Igrač iz Njemačke muči se da završi proces verifikacije jer zahtijeva skype poziv na engleskom. Na kraju je igračica uspjela završiti verifikaciju i povući svoj dobitak. Problem je riješen.
The player from Germany struggles to finish the verification process as it requires a skype call in English. Eventually, the player managed to finish the verification and withdraw her winnings. The issue was resolved.
Igrač iz Njemačke muči se da završi proces verifikacije jer zahtijeva skype poziv na engleskom. Na kraju je igračica uspjela završiti verifikaciju i povući svoj dobitak. Problem je riješen.
Moja verifikacija je uspešno završena u stelariju. Sada kada sam zatražio isplate, već su me dva puta kontaktirali putem Skypea. Nikad nisam primio poziv preko ovog pretraživača. Pitam se zašto novac nije isplaćen. Prijavio sam se na Skype, stvarno se osjećam kao da me zezaju. Možete li mi pomoći da dobijem svoj dobitak. Zatražili su 3 isplate od po 400 eura.
My verification was successfully completed at stelario. Now that I've requested withdrawals, I've already been contacted twice via Skype. Never received a call through this browser. I wonder why the money is not paid out. I signed up for Skype, I really feel like I'm being kidded. Can you please help me to get my winnings. Have requested 3 payouts of 400 euros each.
Meine Verifizierung wurde erfolgreich bei stelario abgeschlossen. Jetzt wo ich Auszahlungen beantragt habe , wollte man mich schon zweimal per Skype kontaktieren. Habe nie einen Anruf über diesen Browser erhalten. Frage mich warum das Geld nicht ausgezahlt wird. Habe mich extra bei Skype angemeldet ,fühle mich echt langsam veräppelt. Können sie mir bitte helfen ,mein Gewinn zu bekommen . Habe 3 Auszahlungen von je 400 Euro beantragt.
Zdravo Audiqueen,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Stelario Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego krenemo naprijed.
Da li sam dobro shvatio da je za završetak verifikacije potreban skype poziv? Da li je postojao određeni datum za održavanje poziva? Kada ste zadnji put razgovarali sa kazinom i šta su oni odgovorili?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello Audiqueen,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Stelario Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Do I understand it correctly that the skype call is required to finish the verification? Was there an appointed date for the call to happen? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what did they respond?
Looking forward to your answer.
Poštovani, kontaktirali su me u subotu preko Skype-a, ali je nažalost otkazano jer ne razumijem niti govorim engleski. To mi se nikada ranije nije dogodilo. Morao sam da instaliram dodatni Skype. Čini mi se kao da žele izbjeći plaćanje.
Hello, I was contacted on Saturday via Skype, but unfortunately it was canceled because I don't understand or speak English. That's never happened to me before. I had to install extra Skype. It seems to me as if they want to avoid the payment.
Hallo, man hat mich am Samstag über Skype kontaktiert ,aber leider dann abgebrochen da ich kein englisch verstehe und spreche . Sowas ist mir noch nie passiert. Musste mir extra Skype installieren. Mir kommt es so vor als wenn die so der Auszahlung entgehen wollen .
Ne može biti da je tako komplikovano. Ako sada ne nađem nikoga, moj dobitak će biti obrisan i biće mi zabranjen pristup kazinu. Smatram da je to nemoguće. Imajte sve uslove i odredbe bonusa Ispunjava.
It can't be that it's so complicated. If I don't find anyone now, my winnings will be deleted and I will be banned from the casino. I find that impossible. Have all bonus terms and conditions Fulfills.
Das kann doch nicht sein ,das es so kompliziert ist. Wenn ich jetzt niemanden finde ,wird mein Gewinn gelöscht und ich werde für das Casino gesperrt . Ich finde das unmöglich. Habe alle Bonusbedingungen erfüllt.
Hvala Audiqueen na svim informacijama. Sada ću proslediti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rješavanju.
Thank you Audiqueen for all the information. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dobro jutro
Evo opet slika uspešne verifikacije, pre nego što sam saznao da treba da razgovaram sa nekim preko Skypea. Kako ide sada? Nemam puno vremena. Imam li uopće šanse da dobijem svoj novac?
LG Melanie
Good morning
Here again the picture of the successful verification, before I found out that I should talk to someone via Skype. How is it going now? I don't have much time left. Do I have any chance of getting my money at all?
LG Melanie
Guten Morgen
Hier nochmal das Bild von der erfolgreichen Verifizierung ,bevor ich erfahren habe das ich mit jemanden über Skype reden soll. Wie geht es denn jetzt weiter ? Mir bleibt ja nicht mehr viel Zeit . Habe ich überhaupt Chancen mein Geld zu bekommen ?
LG Melanie
Zdravo Audiqueen,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Dozvolite mi da kontaktiram kazino i dat ću sve od sebe da pomognem. Pozivam Stelario Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Audiqueen,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. Let me contact the casino and I will do my best to help. I would like to invite Stelario Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dragi Peter.
Detaljno smo razmotrili pritužbu igrača.
Igrač još nije završio verifikaciju računa.
Na priloženom screenshotu igrača vidi se uspješna provjera podataka koje je navela u svom profilu i da igrač ima najmanje 18 godina.
U ovom trenutku igrač još nije potvrdio vlasništvo nad načinom plaćanja na koji je upućen zahtjev za povlačenje.
Prema važećim pravilima kazina, stav:
2.5.1. U nekim slučajevima, Risk Stelario Department ima pravo da zatraži video verifikaciju od igrača putem Skypea.
- ako igrač ne prođe proceduru verifikacije pozivom na Skype u dogovoreno vrijeme sa predstavnikom Odjela za rizike, Uprava stranice zadržava pravo da poništi sve dobitke i zatvori račun bez prava na oporavak.
Igrač mora proći verifikaciju računa pozivom na Skype sa našim predstavnikom odjela za rizik kazina i potvrditi vlasništvo nad računom i načinom plaćanja.
Igrač je o tome obaviješten 21.07.2022.
Takođe, igraču je ponuđena pomoć prevodioca sa njene strane, te je produžen rok za verifikaciju putem Skype-a kod našeg predstavnika Odeljenja za rizike kazina do 10. avgusta.
Uvek ćemo davati avanse igračima, au ovom slučaju rok za verifikaciju je produžen i igračica je obaveštena da će joj odmah biti određen termin čim pronađe prevodioca za svoju stranu i obavesti Odeljenje za rizik. i vrijeme verifikacije putem Skypea.
Sve radnje u vezi sa igračem provode se u skladu sa važećim pravilima.
Dear Peter.
We have reviewed the player's complaint in detail.
The player has not yet completed the account verification.
On the provided screenshot of the player shows the successful verification of the data she had specified in her profile and that the player is at least 18 years old.
At the moment, the player has not yet confirmed ownership of the payment method to which the request for withdrawal is made.
According to the current rules of the casino, paragraph:
2.5.1. In some cases, Risk Stelario Department has the right to request video verification from the player via Skype.
- if the player does not pass the verification procedure by calling Skype at an agreed time with the representative of the Risk Department, the Site Administration reserves the right to cancel all winnings and close the account without the right to recovery.
The player must pass the verification of the account by calling on Skype with our representative of the Risk Department of the casino and confirm the ownership of the account and payment method.
The player was notified of this on 2022-07-21.
Also, the player was offered the assistance of an interpreter from her side, and extended the deadline for verification through Skype with our representative of the Risk Department of the casino until 10 August.
We are always going to make advances to players, and in this case, the deadline for verification was extended and the player was informed that as soon as she found an interpreter for her side and informed the Risk Department, she will be immediately assigned a date and time of verification through Skype.
All actions in relation to the player are carried out in accordance with the current rules.
Hvala Stelario Casino timu na odgovoru.
Draga Audiqueen,
Hoćete li moći pronaći nekoga ko bi vam mogao prevesti? U najgorem slučaju, ako ne nađete nikoga, ja bih to mogao učiniti umjesto vas.
Thank you Stelario Casino team for your reply.
Dear Audiqueen,
Will you be able to find someone that would be able to translate for you? In the worst-case scenario, if you don't find anyone, I could do that for you.
zdravo Peter,
Nažalost, nisam uspeo da nađem nikoga do sada. Pitao sam porodicu, prijatelje i poznanike, ni kolege mi ne mogu pomoći.
Hi Peter,
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find anyone so far. I asked my family, friends and acquaintances, my work colleagues can't help me either.
Hallo Peter,
leider habe ich bis jetzt niemanden finden können. Habe in der Familie ,bei Freunden und Bekannten gefragt, auch meine Arbeitskollegen können mir dabei nicht helfen .
Vidim, da vidimo da li će se kazino složiti sa mojim prevođenjem.
Dragi Stelario Casino tim,
Da li bi bilo moguće obaviti verifikacioni poziv gdje bih pomogao oko prijevoda? Može li se ovo dogovoriti za sutra između 7:00-14:00 CEST?
I see, let's see if the casino will agree with me translating.
Dear Stelario Casino team,
Would it be possible to make a verification call where I would help with the translation? Could this be arranged for tomorrow between 7:00-14:00 CEST?
Zdravo Peter
Uvek sam mogao preko nedelje da skype od 13h jer radim do 12h
Nadam se da će se kazino složiti da mi pomogne u prevođenju.
Ali šta ako se ne prijave?
Imam li šanse da dobijem novac?
Hi Peter
I could always skype from 1 p.m. during the week because I work until 12 p.m.
Hope the casino agrees to help me translate.
But what if they don't report?
Do I have any chance of getting the money?
Hallo Peter
Ich könnte in der Woche immer ab 13 Uhr skypen ,da ich bis 12 Uhr arbeite.
Hoffe das Casino stimmt dem zu , das sie mir beim übersetzen helfen.
Aber was ist wenn die sich nicht melden ?
Habe ich überhaupt Chancen das Geld zu bekommen ?
Zdravo Audiqueen,
Bilo bi sjajno kada bi kazino odgovorio ovdje i mogli bismo obaviti verifikacioni poziv ove sedmice jer sljedeće sedmice neću raditi. Ako iz kazina nema odgovora, žalba će ostati neriješena što može uticati na ocjenu kazina.
Hi Audiqueen,
It would be great if the casino replied here and we could do the verification call this week because next week I won't be working. If there's no response from the casino, the complaint will become unresolved which may affect the casino's rating.
Zdravo Peter, ako budem iskren, ne očekujem odgovor. Dali su mi vremena da obavim Skype poziv do sutra. Ako ne, osvojeni novac je nestao. Već razmišljam o tome da ga povučem i pustim. Zaista sam ljut. Moj muž je ranije imao tako nešto u drugom kazinu, ni tamo nismo dobili 1000 eura.
Hello Peter, if I'm honest I don't expect an answer. They gave me time to make the Skype call until tomorrow. If not, the money won is gone. I'm already thinking about pulling it back and playing it. I'm really angry. My husband had something like that at another casino before, we didn't get 1000 euros there either.
Hallo Peter , wenn ich ehrlich bin rechne ich nicht mit einer Antwort. Die habe mir Zeit gegeben bis morgen den Skype Anruf zu tätigen . Wenn nicht ,ist das gewonnene Geld futsch . Bin schon am überlegen es zurück zuziehen und ab zu spielen. Bin echt sauer. Mein Mann hatte sowas schonmal bei einem anderen Casino, da haben wir 1000 Euro auch nicht bekommen .
Dragi Peter.
Vaša ponuda je razmotrena.
Odjel za rizik kazina ni na koji način ne želi spriječiti verifikaciju igrača putem Skypea. Igraču je omogućen način da prođe verifikaciju putem Skypea u skladu sa pravilima projekta.
Igrač može koristiti samo pomoć prevodioca sa svoje strane (pomoć rođaka/poznanika).
Odjel za rizik neće razmatrati prolazak verifikacije putem Skypea sa predstavnikom Casino Gurua.
U tom slučaju, zahtjev za povlačenje klijenta će ga čekati na saldu igre, sve dok klijent ne može proći Skype verifikaciju.
Imamo sve sumnje da klijent koji se provjerava nije klijent. A dokumente je dostavila treća strana.
U roku od 90 dana, ukoliko klijent ne prođe verifikaciju prema pravilima, njegovo stanje će biti poništeno i račun će biti zatvoren bez prava otvaranja.
Dear Peter.
Your offer has been considered.
Risk Department of the casino does not in any way want to prevent the verification of the player via Skype. The player has been provided with a way to pass the verification via Skype in accordance with the rules of the project.
The player can only use the help of an interpreter from his side (the help of relatives / acquaintances).
Risk Department will not consider passing verification via Skype with a representative from Casino Guru.
In this case, the request for withdrawal of the client will be waiting for him on the balance of the game, until the client can not pass Skype verification.
We have every suspicion that the client being verified is not a client. And the documents were provided by a 3rd party.
Within 90 days, if the client does not pass the verification according to the rules, his balance will be canceled and the account will be closed without the right to open.
To je glupo šta pišu, dokumenti su od mene i mog sina, jer ja nemam račun. Dokumenti su prihvaćeni i nekoliko dana kasnije sam preuzeo poziv preko skajpa. Otkazano je jer ne govorim engleski.
That's stupid what they write there, the documents were from me and my son, because I don't have an account. The documents were accepted and a few days later I took a call on Skype. It was canceled because I don't speak English.
Das ist doch schwachsinnig was die da schreiben, die Unterlagen waren von mir und meinem Sohn,da ich kein Konto habe . Die Unterlagen wurden akzeptiert und ein paar Tahe später habe ich einen Anruf über Skype angenommen. Der wurde abgebrochen weil ich kein englisch spreche .
Zdravo Peter
Ima dobrih vijesti. Prijatelj mi pomaže da prevodim. Zanima me hoće li to funkcionirati s plaćanjem.
LG Melanie
Hi Peter
There is good news. A friend of mine helps me translate. I'm curious if it will work with the payment.
LG Melanie
Hallo Peter
Es gibt gute Nachrichten. Eine Bekannte von mir ,hilft mir beim Übersetzen . Bin gespannt ob es dann klappt mit der Auszahlung .
LG Melanie
Zdravo Audiqueen,
Nisam siguran zašto je kazino odbio moju pomoć, ali ako imate prijatelja koji vam može prevesti, da vidimo da li će uspjeti. Molimo vas da me ažurirate.
Hi Audiqueen,
I'm not sure why the casino refused my help but if you have a friend that can translate for you, let's see if it works out. Please keep me updated.
Zdravo Peter
Skype poziv je do sada prošao dobro. Primit ću e-poštu u naredna 24 sata. Samo se nadam da ću sada dobiti novac.
LG Melanie
Hi Peter
The skype call went well so far. I will receive an email within the next 24 hours. I just hope I get the money now.
LG Melanie
Hallo Peter
Der skypeanruf ist soweit gut gelaufen. In den nächsten 24 Stunden bekomme ich eine Email. Hoffe nur das ich jetzt das Geld bekomme.
LG Melanie
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Zdravo Peter
Poslao sam e-mail stelariju da pitam kada će moje isplate biti obrađene, nažalost nije bilo odgovora. Kada pitam za podršku, uvijek dobijem isti odgovor: prvi dođe, prvi uslužen. Ne želim da čekam nedeljama na svoj novac. Uradili sve što su hteli. Zaista sam razočaran.
Hi Peter
I emailed stelario to ask when my payouts would be processed, unfortunately there was no answer. When I ask support, I always get the same answer: First come, first served. I don't really want to wait weeks for my money. Did everything they wanted. I'm really disappointed.
Hallo Peter
Habe mal per Email bei stelario nachgefragt wann meine Auszahlungen bearbeitet werden ,kam leider keine Antwort. Wenn ich im Support Nachfrage, kommt immer die gleiche Antwort: Wer zuerst kommt ,malt zu erst. Ich möchte jetzt nicht unbedingt Wochen lang warten auf mein Geld. Habe alles gemacht was die wollten. Bin echt enttäuscht.
zdravo Peter,
Slučaj se može zatvoriti. Dobio sam svojih 1200 eura. Hvala na pomoći .
LG Melanie
Hi Peter ,
The case can be closed. Got my 1200 euros. Thanks for your help .
LG Melanie
Hallo Peter ,
Der Fall kann geschlossen werden. Habe meine 1200 Euro bekommen. Danke für Ihre Hilfe .
LG Melanie
Hvala Melanie na ažuriranju. Drago mi je čuti da ste primili svoje dobitke. Sada ću žalbu označiti kao 'riješenu' u našem sistemu. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na bilo kakve probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thank you Melanie for the update. I'm glad to hear that you received your winnings. I will now mark the complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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