Igrač iz Nemačke ima poteškoća da povuče svoj dobitak zbog verifikacije koja je u toku. Nakon naše intervencije, uspeli smo da pomognemo igraču da dođe do svog dobitka. Igrač je na kraju potvrdio da je dobio sredstva. Žalba igrača je uspešno rešena.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings due to ongoing verification. After our intervention, we were able to help the player to get their winnings. The player confirmed they received the funds in the end. The Player’s complaint has been resolved successfully.
Igrač iz Nemačke ima poteškoća da povuče svoj dobitak zbog verifikacije koja je u toku. Nakon naše intervencije, uspeli smo da pomognemo igraču da dođe do svog dobitka. Igrač je na kraju potvrdio da je dobio sredstva. Žalba igrača je uspešno rešena.
Registrovao sam se u ovom kazinu u junu ili julu, nakon što sam upisao depozite sa svog Sparkasse računa, moja banka me je pitala za šta služe transakcije, banka mi je blokirala račun na kratko, ali ga je deblokirala nakon otprilike 5 dana. Moja banka je rekla da je to rutinska provera ako se sumnja na pranje novca ili ako se sumnja da je treća strana pristupila računu. Iz predostrožnosti sam osporio transakcije u kazinu, kazino još nije odgovorio na moju poruku. Moj račun je ostao otvoren i mogao sam da nastavim sa deponovanjem.
Pa, prošle nedelje sam napravio nekoliko depozita od oko 5000€, dok sam igrao morao sam da postavljam pitanja o poreklu sredstava, na koja sam odgovorio. Radim, zarađujem oko 33000 € godišnje, imam BTC novčanik i profit koji je ostao od prethodnih aktivnosti u kazinu.
Raspustio sam novčanik, novac je postepeno curio na moj račun i slivao u kazino.
U jednom trenutku sam shvatio da ništa više ne radi i hteo sam da platim.
Zatražio sam povlačenje 1400€, ovo do danas nije knjiženo na moj račun.
Dan kasnije nakon zahteva za povlačenje, dobio sam poruku da mi je nalog blokiran i da treba da dostavim sledeća dokumenta:
Predao sam sva 3 dokaza, izjavu o plati, moju prodaju (sve transakcije Superseven-u) i priznanice iz mog bivšeg BTC novčanika. Oni su takođe verifikovani, kada se prijavim dobijam odobrenje poruke, ali mogu da uplatim novac, ali ne mogu da tražim novu isplatu.
Takođe, moja isplata je odbijena pre 3 dana.
U live chatu sam nekoliko puta pitao u čemu je problem, rečeno mi je da su dokumenti prosleđeni interno, ili da se još proveravaju, ne dobijam odgovore na mejlove.
Od kazina zahtevam sledeće:
Isplata kvalifikovanog dobitka u iznosu od 1400 evra
Povraćaj svih deponovanih sredstava.
Dao sam sve dokaze kazinu.
I registered at this casino in June or July, after I made deposits from my Sparkasse account, my bank asked me what the transactions are for, my bank blocked my account for a short time, but unblocked it after about 5 days. My bank said it is a routine check if money laundering is suspected or if a third party is suspected of accessing the account. As a precaution, I disputed the transactions in the casino, the casino has not yet responded to my message. My account remained open and I was able to continue depositing.
Well, last week I made several deposits of around €5000, while I was playing I had to ask questions about the origin of the funds, which I answered. I work, earn around €33000 a year, had a BTC wallet and profits left over from previous casino activities.
I dissolved my wallet, the money gradually trickled into my account and flowed into the casino.
At some point I realized that nothing was working anymore and I wanted to pay out.
I requested a withdrawal of 1400€, this has not been booked to my account until today.
A day later after requesting the withdrawal, I received the message that my account is blocked and I should submit the following documents:
I submitted all 3 proofs, a salary statement, my sales (all transactions to Superseven) and the receipts from my former BTC wallet. These were also verified, when I log in I get the message approved, but I can deposit money but not request a new payout.
Also, my payout was declined 3 days ago.
In the live chat I asked several times what the problem was, I was told that the documents were forwarded internally, or that they are still being checked, I do not receive any answers to e-mails.
I require the following from the casino:
Payout of the eligible winnings in the amount of 1400 euros
Return of All Deposited Funds.
I have provided all evidence to the casino.
ich habe mich im Juni oder Juli in diesem Casino registriert, nach dem ich Einzahlungen von meinem Konto der Sparkasse aus getätigt habe, fragte mich meine Bank wofür die Transaktionen sind, meine Bank hat kurzzeitig mein Konto blockiert, jedoch nach rund 5 Tagen wieder freigegeben. Meine Bank meinte, es ist eine Routineüberprüfung wenn verdacht der Geldwäsche besteht oder ein Zugriff eines dritten auf dem Konto vermutet wird. Vorsorglich habe ich die Transaktionen im Casino angefechtet, das Casino reagierte bis heute nicht auf meine Nachricht geantwortet. Mein Konto blieb offen, und ich konnte weiter einzahlen.
Nun tätigte ich vergangene Woche mehrere Einzahlungen rund 5000€, während ich gespielt habe, musste ich fragen zur Herkunft der Mittel machen, diese habe ich beantwortet . Ich gehe arbeiten, verdiene rund 33000 € im Jahr, hatte ein BTC-Wallet sowie Gewinne aus vorherigen Casinoaktivitäten übrig.
Mein Wallet habe ich aufgelöst, die Gelder trudelten nach und Nach auf mein Konto ein, und flossen in das Casino.
Irgendwann merkte ich, es geht nichts mehr und ich wollte Auszahlen.
Ich forderte eine Auszahlung in Höhe von 1400€ an, diese ist bis heute nicht auf mein Konto gebucht wurden.
Einen Tag später nach Anforderung der Auszahlung, erhielt ich die Nachricht, dass mein Konto blockiert ist, und ich Folgende unterlagen einreichen sollte:
Ich reichte alle 3 Nachweis ein, einen Gehaltsnachweis, Meine Umsätze (Alle Transaktionen zu Superseven) und die Eingänge von meinem ehemaligen BTC-Wallet. Diese wurden auch verifiziert, wenn ich mich einlogge erhalte ich die Nachricht approved jedoch kann ich zwar Geld einzahlen, aber keine neue Auszahlung anfordern.
Ferner wurde meine Auszahlung vor 3 Tagen abgelehnt.
Im Livechat habe ich mehrfach nachgefragt was denn das Problem ist, man sagte mir, die Unterlagen wurden Intern weitergeleitet, oder es wird noch geprüft, auf E-Mails erhalte ich keine Antworten.
Ich fordere folgendes vom Casino :
Auszahlung der berechtigten Gewinne in höhe von 1400 Euro
Rückgabe aller Eingezahlten Gelder .
Ich habe alle Nachweise erbracht ggü des Casinos.
Draga Katze1337,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Imajte na umu da je KIC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da fizički vide sve igrače i provere njihove identifikacione i dokumente, to je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu da završe procedure verifikacije. Nijedan od licenciranih kazina ne uzima olako KIC i može potrajati nekoliko radnih dana da se završi ovaj temeljni proces.
Da li ste obavešteni šta konkretno predstavlja problem u verifikaciji vašeg naloga?
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Katze1337,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Have you been informed what specifically seems to be a problem in verifying your account?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Više puta sam kontaktirao ćaskanje uživo tražeći pojašnjenje, svaki put kada mi je rečeno nešto drugačije.
Nekoliko odlomaka iz ćaskanja uživo:
(16:00:54 PM) Maia: Hvala vam na potvrdi, samo mi dajte još jedan trenutak, molim vas, dok ovo dodatno proverim za vas.
(16:00:54) Maia: Hvala na potvrdi. Molim vas dajte mi trenutak dok nastavim da pregledam ovo za vas. (prevedeno)
(16:02:27 PM) Maia: Daniele, kao što sam videla da si nam već poslao tražena dokumenta, ali u vezi sa tvojim bankovnim izvodom **024000, primetili smo da su vidljive samo transakcije za nas putem bankovnog depozita, nikakve druge Transakcije su vidljive i čini se da su možda filtrirane. Naše odeljenje za plaćanja još uvek razmatra ovo i čim se ova procedura završi i vaš nalog bude verifikovan, moći ćete ponovo da normalno koristite svoj nalog.
U slučaju da nam zatreba još nešto od vas, odmah ćemo vas obavestiti, ne brinite o ovome
(04:02:27 PM) Maia: Daniele, vidim da ste nam već poslali tražena dokumenta, ali što se tiče vašeg bankovnog izvoda **024000, primetili smo da su vidljive samo transakcije za nas putem bankovnog depozita, nema drugih transakcija su vidljivi i čini se da su možda bili filtrirani. Naše odeljenje za plaćanja još uvek proverava ovo i kada se ovaj proces završi i vaš nalog bude verifikovan, moći ćete ponovo da koristite svoj nalog normalno.
Ako nam zatreba još nešto od vas, odmah ćemo vas obavestiti, ne brinite (prevedeno)
(16:02:29 popodne) Maia: U međuvremenu, postoji li još nešto oko čega vam mogu pomoći danas? :)
(16:02:29 PM) Maia: U međuvremenu, mogu li ti još nešto pomoći danas? :) (prevedeno)
(04:03:14 popodne) Daniel : Mogu vam poslati i ceo račun
(16:04:28) Maia: Kao obavešteni, u ovom trenutku nam ne treba ništa drugo od vas, u slučaju da nam nešto zatreba odmah ćemo vas obavestiti, ne brinite o ovome 🙂
(16:04:28 PM) Maia: Kao što ste obavešteni, trenutno nam ne treba ništa više od vas, ako nam nešto zatreba odmah ćemo vas obavestiti, ne brinite :) (prevedeno)
Čak sam ponudio da ponovo pošaljem dokaz, ovo je odbijeno.
(08:08:31 popodne) Daniel : Zdravo Saso
(20:08:42) Sašo: Kako mogu pomoći, Danijele.
(08:08:43 PM) Sašo: ?
(08:08:52 PM) Daniel : Treba mi pomoć: Poslao sam vam izvor sredstava za moje depozite
(08:09:23 PM) Daniel: Dobio sam informacije (prozor kada se prijavim na početnu stranicu) i verifikovan sam. Ali nemam pristup oblasti za povlačenje
(20:10:23) Sašo: Provjeravam ti to sada.
(08:11:33 popodne) Daniel: Hvala
(20:12:14) Sašo: Vidim da bezbednosne provere još nisu završene. Poslaćemo vam e-poštu kada vaš nalog bude verifikovan i deblokiran za povlačenje. Sada ne bi trebalo mnogo duže.
(08:13:15 popodne) Daniel: u redu hvala
(09:53:55 AM) Viktor: Kako vam mogu pomoći danas?
(09:54:35 AM) Danijel Zdravo
(09:54:55 AM) Daniel Možete li mi, molim vas, reći zašto moje povlačenje traje tako dugo?
(09:56:11 AM) Viktor: Bojim se da tim za verifikaciju proverava dokumente koje ste postavili i kako dalje, sada ne bi trebalo mnogo duže. Molimo vas za još malo strpljenja.
Dakle, ovde je već potvrđeno u ćaskanju uživo da više ne treba dokaz i da ne moram ništa da šaljem posle. Svi dokazi su dati u PDF datoteci, moja trenutna izjava o platama pokazuje račun koji sam koristio, kao i prodaju u kazinu i unose iz mog bivšeg BTC novčanika.
Mogu da stavim na raspolaganje svoj ugovor o radu kazinu, ali im to ne ide od velike koristi, plaćen sam po kolektivnom ugovoru, a moja godišnja plata tu nije uključena, samo se pominje da je kolektivna grupa KSIZ isplaćena kao plata.
Lična karta i druga dokumenta su već overena.
Kada pokušam da uplatim depozit dobijam sledeću poruku:
Dokument o izvoru bogatstva ili izvoru sredstava je neophodan da biste dovršili verifikaciju, kontaktirajte podršku za pomoć.
Radim ovo nedelju dana!
I contacted the live chat multiple times asking for clarification, each time I was told something different.
A few excerpts from the live chat:
(04:00:54 PM) Maia: Thank you for confirming, just give me one more moment please while I check this further for you.
(04:00:54 PM) Maia: Thank you for the confirmation. Please give me a moment while I continue to review this for you. (translated)
(04:02:27 PM) Maia: Daniel, as I could see you already have sent us the requested documents, but regarding your Bank Statement **024000, we have noticed that only transactions to us via bank deposit are visible, no other Transactions are visible and it seems they might have been filtered. Our Payment Department is still looking at this and as soon this procedure is done and your account is verified you will be able to use your account normally again.
In case we need anything else from you we will let you know immediately, do not worry about this
(04:02:27 PM) Maia: Daniel, I can see that you have already sent us the requested documents, but regarding your bank statement **024000, we noticed that only transactions to us via bank deposit are visible, no other transactions are visible and it seems they might have been filtered. Our payments department is still checking this and once this process is complete and your account is verified you will be able to use your account normally again.
If we need anything else from you, we will let you know immediately, don't worry about it (translated)
(04:02:29 PM) Maia: Meanwhile, is there anything else that I can assist you with today? :)
(04:02:29 PM) Maia: In the meantime, is there anything else I can help you with today? :) (translated)
(04:03:14 PM) Daniel : I can also send you the entire receipt
(04:04:28 PM) Maia: As informed, we do not need anything else from you at this moment, in case we need anything we will let you know immediately, do not worry about this 🙂
(04:04:28 PM) Maia: As informed we don't need anything more from you at the moment, if we need anything we will inform you immediately, don't worry about it :) (translated)
I even offered to send proof again, this was declined.
(08:08:31 PM) Daniel : Hello Saso
(08:08:42 PM) Saso: How may I help, Daniel.
(08:08:43 PM) Saso: ?
(08:08:52 PM) Daniel : I Need Help: I have sent you the Source of Funds for my deposits
(08:09:23 PM) Daniel: I got the Info (Window when i login to the homepage) i am verified. But i dont have access to the withdrawl area
(08:10:23 PM) Saso: I am checking that for you now.
(08:11:33 PM) Daniel : Thank you
(08:12:14 PM) Saso: I can see that security checks have not been finished yet. We will email you once your account is verified and unblocked for withdrawals. It shouldn't take much longer now.
(08:13:15 PM) Daniel : okay thank you
(09:53:55 AM) Victor: How can I help you today?
(09:54:35 AM) Daniel Hi
(09:54:55 AM) Daniel Can you please tell me why my withdrawal takes so long?
(09:56:11 AM) Victor: I am afraid the verification team is checking the documents you uploaded and how to proceed, it shouldn't take much longer now. We kindly ask you for a bit more patience please.
So it was already confirmed here by the live chat that no more proof is required and that I don't have to send anything afterwards. All evidence was provided in a PDF file, my current salary statement shows the account I used, as well as the sales to the casino and the entries from my former BTC wallet.
I can make my employment contract available to the casino, but it doesn't do them much good, I'm paid according to the collective agreement, and my annual salary isn't included there, it's only mentioned that collective bargaining group XYZ is paid as a wage.
ID card and other documents have already been verified.
When I try to make a deposit I get the following message:
Source Of Wealth or Source of Funds document is required to complete the verification, please contact support for assistance.
I've been doing this for a week!
ich habe mehrfach den Live-Chat kontaktiert und um Klärung gebeten, man sagte mir jedes Mal etwas anderes.
Ein paar Auszüge aus dem Livechat:
(04:00:54 PM) Maia: Thank you for confirming, just give me one more moment please while I check this further for you.
(04:00:54 PM) Maia: Vielen Dank für die Bestätigung. Geben Sie mir bitte noch einen Moment Zeit, während ich dies weiter für Sie überprüfe. (übersetzt)
(04:02:27 PM) Maia: Daniel, as I could see you already have sent us the requested documents, but regarding your Bank Statement **024000, we have noticed that only transactions to us via bank deposit are visible, no other transactions are visible and it seems they might have been filtered. Our Payment Department is still looking at this and as soon this procedure is done and your account is verified you will be able to use your account normally again.
In case we need anything else from you we will let you know immediately, do not worry about this
(04:02:27 PM) Maia: Daniel, wie ich sehen konnte, haben Sie uns die angeforderten Dokumente bereits gesendet, aber bezüglich Ihres Kontoauszugs **024000 haben wir festgestellt, dass nur Transaktionen an uns per Bankeinlage sichtbar sind, keine anderen Transaktionen sind sichtbar und es scheint, dass sie es gewesen sein könnten gefiltert. Unsere Zahlungsabteilung prüft dies noch und sobald dieser Vorgang abgeschlossen und Ihr Konto verifiziert ist, können Sie Ihr Konto wieder normal verwenden.
Falls wir noch etwas von Ihnen benötigen, werden wir Sie umgehend informieren, machen Sie sich darüber keine Sorgen (übersetzt)
(04:02:29 PM) Maia: Meanwhile, is there anything else that I can assist you today with? :)
(04:02:29 PM) Maia: Gibt es in der Zwischenzeit noch etwas, bei dem ich Ihnen heute behilflich sein kann? :) (übersetzt)
(04:03:14 PM) Daniel : Ich kann Ihnen auch den gesamten Beleg zusenden
(04:04:28 PM) Maia: As informed, we do not need anything else from you at this moment, in case we need anything we will let you know immediately, do not worry about this 🙂
(04:04:28 PM) Maia: Wie informiert, brauchen wir im Moment nichts weiter von Ihnen, falls wir etwas brauchen, werden wir Sie sofort informieren, machen Sie sich darüber keine Sorgen :) (übersetzt)
Ich habe sogar angeboten Nachweise erneut zukommen zu lassen, dies wurde abgelehnt.
(08:08:31 PM) Daniel : Hello Saso
(08:08:42 PM) Saso: How may I help, Daniel.
(08:08:43 PM) Saso: ?
(08:08:52 PM) Daniel : I Need Help: I have sent you the Source of Funds for my deposits
(08:09:23 PM) Daniel: I got the Info (Window when i login to the homepage) i am verified. But i dont have acces to the withdrawl area
(08:10:23 PM) Saso: I am checking that for you now.
(08:11:33 PM) Daniel : Thank You
(08:12:14 PM) Saso: I can see that security checks have not been finished yet. We will email you once your account is verified and unblocked for withdrawals. It should not take much longer now.
(08:13:15 PM) Daniel : okay thank you
(09:53:55 AM) Victor: How can I help you today?
(09:54:35 AM) Daniel Hi
(09:54:55 AM) Daniel Can you please tell me why my withdrawal takes so long?
(09:56:11 AM) Victor: I am afraid the verification team is checking the documents you uploaded and how to proceed, it shouldnt take much longer now. We kindly ask you for a bit more patience please.
Es wurde hier also schon vom Live Chat bestätigt, dass keine Nachweise mehr benötigt werden, und ich auch nichts nachsenden muss. Es wurden alle Nachweise in einer PDF-Datei erbracht, auf meinem aktuelle Gehaltsnachweis geht mein verwendetes Konto hervor, ferner auf den Umsätzen zum Casino ebenfalls und auf den Eingängen von meiner ehemaligen BTC-Wallet ebenfalls.
Meinen Arbeitsvertrag kann ich zwar dem Casino zur Verfügung stellen, jedoch bringt es denen nicht viel, ich werde nach Tarif bezahlt, und dort steht mein Jahresgehalt nicht drin, es wird lediglich erwähnt, dass Tarifgruppe XYZ als Lohn gezahlt wird.
Ausweis und andere Dokumente wurden bereits verifiziert.
Wenn ich versuche eine Einzahlung zu tätigen erhalte ich folgende Nachricht:
Source Of Wealth or Source of Funds document is required to complete the verification, please contact support for assistance.
Dies mache ich bereits seit einer Woche !
Puno vam hvala, Katze1337, što ste dali sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Mihalu (KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk) koji će vam biti u pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, Katze1337, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Michal (michal.k@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo Katze1337
Ja sam Michal i preuzeo sam vašu žalbu. Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i želeo bih da razumete da su KIC i AML veoma važni i suštinski procesi i da im je potrebno malo vremena da se završe. Kako vas je kazino obavestio da trenutno ništa nije potrebno sa vaše strane, pa bih vas ljubazno zamolio da budete strpljivi i sačekate da se bezbednosna provera završi. U međuvremenu ću kontaktirati kazino da vidim da li možemo da dobijemo novosti o procesu.
Želeli bismo da pozovemo SuperSeven kazino da se pridruži razgovoru.
Dragi SuperSeven kazino,
Možete li dati neke informacije u vezi sa kašnjenjem u verifikaciji igrača? Možete li nam reći koliko dugo će trajati proces bezbednosne provere?
Hello Katze1337
I'm Michal and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed your case and I would like you to please understand that KYC and AML are very important and essential processes and they take a bit of time to be completed. As the casino has informed you there is nothing at the moment that is needed from your side, so I would kindly ask you to be patient and wait for the security check to be completed. I will in the meantime contact the casino to see if we can get an update on the process.
We would like to invite SuperSeven Casino to join the conversation.
Dear SuperSeven Casino,
Can you please provide some information regarding the delay in the player's verification? Can you please tell us how long will the security check process take?
Hej Katze1337, jutros sam obavešten o ovoj žalbi i tražim je za vas. Mogu da razumem zašto je ovo malo zbunjujuće za vas, ali pratiću to umesto vas.
Samo za vašu informaciju, povlačenje nije "odbijeno", naši sistemi otkazuju sva povlačenja na čekanju nakon 7 dana nakon što nisu popunili KIC ili dokumentaciju o izvoru sredstava. Takođe vidim da već imamo dokaz o vašoj zaradi, zbog čega smo primenili ograničenje neto gubitka na vaš račun kako bismo osigurali da trošite samo u okviru svojih mogućnosti.
Vaš nalog je automatski zatvoren nakon što je prošao grejs period za pružanje dokumentacije – ovo je standardni deo funkcionalnosti koji primenjujemo na sve naloge kada dođe do kašnjenja u dostavljanju ovih dokumenata da bismo obezbedili integritet samog naloga.
Osim toga, tražim objašnjenje zašto neki drugi dokumenti nisu odobreni i ako nema razloga onda ćemo, naravno, ponovo otvoriti račun i omogućiti vam da obradite povlačenje.
Hey Katze1337, i have been notified of this complain this morning and am looking into it for you. I can understnad why this is a little confusing for you but i will follow it up for you.
Just for your information, the withdrawal wasnt "rejected" our systems cancel any pending withdrawals after 7 days of not having completed KYC or source of funds documentation. I can also see that we have proof of your earnings already which is why we applied the Net Loss Limit to your acocunt to ensure that you were spending only within your means.
Your account was automatically closed after the grace period for providing the documentation passed - this is a standard piece of functionality that we apply to all accounts when there are delays in these documents being provided to ensure the integrity of the account itself.
Other than that i am seeking an explanation as to why any other documents have not been approved and if there is no reason then of course we will reopen the acocunt and allow you to process the withdrawal.
Hvala SuperSeven Casino na odgovoru
Možete li da navedete vremensku skalu kada će se proces verifikacije završiti ili da li je potreban neki drugi dokument koji bi pomogao da se proces verifikacije završi?
Thank you SuperSeven Casino for the response
Can you please provide a time scale for when the verification process will end or if there is any other document needed to help to finish the verification process?
Zdravo Michal, Katze1337 Prošao sam kroz istoriju i dokumentaciju i obradili smo povlačenje vašeg celokupnog preostalog bilansa od 1444,31 € na zahtev. Imajte na umu da iako smo obrađivali uplatu sa naše strane putem bankovnog transfera, može proći između 1-3 dana da stigne na vaš račun.
Takođe smo zatvorili vaš nalog, što ste i tražili, verujem i dodao sam napomene na nalog kako bismo osigurali da će ovo zatvaranje biti trajno.
Hi Michal, Katze1337 I have been through the history and the documentation and we have processed the withdrawal of your entire remaining balance of €1444.31 as requested. Please remember that although we have processed the payment from our end via Bank Transfer, it may take between 1-3 days for it to reach your account.
We have also closed your account, which was what you requested I believe and I have added notes to the account to ensure that this closure will be permanent.
Zdravo Mihal, zdravo predstavniku kazina Super Seven,
Mogu da potvrdim da je novac na putu do mene. Danas oko 13:00 sam uspeo sam da pokrenem uplatu, nakon čega mi je račun blokiran.
Prekjuče sam poslao svoja dokumenta u kazino, u e-mailu sam se takođe osvrnuo na jednu važnu tačku sa moje tačke gledišta, ne želim da ovo ovde razmatram kao žalbu i samo želim da razgovaram sa kazinom .
Zbog toga bih zamolio predstavnika kazina da ponovo pročita moju poruku (e-poštu) i da mi ovde da povratne informacije ili e-mail ako želite
Zabrana je vezana za moju e-poštu.
Ako se ovde ne nađe rešenje, ponovo ću podneti žalbu.
Žalba je trenutno delimično rešena sa moje tačke gledišta, ne bih konačno zaključao post ovde za dalje odgovore. Pošto još uvek postoji odgovor na moj mejl, sa veoma važnom temom gde još treba da se razgovara. Hvala unapred na posredovanju ovde.
Mnogo hvala.
Hello Michal, Hello Super Seven Casino representative,
I can confirm that the money is on its way to me. Today around 1:00 p.m. I was able to initiate the payment myself, after which my account was blocked.
I sent my documents to the casino the day before yesterday, in the e-mail I also addressed an important point from my point of view, I do not want to take up this point here as a complaint and only seek to talk to the casino.
Therefore, I would ask the casino representative to re-read my message (email) and give me feedback here, or email if you prefer
The ban is related to my email.
If no solution is found here, I will raise the complaint again.
The complaint is currently partially resolved from my point of view, I would not finally lock the post here for further answers. Since there is still an answer to my e-mail, with a very important topic where there is still a need to talk. Thank you in advance for mediating here.
Many Thanks.
Hallo Michal, Hallo Vertreter des Super Seven Casinos,
ich kann bestätigen, dass das Geld auf dem Weg zu mir ist. Heute gegen 13:00 Uhr konnte ich die Zahlung selber einleiten, anschließend war mein Konto dann gesperrt.
Dem Casino habe ich vorgestern meine Dokumente übersendet, in der E-Mail habe ich aus meiner Sicht noch einen wichtigen Punkt angesprochen, diesen Punkt möchte ich hier als Beschwerde noch nicht aufgreifen und erst das Gespräch mit dem Casino suchen.
Daher würde ich den Vertreter des Casino bitten, meine Nachricht noch einmal durchzulesen (E-Mail) und mir hier eine Rückmeldung zu geben, oder gerne auch per E-Mail
Die Sperre hängt mit meiner E-Mail zusammen.
Sofern hier dann keine Lösung gefunden wird, werde ich die Beschwerde wieder hochholen.
Die Beschwerde ist derzeit zum Teil gelöst aus meiner Sicht, ich würde den Beitrag hier noch nicht endgültig sperren für weitere Antworten. Da noch eine Antwort auf meine E-Mail ausseht, mit einem sehr wichtigen Thema wo noch redebedarf besteht. Danke bereits jetzt dass IHR hier vermittelt habt.
Vielen Dank.
Zdravo Katze1337
Drago mi je da čujem da možemo da nastavimo sa vašom žalbom.
Obavestite me kada uspešno primite sredstva.
Ako imate bilo kakvih drugih pitanja za kazino, koja nisu posebno vezana za ovu žalbu, nisam siguran da li je ovo pravo mesto da o njima razgovarate, posebno ako su privatnog karaktera, bilo bi bolje da o njima razgovarate privatno putem e-pošte , ali ako postoji nešto oko čega možemo biti od pomoći, slobodno pitajte.
Hello Katze1337
I'm glad to hear that we could move with your complaint further.
Please let me know when you successfully receive the funds.
If you have any other questions to the casino, that are not specifically related to this complaint, I'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss them especially if they are of private character it would be better to discuss them privately via email, but if there is anything we can be of help with, feel free to ask.
Blizu. Novac je bio na računu. Sve ostalo ću razjasniti direktno sa kazinom ili ponovo napisati žalbu
Close. Money was in the account. I will clarify everything else directly with the casino or write a complaint here again
Close. Geld war auf dem Konto. Alles weitere werde ich mit dem Casino direkt klären oder hier erneut eine beschwerde verfassen
Odlične vesti, Katze1337. Drago mi je da čujem da ste uspešno primili svoje dobitke.
Kako je podnosilac žalbe potvrdio da su sredstva uspešno primljena, smatramo da je ova žalba uspešno rešena. Sada ćemo ga zatvoriti kao „rešeno" u našem sistemu. Želeo bih da se zahvalim obema stranama na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako budete imali problema sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom u budućnosti.
Tu smo da vam pomognemo.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Great news, Katze1337. I'm glad to hear that you successfully received your winnings.
As the complainant confirmed that the funds were successfully received, we consider this complaint to have been successfully resolved. We will now close it as "resolved" in our system. I would like to thank both parties for their cooperation and please do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter any problems with this or any other casino in the future.
We are here to help you.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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