Osvojio sam £127 sa superb.bet. Kontakt support@superb.bet i pokrenuo povlačenje 29.09.23. Kompanija je tražila izgovor za izgovorom za nedostatak osoblja, striktno poštovanje provera svih dobitnih opklada itd. i ja se nalazim u polju mnogih; https://uk.trustpilot.com/reviev/superb.bet
Očigledno i na vašem.
Njihova veb stranica je veoma dobro predstavljena. Ali prema istraživanju, oni nisu, kao što tvrde da jesu, članovi odbora za igre na Curacaou i nemaju master licencu. Oni su u vlasništvu VinBet NV i njihova veb lokacija je. https://vvv.superb.bet/ . Kako da se pozabavim njima iz UK-a u pogledu stvarnog dobijanja ove isplate. Sada su mi zabranili ulazak na svoj nalog bez objašnjenja. Mislim da ću morati da to otpišem, ali kome mogu da se žalim ili vi to uradite umesto mene, tako da se pročulo da je ovo ilegalno mesto za klađenje u UK?
Mnogo hvala
David Locker
I won £127 with superb.bet. Contact support@superb.bet and initiated the withdrawal 29/09/23. The company have made excuse after excuse of staff shortage, Strict compliance with checking all winning bets etc and I find myself in a field of many; https://uk.trustpilot.com/review/superb.bet
Obviously on yours too.
Their own website is very well presented. But upon research they aren’t, as they claim to be, a member of curaçao’s gaming board and hold no masters licence. They are owned by WinBet NV and their website is. https://www.superb.bet/ . How do I tackle them from the U.K. with regard to actually getting this payment. They have now barred me from entering my account with no explanation too. I think I’ll just have to write it off, but who can I complain or you do it for me so the word is spread that this is an illegal betting site in the U.K.?
Many Thanks
David Locker
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