games, betting on sports)
Did you achieve your current balance with the help of a bonus?
Could you please share with me the messages from the casino regarding the breach of the terms and conditions? Send emails or chat transcripts to my email at, or post screenshots here
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Hvala puno, bar mogu da pričam sa nekim o problemu, pošto ne preuzimaju odgovornost ni za šta.
Mislim da je to prevara. Ako izgubite, oni zadržavaju vaš novac, ali ako pobedite, vraćaju vam samo novac koji ste uložili, tako da je nemoguće zaraditi novac.
Kao što sam rekao, smatram da je skoro nemoguće da naplatite, ali molim vašu pomoć, jer nijedan uslov ili rok nije prekršen, a ovo je greška ili prevara.
Bio sam igrač igre oko mesec dana i račun je zatvoren 2. novembra 2024.
Dokumenti koje sam poslao su bili: selfi, moja lična karta, moja kreditna kartica i kreditna kartica mog partnera.
Da bih akumulirao balans igrao sam samo utakmice uživo.
Nisam koristio nikakav bonus da dobijem taj balans.
Unapred vam hvala na pažnji i neka bude jasno da ne želim ništa loše da uradim, samo pokušavam da povratim ono što je moje, da vidim da je pravda ispunjena i da to rade isti ljudi koji uvek pobeđuju ne pobediti.
sve najbolje.
Thank you very much, at least I can talk to someone about the problem, since they don't take responsibility for anything.
I think it's a scam. If you lose, they keep your money, but if you win, they only give you back the money you invested, so it's impossible to make money.
As I was saying, I find it almost impossible for you to collect, but I ask for your help, since no condition or term has been broken, and this is a mistake or scam.
I was a player of the game for about a month and the account was closed on November 2, 2024.
The documents I sent were the following: a selfie, my ID, my credit card, and my partner's credit card.
To accumulate the balance I only played live games.
I did not use any bonus to get that balance.
Thank you very much in advance for your attention, and let it be clear that I do not want to do anything bad, I am only trying to recover what is mine, to see that justice is done and that the same people who always win do not win.
All the best.
Muchas gracias a usted, al menos puedo hablar con alguien sobre el problema, ya que ellos no se hacen cargo de nada.
Me parece una estafa, si pierdes, se quedan el dinero, pero si ganas, únicamente te devuelven el dinero invertido, así es imposible ganar dinero.
Como le comentaba, veo casi imposible que pueda cobrar, pero solicito su ayuda, ya que no se ha quebrantado ninguna condición ni termino, y esto se trata de un error o estafa.
Fui jugadora del juego sobre un mes mas o menos y la cuenta se cerro el día 2 de noviembre de 2024.
Los documentos que envié fueron los siguientes; un selfie, mi documento de identidad, mi tarjeta de crédito, y la tarjeta de crédito de mi pareja.
Para acumular el saldo únicamente jugué a juegos en vivo.
No utilicé ningún bono para obtener dicho saldo.
Muchas gracias de antemano por su atención, y que quede claro que no quiero hacer nada malo, solo intento recuperar lo que es mío, que se haga justicia y que no salgan ganado los de siempre.
Korišćenje sredstava koja potiču od tuđeg načina plaćanja zabranjeno je u svim onlajn kazinima.
4.1. Otvaranjem naloga na veb lokaciji i njegovim korišćenjem garantujete da:
Kreditna/debitna kartica ili bilo koji drugi način plaćanja koji koristite za finansiranje vašeg naloga pripada vama, nije ukradena i nije izgubljena stavka. Kompanija zadržava pravo da zatvori bilo koji račun i poništi dobitke u slučaju sumnje na neusaglašenost.
Za depozite i isplate treba da koristite samo bankovne račune i kreditne kartice koje se drže na vaše ime. Ako to ne uradite, možete upasti u nevolje kada pokušavate da izvršite povlačenje. Ovo pravilo je uglavnom na snazi kako bi se sprečila zloupotreba kreditnih kartica, a takođe i zbog međunarodnih propisa protiv pranja novca."
Imajte na umu da ako je ovo pravilo prekršeno, možda nećemo moći da vam pomognemo. Kazina mogu dozvoliti neke izuzetke kada deponuju ili povlače sredstva koristeći zajedničku karticu ili se ova mogućnost unapred saopšti. Tehnički je veoma teško proveriti ko je vlasnik načina plaćanja u fazi deponovanja. Ovo se može proveriti samo tokom verifikacije naloga, što se obično radi kada se traži povlačenje. Stoga je odgovornost igrača da koristi samo dozvoljene načine plaćanja.
Čekaću vaš odgovor.
Dear Marta11,
Using funds that came from someone else's payment method is prohibited in all online casinos.
4.1. By opening an account on the Website and using it, you guarantee that:
The credit/debit card or any other payment method you use to fund your account belongs to you, is not stolen and is not a lost item. The Company reserves the right to close any account and void winnings in case of suspected non-compliance.
For deposits and withdrawals, you should only use bank accounts and credit cards held in your own name. If you don't do this, you might get into trouble when trying to make a withdrawal. This rule is mostly in place to prevent credit card misuse and also because of international anti-money-laundering regulations."
Please understand that if this rule has been breached, we might not be able to help. Some exceptions might be allowed by casinos when depositing or withdrawing funds using a joint card or this possibility is communicated beforehand. Technically it is very difficult to check who's the owner of the payment method at the depositing stage. This can be checked only during the account verification, which is usually done when a withdrawal is requested. Therefore, it is a player's responsibility to use allowed payment methods only.
I'll wait for your reply.
Dear Marta11,
Using funds that came from someone else's payment method is prohibited in all online casinos.
4.1. Al abrir una cuenta en la Web y hacer uso de la misma, usted garantiza que:
la tarjeta de crédito/débito o cualquier otro método de pago que usted use para recargar con fondos su cuenta le pertenece a usted, no es robado y no es un objeto perdido. La compañía se reserva el derecho de cerrar cualquier cuenta y anular las ganancias en caso de sospecha de incumplimiento.
For deposits and withdrawals, you should only use bank accounts and credit cards held in your own name. If you don't do this, you might get into trouble when trying to make a withdrawal. This rule is mostly in place to prevent credit card misuse and also because of international anti-money-laundering regulations."
Please understand that if this rule has been breached, we might not be able to help. Some exceptions might be allowed by casinos when depositing or withdrawing funds using a joint card or this possibility is communicated beforehand. Technically it is very difficult to check who’s the owner of the payment method at the depositing stage. This can be checked only during the account verification, which is usually done when a withdrawal is requested. Therefore, it is a player’s responsibility to use allowed payment methods only.
Valjda se to dešava zato što sam pobedio i ne žele da mi plate, pa šta je rešenje?
Kao što sam se i bojao, ostao sam bez svog novca, zar ne?
Uslovi kažu da se ne sme koristiti kartica koja je ukradena ili izgubljena, što se u mom slučaju ne dešava, pošto je depozit sa punim prihvatanjem.
I guess it happens because I have won and they don't want to pay me, so what is the solution?
As I feared, I was left without my money, right?
The terms state that no card should be used that is stolen or lost, which does not happen in my case, since the deposit is with full acceptance.
Supongo que sucede ya que he ganado y no me quieren pagar, entonces cual es la solución.
¿Como me temía, me quede sin mi dinero verdad?
Los términos dicen que no se utilice ninguna tarjeta que sea robada o extraviada, cosa que no sucede en mi caso, ya que el ingreso es con total aceptación.
Bojim se da je svejedno da li ste dobili saglasnost ili ne.
Kazina su obavezna da poštuju propise protiv pranja novca koji im zabranjuju isplatu bilo kakvih dobitaka u slučaju depozita treće strane. Nismo u mogućnosti da ih ubedimo da postupe drugačije, što znači da, nažalost, nećemo moći da pomognemo, a žalba će biti zatvorena.
Toplo preporučujem da uplatite sredstva u bilo kom onlajn kazinu koristeći metod plaćanja isključivo na vaše ime, u suprotnom biste se mogli suočiti sa sličnim problemima.
Iz gore navedenih razloga, ova žalba će biti zatvorena. Hvala vam na razumevanju, žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli više pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa bilo kojim onlajn kazinom.
I am afraid it doesn't matter whether you were given consent or not.
Casinos are obligated to follow anti-money laundering regulation which prohibits them from paying out any winnings in case of a third-party deposit. We are unable to persuade them to act any differently, which means that unfortunately, we won't be able to help, and the complaint will be closed.
I strongly recommend you deposit in any online casino using a payment method in your name exclusively, otherwise, you might face similar issues.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be closed. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into issues with any online casino in the future.
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