Dragi vickineed12,
Iako razumijem vašu frustraciju, zamolio bih vas da se ubuduće suzdržite od korištenja uvredljivih riječi na našoj web stranici.
Štaviše, dobili smo popratne dokaze od Nicka i True Blue Casina, gdje smo mogli vidjeti da postoje brojne veze između više računa s različitim odgovarajućim vjerodajnicama. Stoga smatramo da su dokazi dovoljni u prilog slučaju kazina.
U takvoj situaciji, nažalost, nismo u mogućnosti podržati vas. Postoji li još nešto u čemu vam možemo pomoći?
Dear vickineed12,
Although I understand your frustration, I would like to ask you to restrain using offensive language on our website in the future.
Moreover, we have received a supporting evidence from Nick and True Blue Casino, where we could see that there were a numerous links between multiple accounts with various matching credentials. Therefore we consider the evidence to be sufficient in supporting the casino's case.
In that situation we are not able to support you, unfortunately. Is there anything else that we can help you with?
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