Zdravo, da, sredstva su izgubljena, jer nije bilo načina da ih povučem, još do danas nisam dobio nikakvu informaciju o verifikaciji i svi moji mejlovi su potpuno ignorisani.
Tražio sam nadoknadu u live chat-u, agent mi je rekao da su kontaktirali potrebno odeljenje u vezi sa ovim. Sledećeg dana sam ponovo kontaktirao live chat, a onda su promenili odgovor i jednostavno rekli da sam već previše nadoknađen (jedina kompenzacija koju sam dobio je kada sam dostigao novi VIP nivo i nikada nisam dobio novčanu nagradu za to). Sada tražim punu refundaciju depozita, jer vidim da je pošteno što uopšte ne mogu da podignem svoja sredstva i zbog stalnih laži iz kazina.
Prošle godine? Bilo je to ovog meseca (poruke poslate od 1. jula 2023). To je potpuno netačno, molim vas pogledajte prepisku koju sam vam poslao, možete jasno videti datume.
Kao što sam već pomenuo, laži na vrhu laži iz ovog kazina.
Hello, yes, funds were lost, because there was no way to withdraw them, I still to this day have not received any information about verification and all of my emails were completely ignored.
I asked for compensation in live chat, agent told me that they have contacted the needed department regarding this. I contacted the live chat again next day and then they changed the answer and simply said that I was compensated too much already (the only compensation I got was when I reached new VIP level and never received cash prize for it). Now I'm asking for a full refund of deposits, as I see it fair for not being able to withdraw my funds at all and for constant lies from the casino.
Last year? It was this month (messages sent starting from the 1st of July 2023). That is totally false, please see the corespondence that I sent to you, you can clearly see the dates.
As I already mentioned, lies on top of lies from this casino.
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