Ako je moj nalog već verifikovan, po njima kažu da sam igrao u kazinu, ali kada je preokret bonusa završio, pripisali su mi hiljadu pezosa profita i ništa mi nisu rekli, napravio sam još jedan depozit i Dobio sam i kažu da sam izgubio novac jer se nisam pridržavao pravila, kada bonus više nije bio aktivan i igrao sam samo sa svojim normalnim novcem, konfiskovali su mi povlačenje, što je sav moj bilans, razgovarao sam sa njih 3 dana nakon što su mi uzeli povlačenje ali su mi rekli da sam se već prilagodio zbog kršenja uslova, insistiram pošto je bonus oslobođen i već sam napravio depozit od kojeg nisam prihvatio bonus, već sam razgovarao sa mnogim ljudima i rekli su mi da je ovde u Meksiku svima ukraden bilans sa bilo kojim izgovorom
If my account is already verified, according to them they say that I played in the casino but when the rollover of the bonus ended, they credited me with a thousand pesos of profit and they didn't tell me anything, I made another deposit and I won and they say that I lost my money because I did not comply with the rules, when the bonus was no longer active and I was only playing with my normal money, they confiscated my withdrawal, which is all my balance, I spoke to them 3 days after they took my withdrawal but they told me that I had already adjusted due to breaches of the terms, I insist since the bonus was released and I had already made a deposit from which I did not accept a bonus, I have already spoken with many people and they have told me that here in Mexico everyone has been robbed of their balances with any pretext
Si mi cuenta ya está verificada , según ellos dicen que jugué en el casino pero cuando terminó el rollover del bono se me acreditó los mil pesos de ganancia y no me dijeron nada , hice otro depósito y gane y ellos dicen que mi dinero lo perdí porque no cumplí las reglas , cuando el bono ya no estaba activo y solo estaba jugando con mi dinero normal, confiscaron mi retiro que es todo mi saldo, hablé con ellos 3 días después de que me quitaron mi retiro pero me dijeron eso que ya había ajustado por faltas a los términos, insisto ya que el bono estaba liberado y yo ya había realizado un depósito del cual no acepte bono, ya he hablado con mucha gente y me han dicho que aquí en México a todos les han estado robando su saldos con cualquier pretexto
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