Pišem da bih podneo žalbu u vezi sa nepoštenom praksom kazina u obradi mog zahteva za povlačenje.
7. januara sam dostigao stanje od 985,80 USDT, zatražio povlačenje i samoisključio se na godinu dana istog dana. Ubrzo nakon toga, primio sam e-poštu od podrške sa zahtevom za dokumentaciju za KIC svrhe. U roku od nekoliko minuta sam dostavio traženu dokumentaciju.
Korisnička podrška me je obavestila da bi povlačenje moglo biti poništeno u roku od 24 sata ako kic još uvek nije završen. Moja KIC verifikacija je uspešno završena rano sledećeg dana, u tom periodu. Međutim, kasnije sam primetio da je moj zahtev za povlačenje otkazan.
Na moju frustraciju, obavešten sam da više ne mogu da zahtevam povlačenje zbog svog statusa samoisključenja, a sada mi je rečeno da moram da čekam godinu dana da povučem svoja sredstva. Ova odluka je nerazumna i nelogična.
Jasno je da menadžment može ručno da obradi plaćanje bez nepotrebnog odlaganja, izbegavajući nepotrebne komplikacije.
I za vašu informaciju, prethodno sam izvršio povlačenje 13. decembra, a da nisam ni verifikovan.
Ljubazno molim vašu intervenciju kako biste osigurali da upravljački tim ručno obrađuje moje povlačenje. Ovo bi odražavalo poštenu praksu i izbeglo produženo, neopravdano kašnjenje u primanju mojih sredstava.
Cenim vašu pažnju na ovo pitanje i radujem se vašem brzom rešenju.
I am writing to raise a complaint regarding unfair practices by the casino in handling my withdrawal request.
On January 7th, I reached a balance of 985.80 USDT, requested a withdrawal, and self-excluded myself for one year on the same day. Shortly after, I received an email from support requesting documentation for KYC purposes. I promptly submitted the required documents within minutes.
I was informed by customer support that the withdrawal could be canceled within a 24-hour timeframe if the kyc is still not completed. My KYC verification was successfully completed early the following day, well within this period. However, I noticed later that my withdrawal request had been canceled.
To my frustration, I was informed that I can no longer request a withdrawal due to my self-exclusion status, and I am now being told I must wait a full year to withdraw my funds. This decision is unreasonable and illogical.
It is clear that management can manually process the payment without undue delay, avoiding unnecessary complications.
And for your information i previously made a withdrawal on the 13th of december without even getting my account verified.
I kindly request your intervention to ensure the management team processes my withdrawal manually. This would reflect fair practice and avoid an extended, unjustified delay in receiving my funds.
I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to your prompt resolution.
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