Zdravo. Mislio sam da po zakonu igre moraju da prikazuju svoj RTP na igrama. Problem je što ove klonirane igre nemaju. Da li je činjenica da ovo nije prikazano na stranicama sa informacijama dovoljan dokaz da je nešto nepravedno ili zaista nezakonito?
Razumem kako matematika funkcioniše, nisam nov u kockanju. Spomenuo sam RTP isključivo zato što imaju igrice koje ga čak i ne prikazuju i kada se igraju, jasno je da se ne ponašaju kao na drugim licenciranim sajtovima.
Da budem iskren, u potpunosti razumem da vaša recenzija ističe probleme koje sam imao, samo sam želeo da to naglasim da bih možda pomogao drugima da ih izbegnu u budućnosti.
Imam isplatu koja je na čekanju već dugo, dugo vremena i znam da mi nikada neće platiti na osnovu načina na koji su komunicirali i kako rade.
Hello. I thought that by law, the games must display their RTP on the games. The issue is that these cloned games don't. Is the fact that this isn't displayed in the information pages enough proof that something is unfair or indeed, illegal?
I understand how the mathematics work, I'm not new to gambling. I mentioned the RTP solely because they have games that don't even display it and when playing, it's clear they don't behave as they do on other licenced sites.
To be honest, I fully understand your review highlights the issues I had, I just wanted to punctuate it to maybe help others avoid it in the future.
I have a withdrawal that has been pending for a long, long time and known they'll never pay me based upon how they have communicated and how they operate.
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