Napravio sam svoj prvi depozit od 50 BGN i dobio sam bonus za to. Dok sam igrao njihove slotove nekoliko puta sam bio izbačen jer sam imao sreće da ostvarim neke velike pobede, što je bila prva crvena zastavica.
Nekako su uspeli da opklade iznose bonusa i depozita i zahtevaju povlačenje od 1500 BGN koji se „obrađivao" više od 2 dana (iako tvrde da imaju trenutna povlačenja)
Dva puta sam kontaktirao njihov tim za podršku, oba puta sam dobio različite vremenske okvire za povlačenje. Ljubazno sam ih zamolio da mi pošalju uslove i odredbe vremena obrade povlačenja jer na njihovoj veb stranici kažu da je trenutno, međutim kao odgovor sam dobio odgovor da su trenutno previše zauzeti odgovaranjem na druge žalbe.
3 dana kasnije primio sam e-poštu da je moje povlačenje 1500 BGN poništeno i da mi je stanje vraćeno na početni iznos depozita od 50 BGN.
Nisu mi dali nikakve stvarne informacije o tome zašto se to dogodilo i bio sam primoran da podignem svojih 50 BGN i da mi blokiraju račun.
I've made my first deposit of 50 BGN and received the bonus for it. While playing their slots I got kicked out a couple of times because I was lucky enough to hit some big wins, which was the first red flag.
Somehow managed to wager the bonus and deposit amounts and requested a withdrawal of 1500 BGN which was being "processed" for over 2 days (even though they claim to have instant withdrawals)
I've contacted their support team twice, both times ive gotten different withdrawal time-frames. I've kindly asked them to send me the terms and conditions of the withdrawal processing times because on their website they say its instant, however as a reply I've got the answer that they are too busy answering other complaints right now.
3 days later I received an email that my 1500 BGN withdrawal was cancelled and my balance was restored back to the initial deposit amount of 50 BGN.
They gave me no actual information on why this happened and I was forced to withdraw my 50 BGN and get my account blocked.