Položio sam 10 usd u bitcoin-u u kasino, a vjerujem da je to bio minimalni depozit kao što je to u SVIM drugim metodama depozita koje imaju.
Kasnije sam otkrio da minimalac nije 0,001 btc što je oko 10 usd.
Umjesto toga, to je 0,1 btc što je malo više od 100 Usd, što doza nema smisla.
Ali Btc je poslat putem blockchaina, i ima više od 500 potvrda, tako da nema sumnje da je novac ušao na račun kazina Btc.
Služba za korisnike pokušala me uvjeriti da novac koji sam im poslao teče okolo u blockchainu i to bi učinio do kraja vremena :-)
Koristila sam Btc plaćanja već nekoliko godina, a za to nikada nisam čula, a znam kada se isplata potvrdi na blockchainu više od 500 puta, novac ne teče bilo gdje, osim na računu primatelja.
Od tada im šaljem brojne mailove i poruke gdje sam priložio snimke zaslona podataka o plaćanju s blockchaina i adrese za povrat s mog računa u njihovom kazinu, ali oni mi odbijaju odgovoriti.
Imao sam jedan odgovor podrške i to zato što nisam dovoljno deponirao, bilo je tužno i mogao sam paziti na minimalan depozit u Btc-u, a možda sam i mogao to učiniti, ali kad su sve ostale valute 10 USD, osim od Btc-a što je 10 puta manje od svih ostalih, znači da je to bila njegova iskrena greška.
Ja sam uvijek iznova čitao njihove testove i ne mogu vidjeti bilo gdje napisano, ako položite pogrešan iznos prilikom polaganja u Btc-u, da će kasino zadržati vaš depozit.
Znam da je potvrđeno u blockchainu i zato su stigli na odredište, poslali su je na popis koji nije potvrđen na računu kazina Btc jer to nije bio točan iznos, ali ako im smeta potražiti, tamo će ga pronaći.
Nije zbog toga što sam 10 dolara potrošio toliko novca, a doista me nije briga za njih, već više način na koji me podrška kasina tretira kao igrača, a prvo pokušavam s lažom, a kad to nije uspjelo, rečeno mi je da je loše to je vaša krivica i činjenica da mi neće odgovoriti na mnogobrojne mailove.
Igrao sam u puno kockarnica, a najviše ih volim.
Ali njezina kockarnica poput ove koja čine gubitak vaše radosti igranja, a ja ne mislim da je cool njegovo casino takvo ponašanje.
Imam prepiske za chat i dokumentaciju za sve što sam ovdje napisao.
Hvala za cool stranicu :-)
Srdačan pozdrav
Theis Tannert Andersen
I deposited 10 Usd in bitcoin to the casino i the belive it was the min deposit as it is in ALL other deposit methods they have.
I found out later that the min deposit is not 0.001 btc which is around 10 Usd.
Instead it is 0.1 btc which is a little over 100 Usd, which dosent make any sense.
But the Btc was send through blockchain, and have more than 500 confirmations, so there is no doubt that the money has entered the casinos Btc account.
The customerservice tried to convince me that the money i had send to them, was flowing around in the blockchain, and would do so to the end of time :-)
I have used Btc payments for several years, and never heard of that before, and i know when a payment is confirmed on blockchain more than 500 times, the money isnt flowing arround anywhere except on the recipiants account.
I have since send them numerous mails and messages where i have attached screenshots of the payment info from blockchain, and the reciver adress from my account at their casino, but they refuse to answer me back.
I had one answer from support, and it was because i havent deposited enough, it was sad and i could have looked out for the min deposit in Btc, and perhaps i could have done that, but when all other currencies is 10 Usd, except from Btc which is 10 times the min of all others, its mean its an honest mistake i made.
I have reading through their t&c again and again, and i cant see anywhere its written, if you deposit the wrong amount when depositing in Btc, that the casino will keep your deposit.
I know its confirmed in blockchain, and therefor have reached their destination, mabye its listed as not confirmed at the casinos Btc account because it wasnt the correct amount, but if they bothered to look, they will find out its there.
Its not because 10 Usd it that much money, and i really dont care about them, its more the way the casino support is treating me as a player, and first trying with a lie, and when that didnt worked i was told its to bad its your own fault, and the fact they wont answer me back on numerous mails.
I have played at a lot of casinos, and i like the most of them.
But its casinos like this one who makes one losing your joy of playing, and i dont think its cool a casino behaving like that.
I have chat transcripts and documentation of all i have wrote here.
Thanks for a cool site :-)
Best regards
Theis Tannert Andersen
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