Za sve koji prate:
Dragi Košer, kazina imaju pravo da traže od igrača još dokumenata za verifikaciju ako prethodno dostavljeni dokumenti ne ispunjavaju u potpunosti uslove . Već sam pomenuo u čemu je problem sa računima za komunalije koje ste dali u ličnom mejlu, zato je kazino tražio alternative. Pošto iznajmljujete stan/kuću, možete priložiti ugovor o zakupu koji je potpisao vlasnik nekretnine u kojoj živite. Dokument o vlasništvu nad imovinom bi bio potreban da se potvrdi da je osoba od koje iznajmljujete zaista vlasnik. Mislite li da takve papire možete dobiti od vlasnika vašeg stana?
Što se tiče referentnog pisma banke, verujem da ne morate da idete tamo kod notara, trebalo bi da bude standardna procedura za vašu banku da napiše pismo kojim potvrđuje da ste njihov klijent i navodeći svoje podatke.
*Kako drugi dokumenti kao što je izvod moje kreditne kartice ne ispunjavaju u potpunosti uslove? Zašto se fokusiramo na jedan dokument za koji sam naveo da nemam mnogo puta za ulaganje?*
Zdravo Košer,
Upravo sam pregledao vaš slučaj i žao mi je što čujem za vaše probleme sa verifikacijom. Pokušaću da vam pomognem tako što ću kontaktirati kazino. Videćemo šta može da se uradi kada nam odgovore.
Dragi Stake Casino, želeo bih da vas pozovem da se pridružite ovom razgovoru i učestvujete u rešavanju žalbe igrača. Da li biste mogli da podelite više informacija u vezi sa slučajem? Da li biste mogli da navedete zašto su tačno dokumenti koji su obezbeđeni za nivo 3 i 4 verifikacije odbijen? Da li ste primili pogrešne vrste dokumenata, ili su otpremljeni u pogrešnom formatu, ili kvalitet nije bio dovoljan?
Radujem se unapred tvom javljanju. U slučaju bilo kakvog potkrepljujućeg dokaza, slobodno ga pošaljite na moju e-poštu .
Srdačan pozdrav,
*Podebljano, JOŠ NIJE ADRESirano*
Poštovani Stake Casino, prema igraču, on trenutno iznajmljuje stan tako da račun za komunalije dolazi na ime vlasnika - igrač nema račune za komunalne usluge izdate na njegovo ime, pa bismo vas zamolili da razmotrite alternativne dokumente za dokaz adrese, kao što je izvod iz banke ili kreditne kartice . Verovatno bi igrač mogao da pruži bilo koju drugu alternativu od onih navedenih na našoj veb stranici za verifikaciju nivoa 3.
Što se tiče nivoa 4, smatram da igrač ne prima platu i nema platne liste tako da mu je takve dokumente nemoguće dostaviti, zato vam je igrač dao izvode o pozajmici/kreditu. Da li biste mogli da navedete, da li igrač treba da učita svoj ugovor o pozajmici u nekom drugom formatu tako da ispunjava vaše zahteve?
*podebljano NIJE ADRESirano*
Takođe je prošlo mesec dana i još uvek nema odgovora od mejla Stake o tome kome moj advokat može da kontaktira i koji dokument mu je potreban od mog advokata.
For anyone following along:
Dear Kosher, casinos are within their rights to ask players for more documents for verification if previously provided documents don't fully meet the requirements. I already mentioned what was the issue with the utility bills you provided in the personal email to you, that's why the casino asked for alternatives. Since you've been renting a flat/house, you can present a lease agreement signed by the owner of the property where you live. The property ownership document would be needed to confirm that the person you're renting from is indeed the owner. Do you think you can get such papers from the owner of your apartment?
As for the bank reference letter, I believe you don't need to go there with the notary, it should be a standard procedure for your bank to write a letter confirming you're their customer and stating your details there.
*How do other documents such as my credit card statement not fully meet requirements? Why are we focusing on the one document i have stated i do not have many times to stake?*
Hi Kosher,
I've just reviewed your case and am sorry to hear about your struggles with verification. I will try to help you by contacting the casino. We'll see what can be done when they reply.
Dear Stake Casino, I'd like to invite you to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of the player's complaint. Could you please share more information regarding the case? Would you please specify why exactly the documents provided for levels 3 and 4 of the verification were rejected? Have you received the wrong types of documents, or were they uploaded in the wrong format, or the quality was not sufficient enough?
I'm looking forward to hearing from you. In case of any supporting evidence, feel free to send it to my email
Kind regards,
Dear Stake Casino, according to the player, he is currently renting a flat so the utility bill comes to the name of the owner - the player doesn't have any utility bills issued in his name, so we'd like to ask you to consider alternative documents for the proof of address, such as a bank or credit card statement. Probably, the player would be able to provide any other alternatives from those listed on our website for Level 3 verification.
As for Level 4, I believe that the player doesn't receive any salary and doesn't have payslips so such documents are impossible to provide him, that is why the player provided you with the loan/credit statements. Would you please specify, if the player should upload his loan agreement in some other format so it meets your requirements?
Has also been a month and still no reply from Stake email on who my lawyer can contact and what document they need from my lawyer.
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