Igrač iz Grčke je pobedio u kazinu od bonusa na depozit, ali mu je dobitak smanjen. Na kraju smo odbacili žalbu jer je kazino pružio dokaze koji sugerišu da je maksimalni iznos dobitka pravilno primenjen.
The player from Greece won in a casino from a deposit bonus, but his winnings were reduced. We ended up rejecting the complaint because the casino provided evidence suggesting that the max win cap was applied correctly.
Igrač iz Grčke je pobedio u kazinu od bonusa na depozit, ali mu je dobitak smanjen. Na kraju smo odbacili žalbu jer je kazino pružio dokaze koji sugerišu da je maksimalni iznos dobitka pravilno primenjen.
Ocena na ovoj stranici je lažna. Onaj ko je ocenio je saučesnik u prevari koja se vrši. Igram na ovoj stranici više od 15 dana. Juče 10.01.2023. napravio sam depozit od 25 € i dobio sam 100% bonus na depozit. Da bih mogao da podignem eventualna zarađena dugovanja, morao sam da se kladim na 1820€... Imao sam sreće i bilo je dovoljno profita i zaista sam danas 01.11.2023 pokrio iznos od 1820€. Za jedan dan sam uspeo da uradim ovo. I odjednom su bez razloga oduzeli iznos od 347 € i iznos od 179 € šešira koji sam upravo osvojio na slotovima... Ne postoji oblik komunikacije, samo automatizovani odgovori... Tražim da iznos od 347€ i iznos da se vrati na moj račun iznos od 347€ i iznos od 179€. I, naravno, treba da kreditiraju moj bankovni račun sa iznosom koji sam tražio da bude povučen i oni gore. €410
The rating on this page is fake. The one who rated is complicit in the fraud that is being committed. I have been playing on this page for over 15 days. Yesterday 10/01/2023 I made a deposit of €25 and got the 100% deposit bonus. In order to be able to withdraw possible earned debts, I had to place bets of €1820... I was lucky and there were enough profits and indeed today 11/01/2023 I had covered the amount of €1820. In one day I managed to do this. And suddenly, for no reason, they took away the amount of €347 and the amount of €179 hat I had just won on the slots... There is no form of communication, only automated responses... I request that the amount of €347 and the amount be returned to my accountthe amount of €347 and the amount of €179 . Αnd of course they should credit my bank account with the amount I requested to be withdrawn and they are burning. €410
Dragi Stavraetos,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih u potpunosti razumeo celu situaciju. Možete li, molim vas, potvrditi da li je bonus koji ste tražili onaj koji se može naći ovde? https://superboss.com/en-eu/info/good_start (jedan od bonusa dobrodošlice)
Da li su besplatni okreti bili deo bonusa na depozit?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Stavraetos,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you please confirm if the bonus you claimed was the one that can be found here? https://superboss.com/en-eu/info/good_start (one of the welcome bonuses)
Were free spins part of the deposit bonus?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Na svom prvom depozitu dobio sam besplatno okretanje i 100% bonus. na drugi depozit sam dobio 100% bonusa. I na treći depozit (ovo je onaj o kome smo pričali) takođe sam dobio samo 100% bonus. I postojalo je ograničenje na mom profilu naloga da stavljam opklade ukupne vrednosti od 1820 €. Uradio sam to za jedan dan i počeli su da mi skidaju novac sa računa
On my first deposit i got free spin and 100% bonus. on the second deposit I got 100% bonus. And on the third deposit (this is the one we were talking about) I also got a 100% bonus only. And there was a restriction on my account profile to place bets of a total value of €1820. I did it in one day and they started deducting money from my account
Hvala Stavraetos na objašnjenju,
Da li postoji bilo kakva relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina u vezi sa ovim pitanjem osim automatskih odgovora? Molimo prosledite sve relevantne komunikacije na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk
Da li 410€ koje ste tražili za povlačenje predstavlja dobitak od istog ili drugog bonusa?
Molim te obavesti me.
Thanks Stavraetos for your explanation,
Is there any relevant communication between you and the casino regarding the issue besides the automatic responses? Please forward any relevant communication to tomas@casino.guru
Does the 410€ you requested for a withdrawal represent winnings from the same bonus or a different one?
Please let me know.
Iznos od 410 € je iznos koji je ostao na mom računu nakon odbitka novca koji je napravio iznos. Dobro sam sa ovim, oni su ih predali. Kontaktirao sam ih u ćaskanju uživo, ali postoje roboti i automatizovani odgovori i ne mogu da nađem ništa. Poslao sam e-poruku za podršku @sportbro.com koju sam našao na stranici kazina, ali mi stalno govori da se e-mail ne može poslati. Seo sam i pročitao pravila bonusa i imao sam poteškoća da ih pronađem na njihovoj stranici. Ono što kažu je da ako dobijete bonus, maksimalni profit koji možete dobiti je 15 k depozit+ bonus (52€×15=€780 u mom slučaju..ok???) Ali da biste ga dobili morate da položite opklade 35kdepozit+ bonus (52k35=€1820)...
U vreme kada su iznosi skinuli sa mog računa, imao sam stanje od 710-730€... Pa, bio sam u okviru pravila... završio sam opklade od 1820€... i prvo su oduzeo €347, ja dobijam posle 2 minuta €179 u slotovima. i ne pripisuju mi to na račun....zašto? da li je ovo prevara?
The amount of €410 is the amount left in my account after deducting the money that made the amount. I'm fine with these, they submitted them. I contacted them on the live chat, but there are robots and automated responses and I can't find anything. I sent an email to support @sportbro.com which I find on the casino page, but it keeps telling me that the email cannot be sent.I sat down and read the bonus rules and had a hard time finding them on their page. What they say is that if you get a bonus, the maximum profit you can get is 15 x deposit+ bonus (52€×15=€780 in my case..ok???) But to get it you have to place bets 35xdeposit+ bonus(52x35=€1820)...
At the time when the amounts were deducted from my account, I had a balance of €710-€730... Well, I was within the rules... I had completed the bets of €1820... and at first they deducted €347, I win after 2 minutes €179 in slots. and they don't credit it to my account....why? is this a scam?
Objašnjavam svoj slučaj prema pravilima bonusa. €26 depozit + €26 bonus = €52 opklade od €1820 moraju biti postavljene maksimalni dobitak bonus €15 k €26 (bonus) = €390...međutim, ostatak od €26 mog depozita je takođe stavljen na zid, pa ako sve zajedno izračunamo je €52 k €26=€780 maksimalni dobitak....Kada su uzeli novac 347€, ja sam imao 710€-740€ ... neopravdano jer sam igrao po Pravila. A ako su uradili kako treba, u šta ne verujem, zašto su mi posle nekog vremena ponovo uzeli 179€? Igre koje sam igrao bile su slotovi, blackjack, rulet...i imao sam sreće i igrao sam pametno i pobedio, i postavio odgovarajuće opklade od 1820€. Sve ovo u jednom danu...ni sami ljudi nisu mogli da veruju. Dana 01.10.2023. Dana 10.01.2023. uplatio sam depozit 01.11.2023. Ispunio sam pravila i imao sam dobitni iznos novca na svom računu.
- Nisam prekoračio rok za ispunjavanje uslova (30 dana).
-Postavio sam odgovarajuće opklade (1820€).
- Nisam imao nijednu opkladu na čekanju.
- Nisam premašio maksimalan dobitak bonusa (780€). I ako sam to prevazišao, zašto su napravili ova 2 povlačenja (347 € + 179 €) sa razlikom u vremenu? Mislim da sam odigrao korektno i pobedio i trebalo bi da mi vrate novac koliko god da ih košta.
I explain my case according to the bonus rules. €26 deposit + €26 bonus = €52 bets of €1820 must be placed maximum bonus win €15 x €26 (bonus) = €390...however, the rest of the €26 of my deposit was also placed on a wall, so if we calculate it all together it is €52 x €26=€780 maximum win....When they took the money 347€, I had 710€-740€ ... unjustifiably because I was playing by the rules. And if they did it right, which I don't believe, why did they take the €179 from me again after a while? The games I played were slots, blackjack, roulette...and I was lucky and played smart and won, and placed the corresponding bets of €1820. All this in one day...even the people themselves couldn't believe it. On 10/01/2023On 10/01/2023 I made a deposit on 11/01/2023 I had fulfilled the rules and had a winning amount of money in my account.
- I did not exceed the time limit for fulfilling prerequisites (30 days).
-I placed the corresponding bets (€1820).
- I didn't have any pending bet.
- I did not exceed the maximum bonus win (€780). And if I overcame it, why did they make these 2 withdrawals (€347 + €179) with a difference in time? I think that I played correctly and won and they should return the money to me no matter how much it costs them.
Hvala na potvrdi. Osim ako vama ili nama ne kažu šta je razlog za smanjenje vašeg stanja, ne možemo biti sigurni.
Hvala vam puno, Stavraetos, što ste dali potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Petru ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you for the confirmation. Unless they tell you, or us what the reason is for reducing your balance, we can't be sure.
Thank you very much, Stavraetos, for providing the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter (peter.m@casino.guru) who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Stavraetos,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumem situaciju. Dozvolite mi da kontaktiram kazino i daću sve od sebe da pomognem. Pozivam SuperBoss Casino na razgovor da učestvujem u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Stavraetos,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. Let me contact the casino and I will do my best to help. I would like to invite SuperBoss Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Hvala na interesovanju. I svakako pozovite predstavnika kazina. Dobro je da se nađe rešenje i da svi čuju mišljenje predstavnika. Ako pogreše, vrati mi novac koji sam osvojio. Ako grešim, molim vas dokažite mi jer sam ja izračunao i po pravilima kazina brojevi ne izlaze. Hvala vam
Thank you for your interest. And definitely call the casino representative. It is good to find a solution and for everyone to hear the opinion of the representative. If they make a mistake, give me back the money I won. If I'm wrong, please prove it to me because I calculated it and according to the rules of the casino, the numbers do not come out. Thank you
Ono što sam mogao da pronađem je moja istorija pobeda, koja očigledno nije potpuna. Zato što pominje samo najveće pobede i naravno nisam pronašao njihovu istoriju i opklade ukupno. Ne znam da li ovo može pomoći.
Moj ID: 581015
What I could find is my win history, which is obviously not complete. Because it only mentions the biggest wins and of course I didn't find the history of them and bets in total. I don't know if this can help.
My id:581015
Dragi Stavraetos,
Uslovi bonusa glase: "8. Maksimalni dobitak od bonusa k 15 iznosa bonusa"
Vaš iznos bonusa je bio 26 EUR, maksimalni dobici su 26 k 15 = 390 EUR, tako da nakon što završite sa ulaganjem bonusa, svi dobici koji prelaze 390 EUR su odbijeni sa vašeg stanja. Nakon odbitka ostalo vam je 416 EUR (390 od bonusa i 26 od depozita) na vašem računu, zatim ste podigli 410 EUR i bavili se sportom za iznos od 6 EUR. Imamo KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk imejl naveden u uslove i odredbe, nismo primili nikakvu e-poruku na to.
Dear Stavraetos,
The terms of the bonus state: "8. Maximum win from the bonus x 15 of the bonus amount"
Your bonus amount was 26 EUR, the maximum winnings are 26 x 15 = 390 EUR, so after you finished wagering bonus, all winnings exceeding 390 EUR were deducted from your balance. After the deduction you had 416 EUR (390 from bonus and 26 from deposit) left on your balance, then you made a withdrawal of 410 EUR and played sports for the amount of 6 EUR.We have support@superboss.com email listed in the terms and conditions, we have not received any emails to it.
Pa zato što sam to gore napisao. Da bih napravio povlačenje, moram da stavim opkladu (26€ depozit + 26€ bonus) €52k35=€1820. Ali da dobijete profit od samo €26 bonusk15=€390... Pogrešno? ok do ovde... nakon što ste odbili 347€ novca koji sam imao na računu prvi put, kao što ste napisali, ovo su pravila. Drugi put, zašto ste ponovo odbili iznos od 179 €? nažalost, prijatelju, šaljem i ja na ovu adresu e-pošte, ali postoji problem...
Well, because I wrote it above. To make a withdrawal, I need to place a bet (€26 deposit + €26 bonus) €52x35=€1820. But to get a profit of only €26 bonusx15=€390... Wrong? ok until here... after you made the deduction of €347 of money that I had in my account the first time, as you wrote, these are the rules. The second time, why did you deduct the amount of €179 again? unfortunately, my friend, I also send to this email address, but there is a problem...
Jednostavnim rečima: da ispunite preduslove izračunate :(bonus + depozit) k 35 i ako su ispunjeni preduslovi za podizanje profita izračunate: (bonus) k 15. Zašto novac od depozita nije iskorišćen za opklade?
Ako prihvatim ovo nepravedno pravilo, onda ste ispravno odbili 347 € sa mog računa prvi put. Drugi put, zašto ste odbili 179 €? Pošto ste već odbili dobitke.
Ukratko, da, podigao sam 410 €, što je brzo uplaćeno, i bavio sam se sportom od 6 €. slažemo se u tome.
In simple words: to fulfill the prerequisites you calculate :(bonus + deposit) x 35 and if the prerequisites are fulfilled to withdraw the profits you calculate: (bonus) x 15. Why was the money from the deposit not used for bets?
If I accept this unfair rule, then you correctly deducted €347 from my account the first time. The second time, why did you deduct €179?Since you had already deducted the winnings.
In short, yes, I withdrew €410, which was credited quickly, and I played €6 sport. we agree on that.
I da istaknem da kada mi je sa računa skinut prvi iznos od 347€, imao sam 710-740 evra...zašto mi je skinut drugi iznos?...iako je odbitak oba iznosa nepravedan.
And to point out that when the first amount of €347 was deducted from my account, I had 710-740 euros...why was the second amount deducted?...although the deduction of both amounts is unfair.
Zdravo svima, hvala vam na odgovorima.
Dragi SuperBoss Casino timu,
Možete li, molim vas, da odgovorite na igračevo pitanje sugerišući da je ograničenje maksimalnog dobitka primenjeno dva puta? Ako to nije slučaj, pošaljite istoriju igre igrača na moju adresu e-pošte ( peter.m@casino.guru ).
Hi all, thank you for your replies.
Dear SuperBoss Casino team,
Could you please address the player's question suggesting that the max win cap was applied twice? If this is not the case, please send the player's game history to my email address (peter.m@casino.guru).
Dragi Stavraetos i Peter,
8. Maksimalni dobitak od bonusa k15 od iznosa bonusa - ovo uzima u obzir samo deo bonusa 26, tako da je maksimalni dobitak 26k15=390 + vaš depozit 26 = 416 evra - ovo je vaše stanje nakon što završite sa klađenjem našeg bonusa dobrodošlice, koji je bio izračunato tačno i bez grešaka.
Bonus klađenje je završeno na poslednju opkladu sa bonus novcem i prvi iznos (347 evra) je oduzet, a zatim smo nakon 2 minuta dobili informaciju o dobicima iz bonus runde ove poslednje opklade (koja je stavljena pre nego što je bonus opklada završena ) sa iznosom od 179 evra koji je takođe odbijen.
Kao rezultat, vaš depozit je bio 26 evra, vaš bonus dobrodošlice je bio 26 evra, maksimalni mogući dobitak od 390 od bonusa, nakon što ste osvojili opkladu, iznos na vašem bilansu je bio 416 evra (390+26), što je tačno .
Dear Stavraetos and Peter,
8. Maximum winnings from bonus x15 from bonus amount - this only takes into account bonus part 26, so maximum winnings are 26x15=390 + your deposit 26 = 416 euros - this is your balance after you have finished wagering our welcome bonus, which was calculated accurately and without mistakes.
Bonus wagering was completed on the last bet with bonus money and the first amount (347 euros) was deducted, then after 2 minutes we received information about the winnings from the bonus round of this last bet (which was placed before the bonus wager was completed) with the amount of 179 euros, which was also deducted.
As a result, your deposit was 26 euros, your welcome bonus was 26 euros, the maximum possible winnings of 390 from the bonus, after you won the wagering, the amount on your balance was 416 euros (390+26), which is correct.
Verovatno nisi razumeo šta si napisao. Pa da ti dokažem da to što pišeš nije tačno i možeš jednostavno da radiš činjenice kako hoćeš. U vreme kada je povučen prvi bonus, igrao sam slotove. Zaustavim se, izađem iz igre, proverim svoj nalog i ponovo se prijavim i kupim bonus za besplatno okretanje. Nikada neću imati tačan odgovor od tebe i sa argumentima. Ako možete, otpremite istoriju igara u to vreme. Iako sam se umorio od ove situacije.
You probably didn't understand what you wrote. Well, to prove to you that what you write is not correct and you can simply do the facts as you want. At the time when the first bonus was withdrawn, I was playing slots. I stop, exit the game, check my account and log in again and buy a free spin bonus. I will never have a correct answer from you and with arguments. If you can, please upload the history of the games at that time. Although I got tired of this situation.
Dragi SuperBoss Casino timu,
Zamolio bih vas da mi pošaljete istoriju igre igrača ( peter.m@casino.guru ) i označite trenutak kada je bonus runda aktivirana i kada je bonus klađenje završeno.
Dear SuperBoss Casino team,
I'd like to ask you to send me the player's game history (peter.m@casino.guru) and mark the moment when the bonus round was activated and when the bonus wagering was finished.
Dragi SuperBoss Casino timu,
Hvala na dodatnim dokazima i objašnjenjima.
Dragi Stavraetos,
Pogledao sam dokaze iz kazina i bojim se da podaci sugerišu da je maksimalni iznos dobitka iskorišćen ispravno. Iako moram da priznam, bilo je malo zbunjujuće videti da su dobici iz bonus runde pripisani na saldo nakon poslednjeg bonus opklade. Da je ova opklada napravljena sa vašim pravim novcem, mi bismo definitivno pokušali da ubedimo kazino da vam isplati dobitak. Međutim, to nije slučaj. Dobici su proizašli iz bonus funkcije aktivirane sa bonus novcem, tako da je maksimalni iznos dobitka pravilno primenjen. Nažalost, ne možemo da kaznimo kazino za ovo, tako da će vaša žalba biti odbijena. Ako se ne slažete sa ovim zaključkom, obratite se Upravi za igre na sreću Curacao za dalju pomoć ( certria@gaminglicences.com ). Voleo bih da mogu da ti pomognem više.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear SuperBoss Casino team,
Thank you for the additional evidence and explanation.
Dear Stavraetos,
I've looked at the evidence from the casino and I'm afraid the data suggest that the max win cap was used correctly. Even though I must admit, it was a bit confusing to see that the winnings from the bonus round were credited to the balance after the last bonus bet was made. If this bet was made with your real money, we would definitely try to convince the casino to pay you the winnings. However, this is not the case. The winnings came from the bonus feature triggered with the bonus money, so the max win cap was applied correctly. Unfortunately, we can't penalize the casino for this so your complaint will be rejected. If you disagree with this conclusion, please turn to the Curacao Gaming Authority for further help (certria@gaminglicences.com). I wish I could help you more.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
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