Pre svega, hvala na brzom odgovoru!
1) Kada sam pokušao da se registrujem koristeći svoju ličnu e-poštu (cru*************, dobio sam obaveštenje da nalog sa ovom e-poštom već postoji, pa sam povratio lozinku i prijavljen. Kada sam se prijavio na nalog, mogao sam da ga verifikujem, što sam i učinio. Što znači da čak i ako je neko drugi napravio moj nalog, ne bi mogao da ga verifikuje, jer nije imao pristup mojoj ličnoj e-pošti. Nije bilo depozita i ličnih podataka, pa sam to uneo. Račun je bio čist kao nov.
2) Upravo su zabranili ceo nalog bez ikakvog povraćaja novca, ne mogu da vidim koji saldo imam. Ali imam snimak ekrana gde imam poslednji saldo.
3) Kada pokušam da pomognem u rešavanju problema i ponudim svoju pomoć, oni jednostavno napišu: „Opet je slučaj zatvoren i nemamo šta da razgovaramo.". Pre toga su mi odgovorili da od mene žele da se informišu o „ostalim" računima, smatraju me 100% krivim, uprkos tome što sam spreman da dam bilo kakvu informaciju da potvrdim da nisam kriv.
First of all, thank you for fast answer!
1) When I tried to register using my personal email (cru************, I received a notification that an account with this email already exists, so I recovered the password and logged in. When I logged into the account, I could verify it, which I did. Which means that even if someone else created my account, they could not verify it, because they did not have access to my personal email. There was no deposits and no personal data, so I entered it. Account was clear as new.
2) They just banned entire account without any refund, I cant see which balance I have. But I have a screenshot where I have my last balance.
3) When I try to help solve a problem and offer my help, they simply write: "Once again, the case is closed and we have nothing to discuss.". Before that, they answered that they wanted to get information from me about the "other" accounts, they consider me 100% guilty, despite the fact that I am ready to provide any information to confirm that I am not guilty.
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