Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev minfagluja. Igrač nam je poslao sledeću poruku:
Izvinite što sam prestao da odgovaram.
Vremenom se situacija samo pogoršavala. Moj unibet nalog je ograničen iz nepoznatog razloga i od mene je zatraženo da ponovo učitam lični dokument. Dao sam im svoju sliku za pasoš i nakon 2 dana moj nalog je zatvoren.
Kontaktirao sam njihovu podršku i rekli su mi da je odluka konačna, ali će mi platiti stanje nakon što im dam iban gde mogu da ga primim i bankovni izvod, pitao sam ih da li će prihvatiti "DE" iban ali su mi rekli da samo IE iban se prihvata.
Nekoliko dana kasnije dao sam im izjavu sa IE iban-om i u isto vreme mi je rečeno da mogu da prihvate samo izvod iz UK banke.
Potpuno ne razumem tu situaciju, moja lokacija je Irska, moj nalog je bio na unibet.ie i nakon što sam dao ispravan izvod iz banke konačno traže od mene potpuno drugačiji račun. Neverovatno je i izgleda da unibet pokušava da ukrade 1500€ od mene. Prvo zatvaraju račun iz nepoznatog razloga (najverovatnije zbog ove žalbe), a kasnije menjaju pravilo prihvaćenim bankovnim izvodom...
Dragi minfaglui,
Imajte na umu da je cela grupa Unibet kazina odlučila da se javno ne obraća nijednom od naših otvorenih slučajeva, i preporučuju svim korisnicima da direktno prate proceduru žalbe . Priznajemo da ovo možda nije idealna situacija i želeli bismo da možemo da pružimo više pomoći. Međutim, poštujemo odluku Kazina da se pritužbama bavi interno, a ne javno, s obzirom na stroga ograničenja GDPR-a.
Preporučujem da se direktno obratite Centru za pomoć. Ako bude bilo kakvih daljih dešavanja u vezi sa vašim slučajem u budućnosti, ne oklevajte da me kontaktirate na veronika.f@casino.guru i u skladu s tim ću ažurirati ovu temu. Još jednom, voleo bih da možemo da ponudimo više pomoći. Za sada, zbog neodaziva kazina, ovu žalbu ćemo označiti kao nerešenu u našem sistemu. Hvala vam na razumevanju i želimo vam svu sreću.
We’ve reopened this complaint at the request of minfagluy. The player sent us the following message:
Sorry that I stopped responding.
The situation only made worse over the time. My unibet account got restricted due unknown reason and I was asked to reupload a ID document. I provided them my passport photo and after 2 days my account has been closed.
I contacted their support and they told me that decision is final however they will pay my balance after I provide them iban where I can receive it and bank statement, I asked them if they will accept "DE" iban but they told me that only IE iban is accepted.
Few days later I provided them statement with IE iban and in the same time I was told that they can only accept UK bank statement.
I completely do not understand that situation, my location is Ireland, my account was in unibet.ie and after I provided correct bank statement finally they require from me completely different account. It's unbelievable and looks like unibet is trying to steal 1500€ from me. First they close account due unknown reason ( most likey due this complain ) and later they change the rule with accepted bank statement...
Dear minfagluy,
Please be aware that the entire group of Unibet Casinos has decided not to publicly address any of our open cases, and they recommend that all users directly follow their complaint procedure. We acknowledge that this may not be an ideal situation, and we wish we could provide more assistance. However, we respect the Casino's decision to handle complaints internally rather than publicly, given the strict GDPR restrictions.
I recommend reaching out to the Help Center directly. If there are any further developments regarding your case in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me at veronika.f@casino.guru and I will update this thread accordingly. Once again, I wish we could offer more assistance. For now, due to the casino's unresponsiveness, we will mark this complaint as unresolved in our system. Thank you for your understanding, and we wish you the best of luck.
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