Igrač iz Njemačke je prije dvije sedmice zatražio povlačenje. Nažalost, isplata izgleda kasni. Iako je račun igrača na kraju blokiran, problem je uspješno riješen i on je u potpunosti isplaćen.
The player from Germany has requested a withdrawal two weeks ago. Unfortunately, the payment seems to be delayed. Even though the player's account was eventually blocked, the issue was successfully resolved and he got paid in full.
Igrač iz Njemačke je prije dvije sedmice zatražio povlačenje. Nažalost, isplata izgleda kasni. Iako je račun igrača na kraju blokiran, problem je uspješno riješen i on je u potpunosti isplaćen.
Stelario Casino ne isplaćuje moj saldo od 1000 eura. Čekam 14 dana na sve dokumente predate na verifikaciju do skype poziva (koji navodno radi samo na engleskom, ali ne znam engleski) Osećam se zaista prevarenim od strane ovog kazina. Moji depoziti nisu bili opkladeni 30 puta bez bonus
Stelario Casino does not pay out my balance of 1000 euros. I've been waiting 14 days for all documents submitted for verification up to the skype call (which supposedly only works in English, but I can't speak English) I feel really fooled by this casino .My deposits were not wagered 30 times without a bonus
Stelario Casino zahlt mein Guthaben von 1000 Euro nicht aus .Warte jetzt schon 14 Tage nach allen eingereichten Dokumenten zur Verifizierung bis hin zum skype anruf (der angeblich nur auf Englisch funktioniert, ich aber kein Englisch kann)ich komme mir echt verarschaukelt von diesem Casino vor.Meine Einzahlungen waren ohne Bonus also nicht erst 30 mal umsetzen
Dragi Mario,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Možete li pojasniti da li je vaš račun već uspješno verifikovan ili Skype poziv ostaje?
Sasvim je uobičajeno da isplatama treba nekoliko dana ili čak sedmica da se u potpunosti obrađuju. To znači da može proći neko vrijeme prije nego što se vaš novac pojavi na vašem računu, posebno ako je to vaše prvo povlačenje. Zato savjetujemo igračima da budu strpljivi i sačekaju najmanje 14 dana nakon zahtjeva za povlačenje prije nego što podnesu žalbu. Pod pretpostavkom da ste uspješno završili KYC verifikaciju i da je vaše povlačenje odobreno, zaista vjerujem da je samo pitanje vremena kada ćete ga primiti.
Jedva čekamo čuti od vas. Hvala unapred.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Mario,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Could you please clarify if your account has been successfully verified already or the Skype call remains?
It’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account, especially if it’s your first withdrawal. That’s why we advise players to be patient and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before they submit a complaint. Assuming that you have completed KYC verification successfully and had your withdrawal approved, I truly believe it’s only a matter of time before you’ll receive it.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
poslao sva potrebna dokumenta sa selfijem, ličnom kartom u ruci
i njihova stranica stelario.com u pozadini.
Jučer me je dobio prevodilac, ali podrška stelario uopće nije odgovorila. Napišite danas da postoji skype poziv na engleskom. Čini mi se da su stvarno sjebani
Hi there,
sent all required documents with selfie, ID in hand
and their stelario.com site in the background.
A translator got me yesterday but support stelario didn't answer at all. Write today that there is a skype call in English. They seem to me to be really screwed up
habe alle erforderlichen Dokumente hingeschickt mit Selfie, Ausweis in der Hand
und ihre stelario.com Seite im Hintergrund.
Hatte mir gestern auch ein Übersetzer besorgt aber support stelario hat gar nicht geantwortet. Heut schreiben das weiter skype anruf auf englisch besteht .Komme mir von den schon so richtig verschaukelt vor
Dragi Mario B**********,
Vaš zahtev za povlačenje biće razmatran tek nakon što prođete video verifikaciju putem Skype-a u skladu sa stavom pravila 2.5.1.
Čim budete spremni proći video verifikaciju na engleskom jeziku, obavijestite nas o tome.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, rado ćemo vam pomoći putem live chata ili e-pošte. support@stelario.com
Das haben sie mir heute geschickt
Dear Mario B*******,
Your request for withdrawal will be considered only after passing the video verification via Skype according to the paragraph of the rules 2.5.1 .
As soon as you are ready to pass the video verification in English, please let us know about it.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you by Live Chat or Email. support@stelario.com
Das haben sie mir heute geschickt
Hvala puno, Mario, na svim potrebnim informacijama. Sada ću prenijeti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( peter.m@casino.guru ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti riješen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Mario, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
zdravo Mario,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam Stelario Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Mario,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Stelario Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Pozdrav, čak sam nekoliko puta poslao sve dokumente na provjeru.
Trenutna adresa sa bankovnim dokazom, moj selfi sa ličnom kartom i stelario
com Stranica u pozadini, bankovna kartica IBAN broj sve bezbroj puta. Osjećam se stvarno zbunjeno i sada želim Skype video na engleskom. Prvi put su stali jer ne znam engleski.
Onda sam sebi nabavio prevodioca za subotu i pitao da li mogu da je nazovem preko Skype-a kada je on bio tamo, ali nažalost nije bilo odgovora sve do nedelje kada je prevodilac ponovo bio kod kuće
Hello, I even sent all the documents for verification a few times.
Current address with proof of bank, selfie of me with ID and stelario
com Page in the background, bank card IBAN number everything umpteen times. I feel really confused and now I want the Skype video in English. The first time they stopped because I can't speak English.
Then I got myself a translator for Saturday and asked if I could call her via Skype when he was there, but unfortunately there was no answer until Sunday when the translator was home again
Hallo,ich habe alle Dokumente zur Verifizierung hingeschickt sogar ein paar mal.
Aktuelle Adresse mit Banknachweis ,Selfie von mir mit Ausweis und Stelario
com Seite im Hintergrund, Bankkarte IBAN Nummer alles zig mal .ich komme mir echt verschaukelt vor und jetzt wollen se noch das Skype Video auf Englisch. Erste mal haben se abgebrochen da ich kein Englisch kann.
Dann hatte ich mir für Sonnabend ein Übersetzer besorgt und angefragt ob ich sie per Skype anrufen kann wenn er da ist aber leider keine Antwort erst am Sonntag da war der Übersetzer schon wieder zu Hause
Zdravo, danas ste mi platili 400 eura, ali nadam se da će doći i preostalih 600 eura, vjerujem da su brojke uvijek 400 dnevno.
Prije svega hvala na pomoći
Uz prijateljske pozdrave
Hello, you paid me 400 euros today, but I hope that the remaining 600 euros will also come, believe the numbers are always 400 a day.
First of all thanks for your help
With friendly greetings
Hallo Sie haben mir heute 400 Euro ausgezahlt, hoffe doch das die restlichen 600 Euro auch noch kommen, glaube die Zahlen nur immer 400 am Tag aus.
Erst mal Danke für eure Hilfe
Mit freundlichen Gruß
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Poštovani, za sada nema daljeg plaćanja.
Jučer položio još 300 eura
i osvojio moj balans je sada
preko 4000 eura ali postoje poteškoće sa ponovnom isplatom
Hello, no further payment so far.
Deposited another 300 euros yesterday
and won my balance is now
over 4000 euros but there are difficulties with paying out again
Hallo bis jetzt keine weitere Auszahlung.
Hatte gestern nochmals 300 Euro eingezahlt
und gewonnen mein Guthaben beträgt jetzt
über 4000 Euro aber es gibt schon wieder Schwierigkeiten beim auszahlen
Sada želite da platite još 3 puta
Danas 21.03. i 24.03. jer navodno samo 3 zahtjeva za isplatu mogu biti obrađena u odjelu finansija
You now want to pay out 3 more times
Today on 03/21 and 03/24 because allegedly only 3 payment requests may be processed by the finance department
Sie wollen jetzt noch 3 mal auszahlen
Heute am 21.03 und 24.03 weil angeblich nur 3 Auszahlungsanträge vorliegen dürfen die von der Finanzabteilung bearbeitet werden
Dragi Mario,
Imajte na umu da možete podnijeti samo tri aktivna zahtjeva za povlačenje.
Svi vaši zahtjevi za povlačenje bit će obrađeni u skladu sa pravilom:
9.2 - Odeljenje za finansije ima pravo da odredi sopstvene uslove plaćanja i povlačenja, kao i maksimalni i minimalni iznos povlačenja za svaki postupak, koji može varirati u zavisnosti od načina isplate, statusa računa i drugih mogućih faktora koji utiču na proces povlačenja .
Da biste podigli sredstva, morate podnijeti zahtjev ili zahtjeve za povlačenje i sačekati da se obradi prema individualnom rasporedu koji odredi odjel finansija prema statusu vašeg računa.
To znači da će svaki vaš zahtjev za povlačenje biti obrađen striktno u skladu s našim projektnim pravilima, na koja ste pristali i obavezali se da ćete ih poštovati.
Raspored povlačenja možete zatražiti od odjela za finansije putem e-pošte: kyc@stelario.com
Dear Mario,
Please note that you can only make three active withdrawal requests.
All of your withdrawal requests will be processed in accordance with rule:
9.2 - The Finance Department has the right to determine its own payment and withdrawal conditions, as well as the maximum and minimum withdrawal amount for each procedure, which may vary depending on the withdrawal method, account status, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
In order to withdraw funds, you must make a withdrawal request or requests and wait for it to be processed according to an individual schedule set by the finance department according to the status of your account.
This means that each of your withdrawal requests will be processed strictly in accordance with our project rules, which you have agreed to and committed to comply with.
You can request a withdrawal schedule from the finance department by emailing: kyc@stelario.com
Sada mi ponovo povlače isplatu
Prijavio sam se za isplatu 400 eura 3 puta, jer sam mogao podnijeti samo jednu aplikaciju
ako su plaćanja još na čekanju. Danas su mi poslali mejl da treba da plate 2 puta po 200 evra
aplicirati. Također je opet bilo 400 eura kredita u Stelario kazinu. Odmah sam predao novu prijavu za 400 eura. Stanje na računu je ponovo nula, ali preostalih 800 eura i dalje nedostaje.
Da vidimo kako ide
Uz prijateljske pozdrave
Dragi Mario Bertuzzo,
Obavještavamo vas da je Stelario Financial Department otkazao vašu isplatu za isplatu u iznosu od 400 EUR.
Molimo Vas da podnesete još jedan zahtjev za povlačenje i podijelite ga na više dijelova 200 EUR + 200 EUR.
Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, rado ćemo vam pomoći putem live chata ili e-pošte. kyc@stelario.com
Sa poštovanjem,
Hi there,
Now they're starting to pull my payout again
I have applied for 400 euros to be paid out 3 times, since I could only make one application at a time
if payments are still pending. Today they had emailed me that they should pay out 2 times 200 euros
apply for. Were also again 400 euros credit at Stelario Casino on it. I immediately submitted a new application for 400 euros. Account balance is zero again, but the remaining 800 euros are still missing.
Let's see how it goes
With friendly greetings
Dear Mario Bertuzzo,
We inform you that your withdrawal payment in the amount of 400 EUR has been canceled by Stelario Financial Department.
We ask you to make another withdrawal request and to divide it into several parts 200 EUR + 200 EUR.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you by Live Chat or Email. kyc@stelario.com
With respect,
jetzt fangen sie schon wieder an meine Auszahlung hinzuziehen,
ich habe 3 mal 400 Euro zur Auszahlung beantragt ,da ich ja immer nur ein Antrag stellen konnte
wenn noch Auszahlungen anstanden. Heute hatten sie mir das gemailt soll 2 mal 200 Euro zur Auszahlung
beantragen. Waren auch wieder 400 Euro Guthaben bei Stelario Casino drauf. Habe gleich ein neuen Antrag gestellt von 400 Euro. Kontostandt wieder Null Euro.Fehlen aber noch die restlichen 800 Euro.
Mal seheh wie es weiter geht
Mit freundlichen Gruß
Dear Mario Bertuzzo,
We inform you that your withdrawal payment in the amount of 400 EURhas been canceled by Stelario Financial Department.
We ask you to make another withdrawal request and to divide it into several parts 200 EUR + 200 EUR.
If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you by Live Chat or Email. kyc@stelario.com
With respect,
Dragi Stelario Casino tim,
Ovo su izuzetno niske granice povlačenja. Bojim se da ćemo morati ažurirati ove informacije u vašoj recenziji.
Dragi Mario,
Molimo vas da me ažurirate.
Dear Stelario Casino team,
These are extremely low withdrawal limits. I'm afraid we will have to update this information in your review.
Dear Mario,
Please keep me updated.
Dragi Mario.
Razmotrili smo vašu žalbu.
Iznos vaših zahtjeva za povlačenje novca u iznosu od 800 EUR nije nestao sa vašeg računa za igre. Vaši zahtjevi za povlačenje bit će obrađeni prema vašem individualnom rasporedu. Uvijek možete zatražiti individualni raspored povlačenja slanjem e-pošte na kyc@stelario.com
Danas vas je finansijsko odjeljenje zamolilo da jedan od vaša tri zahtjeva za povlačenje od 400 eura podijelite na dva povlačenja od 200 eura. Molimo slijedite ovo uputstvo za uspješno povlačenje.
Podsjećamo da prema pravilima:
9.2 Odeljenje finansija - ima pravo da odredi sopstvene uslove plaćanja i povlačenja, kao i maksimalni i minimalni iznos povlačenja za svaki postupak, koji se može razlikovati u zavisnosti od načina isplate, statusa računa i drugih mogućih faktora koji utiču na proces povlačenja.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, uvijek ćemo vam rado pomoći.
Dear Mario.
We have reviewed your complaint.
The amount of your withdrawal requests in the amount of 800EUR has not disappeared from your gaming account. Your withdrawal requests will be processed according to your individual schedule. You can always request an individual withdrawal schedule by sending an email to kyc@stelario.com
Today the financial department has asked you to split one of your three withdrawal requests of 400EUR into two 200EUR withdrawals. Please follow this instruction for a successful withdrawal.
We remind you that according to the rules:
9.2 Finance Department - has the right to determine its own payment and withdrawal terms and maximum and minimum withdrawal amount for each procedure, which may differ depending on the withdrawal method, account status, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
If you have any additional questions, we are always happy to help you.
Dragi Mario,
Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Imajte na umu da ćemo u slučaju da ne odgovorite i ne dostavite tražene informacije u datom roku, odbiti vašu žalbu.
Dear Mario,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to reply and provide the required information in the given time frame, we will reject your complaint.
sad su mi blokirali nalog navodno zbog zavisnosti od kockanja.
Ali još uvijek imam preko 1000 bonus poena. Kada položite depozit, oni su uvijek tu
vrlo brzo se ništa ne dešava sa ovisnošću o kockanju, prije svega novac od kupaca
izvuci iz dzepa i onda zatvoriti racun, veoma cudno.
Pozdrav Mario
now they have blocked my account supposedly because of gambling addiction.
But I still have well over 1000 bonus points. When you deposit, they are always there
very quickly, nothing happens with gambling addiction, first of all the money from the customers
pull out of pocket and then close account ,very strange.
Greetings Mario
jetzt haben sie mein Konto angeblich wegen Spielsucht gesperrt.
Ich habe aber noch gut über 1000 Bonuspunkte.Beim Einzahlen sin sie immer
sehr schnell,da passiert nichts mit Spielsucht ,erst mal den Kunden das Geld aus
der Tasche ziehen und dann Konto schließen ,sehr seltsam.
Gruß Mario
Dragi Mario,
Prema pravilima projekta, administracija ima pravo zatvoriti vaš račun u bilo koje vrijeme ako nemate novca na računu.
S obzirom da su sve obaveze po Vašem logiranju ispunjene u potpunosti, nemate sredstava na stvarnom i bonus računu, kao ni aktivnih zahtjeva za isplatu, Vaš račun je odlukom uprave zatvoren bez prava na ponovno otvaranje.
Također vas obavještavamo da vam nije dozvoljeno igrati na ovoj stranici kazina.
Imaćemo pravo da blokiramo bilo koji od vaših novih naloga bez prethodne najave i bez povrata novca ako prekršite ovu klauzulu pravila.
Dragi Peter,
Sve obaveze prema klijentu su ispunjene u potpunosti, svi zahtjevi za povlačenje sredstava su obrađeni, na računu klijenta nema sredstava.
Odlukom administracije račun klijenta je zatvoren bez ponovnog otvaranja prema internim propisima jer više nema obaveza prema klijentu.
Dear Mario,
According to the rules of the project, the administration has the right to close your account at any time if you have no money on your account.
Since all obligations to your login are fulfilled in full, you have no funds on the real and bonus account, as well as you have no active requests for withdrawal, your account was closed by decision of the administration without the right to reopen.
We also notify you that you are not allowed to play on this casino site.
We will have the right to block any of your new accounts without notice and without refund if this clause of the rules is violated by you.
Dear Peter,
All obligations to the client are fulfilled in full, all requests for withdrawal of funds are processed, there are no funds on the client's account.
By the decision of the administration the client's account was closed without reopening according to the internal regulations because there are no more obligations to the client.
Ne razumijem, ima jos vise od 1000 bonus poena na mom racunu, mogao bih za to da kupim 300 ili 400 eura, lici mi na prevara. Prvi depozit čak i više od 1000 eura u jednom danu, što nije dozvoljeno. I onda blokirajte račun.
I don't understand, there are still more than 1000 bonus points on my account, I could buy 300 or 400 euros for that, it looks like a scam to me. First deposit even more than 1000 euros in one day, which is not allowed. And then block the account.
Verstehe ich nicht ,es sind noch über 1000 Bonus Punkte auf mein Konto, dafür könnte ich 300 oder 400 Euro kaufen, sieht mir doch ganz schön nach Betrug aus. Erst einzahlen lassen sogar über 1000 Euro an einem Tag was gar nicht zulässig ist. Und dann das Konto sperren.
Uz isplatu je bilo i takvih kašnjenja
Taktika samo nekoliko eura opet će prokockati svoj dobitak
Ovo je sistem Stelario kazina. Znači za mene su prevaranti, da ne sjede negdje drugdje tužio bih ih. Već postoje advokati koji su naplatili starije iznose.
Zato što vam zahvaljujem na podršci u početnoj verifikaciji naloga, i to je bila prevara
With the pay out was also such delays
Tactics only ever a few euros he will gamble away his winnings again
This is the system of Stelario Casino. So to me they are scammers, if they weren't sitting somewhere else I would sue them. There are already lawyers who have recovered older amounts.
Because I thank you for your support with the initial account verification, that was also a scam
Mit dem auszahlen war auch solche hinhalte
Taktik erst mal nur immer ein paar Euro er wird schon wieder sein Gewinn verspielen
Das ist das System von Stelario Casino .Also für mich sind das Betrüger,wenn sie nicht woanders Sitzen würden ,würde ich sie verklagen. Es gibt da schon Anwälte die ältliche Beträge zurück geholt haben.
Denn Bedanke ich mich für ihre Ünterstützung bei der anfänglichen Kontoverifizirung das war auch schon Betrug
Čudno moj nalog je zabranjen i ovi
Kriminalci mi još uvijek šalju bonus ponude
Reci mi sve o njihovim prikrivenim mahinacijama. Naljutiću Stelarija i moja sestra će mi pomoći. Ona radi
u novinama i obećala mi je podršku da zaustavim takve zločine
Strange my account banned and these
Criminals are still sending me bonus offers
Tell me everything about their underhanded machinations. I'm going to badmouth Stelario and my sister is going to help me. She's working
at the newspaper and promised me her support to put a stop to such crimes
Seltsam mein Konto gesperrt und diese
Verbrecher schicken mir noch Bonusangebote
Das sag doch alles zu ihren hinterhältigen Machenschaften aus .Ich werde Stelario sowas von schlecht machen und meine Schwester wird mir dabei helfen .Sie arbeitet
bei der Zeitung und hat mir ihre Unterstützung zugesagt damit solchen Verbrechen das Handwerk gelegt wird
Zdravo svima, hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi Mario,
Drago mi je čuti da ste primili svoja sredstva. Kada je u pitanju blokiranje vašeg računa, kazino ima pravo odbiti bilo kojeg igrača u bilo kojem trenutku čim se njegov dobitak u potpunosti isplati. Razumijem vašu frustraciju, ali ne mogu vam pomoći u tome. Ako se radi o problemu s kockanjem, predlažem da potražite pomoć ovdje: https://www.begambleaware.org/. Hvala vam što koristite centar za rješavanje žalbi Casino Guru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi all, thank you for your replies.
Dear Mario,
I'm glad to hear that you received your funds. When it comes to blocking your account, the casino has the right to actually refuse any player at any time as soon as their winnings were paid in full. I understand your frustration but I can't really help you with that. If a gambling problem is involved, I suggest looking for help here: https://www.begambleaware.org/. Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.