Pre povlačenja sredstava verifikovao sam svoj račun - sva tražena dokumenta su obezbeđena i odobrena. Nikakve bonuse i bonus ponude nisam koristio - ovo je moj principijelan stav. Napravio sam pojedinačne (ne ponovljene opklade) na fudbal uživo. Sa kazino je komunicirao sa kazinom - želeo sam da znam konkretan razlog - nisam obavešten, ali sam poslao sve paragrafe pravila sa kršenjima, koje imaju - standardni odgovor. Dao kontakte organizacije koja im je izdala licencu i navodno treba da razmotre žalbe na njih, ali mislim da ova organizacija nije zainteresovana. Bar sam na internetu našao recenzije igrača koji svedoče da niko od njih nije dobio odgovore na njihove žalbe.Kontakti organizacije koju vam dostavljate Ostali kontakt podaci za Antilephone NV
Adresa: Heelsumstraat, 51 E-Commerce Park, Curacao
Tel: +599 9-433-8808
Veb-sajt: https: //
Before the withdrawal of funds I verified my account - all the requested documents were provided and approved.No bonuses and bonus offers I did not use - this is my principled position.I made single (not repeated bets) on football in live.With the casino communicated with the casino - I wanted to know the specific reason - I was not informed, but sent all the paragraphs of the rules with violations, which they have - the standard response. Gave contacts of the organisation that issued them a licence, and supposedly they should consider complaints against them, but I think this organisation is not interested.At least on the Internet I found reviews of players who testify that none of them have not received answers to their complaints.Contacts of the organisation you provide you with Other contact details for Antillephone N.V.
Address: Heelsumstraat, 51 E-Commerce Park, Curaçao
Tel: +599 9-433-8808
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