Pridružio sam se Trino kazinu u aprilu 2024. sa moje irske kućne adrese i sve naredne aktivnosti u kazinu bile su iz mog prebivališta u Irskoj.
Međutim, kada sam došao da se povučem, poslali su mi e-poštu juna 2024. u kojoj su mi zapravo rekli da su mi zaplenili stanje od oko 7000 evra i zatvorili moj račun jer imam i prebivalište u Engleskoj – zabranjenoj zemlji.
Dakle, iako sam igrao/povukao itd u Irskoj, činjenica da imam i drugi dom u UK znači da gubim sve u kazinu.
Ovo mi se ne čini fer.
(Gledajući nazad kroz mejlove, ne izgleda da je KIC tražen.)
I joined Trino Casino in April 2024 from my Irish home address and all subsequent activity at the casino was from my Irish residence.
However, when I came to withdraw, they emailed me on June 2024 effectively saying they had confiscated my balance of around €7000 euros and closed my account because I also have a residence in England - a prohibited country.
So although I played/withdrew etc in Ireland, the fact that I also own a second home in UK means I lose everything at the casino.
This doesn't seem fair to me.
(Looing back through the emails, it does not appear that KYC was asked for.)
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