Dragi khodadadiamir30 ,
Na osnovu informacija koje ste dali, postoji nekoliko naloga za igre povezanih sa vašim podacima:
- 476***029
- 476***237
- 476***427
Nijedan od ovih naloga nema verifikovanu e-poštu ili broj telefona. Pored toga, nijedan od ovih naloga nije blokiran, niti postoje ograničenja. Čini se da ste, koristeći podešavanja naloga, izabrali e-poštu kao metod prijave. Međutim, pošto ste odlučili da ne verifikujete e-poštu, nećete moći da primite vezu za oporavak lozinke.
Trenutno, jedini način da pristupite svom nalogu je unos ispravne e-pošte i lozinke.
Jedan od ovih naloga zaista ima kripto depozite, koji su uspešno kreditirani i naknadno odigrani. Nema zahteva za povlačenje povezanih sa ovim nalozima, jer nijedan od njih nema potpuno popunjene profile, što znači da ne biste mogli da podnesete zahtev za povlačenje.
Takođe nismo pronašli nikakve upite za podršku u vezi sa ovim nalozima. Nažalost, nismo u mogućnosti da povratimo pristup ovim nalozima jer su profili nekompletni, a informacije ostaju neproverene. Međutim, i dalje se možete prijaviti na ove naloge koristeći svoju adresu e-pošte i lozinku.
Srdačan pozdrav,
SpinBetter tim za podršku
Dear khodadadiamir30,
Based on the information you provided, there are several gaming accounts associated with your details:
- 476***029
- 476***237
- 476***427
None of these accounts have a verified email or phone number. Additionally, none of these accounts are blocked, nor do they have any restrictions in place. It appears that, using the account settings, you selected email as your login method. However, since you opted not to verify the email, you won’t be able to receive a password recovery link.
Currently, the only way to access your account is by entering the correct email and password.
One of these accounts indeed has crypto deposits, which were successfully credited and subsequently played. There are no withdrawal requests associated with these accounts, as none of them have fully completed profiles, meaning you would not have been able to make a withdrawal request.
We also did not find any support inquiries regarding these accounts. Unfortunately, we are unable to recover access for these accounts because the profiles are incomplete, and the information remains unverified. However, you can still log in to these accounts using your email and password.
Best regards,
SpinBetter Support Team
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