Moji dobici (maksimalni dobici) su zaglavljeni u bonus igri.
Problem je nastao 6. maja 2024. oko 16:00 po srednjeevropskom vremenu.
Posle 2 nedelje, kazino mi ne daje nikakve informacije osim tekstualnih zahteva koje treba da sačekam dok se istraga provajdera ne završi.
Kada su zamoljeni da pošalju više detalja o tome šta se dešava, kazino saopštava da je sve što mi kažu u ćaskanju sve što imaju.
Želim nazad svoj novac koji sam osvojio u ovoj rundi.
U prilogu ovog slučaja su fotografije, video snimci, snimci ekrana i pdf fajlovi prepiske sa kazinom.
Sledi detaljan opis kako se to dogodilo:
Igra: RoadKill (od Nolimit Citi)
Valuta: PLN
Poslednji zabeležen iznos (pobeda): 11084,15 Zl
Kako je problem počeo:
Igrao sam sa opkladom od 1 zl. Bonus igra je počela. Tokom bonus igre, nakon završetka okretanja unutar bonus igre (nakon isplate za svakih 1-3 bonus spina), igra je prekinuta porukom "ups. Nešto je pošlo naopako...". Ponovo sam učitao veb stranicu i greška se ponavljala, sve češće, nakon 1-3 svakog okretanja unutar bonus igre. i kao rezultat toga, ponovno učitavanje stranice je prestalo da pomaže u trenutku poslednjeg okretanja pre maksimalne pobede.
Pokušao sam da rešim problem sam, prateći uputstva na veb lokaciji kazina (brisanje kolačića, prijavljivanje sa drugih uređaja i drugih pretraživača) - nije pomoglo.
Takođe sam otišao u meni istorije rundi - runda sa maksimalnim pobedom nije bila prikazana (kao da ne postoji).
Lista je takođe uključivala 1 nedovršeno kolo druge igre No Limit Citi - koja se zapravo završava ako uđete u nju. Ali pojavljuje se iznova i iznova na listi nedovršenih rundi.
Nakon nekoliko dana, kada se prijavite u igru RoadKill, više nema grešaka i možete igrati na isti način kao i ranije. Moja zamrznuta maksimalna pobeda je nestala.
Slede dodatne informacije:
Kazino potvrđuje da sličan problem nije jedini slučaj.
Ostatak vremena sve igre rade kao i obično.
Molim vas pomozite mi da dobijem svoj dobitak.
My winnings (max win) are stuck in the bonus game.
The problem occurred on May 06, 2024, at approximately 16:00 CET.
After 2 weeks, the casino does not provide me with any information other than text requests that I need to wait until the provider’s investigation is completed.
When asked to send more details about what is happening, the casino reports that everything they tell me in the chat is all they have.
I want my money back that I won in this round.
Attached to this case are photos, videos, screenshots and pdf files of correspondence with the casino.
The following is a detailed description of how this happened:
Game: RoadKill (By Nolimit City)
Currency: PLN
Last recorded amount (win): 11084,15 Zl
How the problem started:
I played with the 1 zl bet. The bonus game has started. During the bonus game, after the end of the spin inside the bonus game (after paying out for every 1-3 bonus spin), the game was interrupted with the message "oops. something went wrong...". I reloaded the web page and the error repeated itself, more and more often, after 1-3 every spin inside bonus game. and as a result, reloading page stopped helping at the moment of the last spin before max win.
I tried to solve the problem myself, following the instructions on the casino website (clearing cookies, logging in from other devices and other browsers) - it did not help.
I also went to the rounds history menu - the round with max win was not displayed (as if it didn’t exist).
The list also included 1 unfinished round of another No Limit City game - which actually ends if you go into it. But it appears again and again in the list of unfinished round.
After a few days, when logging into the RoadKill game, there are no longer any errors and you can play the same way as before. My frozen max win round just disappeared.
The following is additional information:
The casino confirms that a similar problem is not the only case.
The rest of the time, all games work as usual.
Please help me get my winnings.
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