poslednji depozit u Tritium kazinu je napravljen 29. juna u 02:21 CEST; UTC+02:00.
Nakon toga sam trajno zatvorio nalog u svom profilu igrača. Kazino ne šalje obaveštenje o ovom bloku.
Shvatam da kazina nisu obavezna da blokiraju sve račune koji pripadaju istom vlasniku. Međutim, neki to nude, kao što su Dama, Rabidi, Hollicorn, itd...
Tako sam pre nekoliko meseci takođe zamolio Versus Odds da me blokira iz cele Versus Odds mreže tako da ne mogu da se registrujem ili uplaćujem na bilo kojoj od Versus Odds platformi. Radilo je na nekim platformama.
Ovaj blok je saopšten u ćaskanju uživo sa druge platforme provajdera. Nemam dokaz za ovaj blok. Samo provajder sada to može da proveri.
Upravo sam danas primio još jednu promotivnu e-poštu od Cristalpoker kazina, iako sam tamo blokiran.
Ponovo otvaram isti slučaj u Cristalpoker kazinu, pošto se ovde govori samo o Tritium kazinu, ali još uvek nije zvanično na listi.
the last deposit at Tritium Casino was made on June 29th at 02:21 CEST; UTC+02:00.
After that, I permanently closed the account in my player profile. The casino does not send a notification about this block.
I realize that the casinos are not obliged to block all accounts belonging to the same owner. However, some offer it, such as Dama, Rabidi, Hollycorn, etc...
So a few months ago I also asked Versus Odds to block me from the entire Versus Odds network so that I cannot register or make deposits on any of the Versus Odds platforms. It worked on some platforms.
This block was communicated in a live chat from another platform of the provider. I have no proof of this block. Only the provider can check this now.
I just received another promotional email from Cristalpoker Casino today, even though I am blocked there.
I am opening the same case again at Cristalpoker Casino, since only Tritium Casino is discussed here, but is not yet officially listed.
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