The player from Germany felt unfairly treated by the casino after losing 610 Euros while playing specific games, despite his expectations of higher returns based on RTP values. The casino reviewed his concern and acknowledged that the actual RTP for the games was lower than expected, which led him to demand a refund of his bets. We concluded that the RTP values experienced by the player were within the expected variance for the games played, and therefore, a refund for the 610 Euros was not warranted. The explanation provided by the casino clarified that RTP reflects long-term averages and that short-term fluctuations are normal.
Igrač iz Nemačke se osećao nepravedno prema njemu od strane kazina nakon što je izgubio 610 evra dok je igrao određene igre, uprkos njegovim očekivanjima većeg prinosa na osnovu RTP vrednosti. Kazino je razmotrio njegovu zabrinutost i priznao da je stvarni RTP za igre niži od očekivanog, što ga je navelo da zahteva povraćaj svojih opklada. Zaključili smo da su vrednosti RTP-a koje je igrač doživeo bile u okviru očekivane varijacije za odigrane utakmice, pa stoga povraćaj 610 evra nije bio garantovan. Objašnjenje koje je dao kazino pojašnjava da RTP odražava dugoročne proseke i da su kratkoročne fluktuacije normalne.
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