Zdravo, dragi svi
hvala na učešću. Nismo primili vaš zahtjev za povlačenje.
Igrali ste i u nekom trenutku se samoisključili bez prethodnih prijava. Nakon toga, vidjeli smo poruku o povratu novca.
Niste poslali tražena dokumenta.
Budući da niste odgovorili na naše poruke, vratili smo vam sredstva za metodu koju smo ranije provjerili.
Dragi Michael, potvrdite prijem sredstava
Srdačan pozdrav,
SpinBounty Casino
Hello dear All
thanks for your participation. We haven't received a withdrawal request from you.
You played and at some point self-excluded without prior applications. After that, we saw a message about a refund.
You didn't send the requested documents.
Since you didn't respond to our messages, we returned the funds to you for the method that we verified earlier.
Dear Michael, please confirm the receipt of funds
Best regards,
SpinBounty Casino
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