Kada sam bio u Engleskoj otvorio sam unibet nalog i dao dokumente za verifikaciju. Moj nalog je verifikovan.
Kladio sam se. Sve je bilo u redu.
U julu sam odlučio da podignem svoj novac. Novac nije stigao. Dobio sam mejl da moram da pošaljem neke druge dokumente.
Poslao sam ličnu kartu, dokaz adrese (račun za komunalije od 24. maja)
pored mog lica jer su me zamolili da napravim fotografiju sa dokumentom sa kojim ga držim. Nažalost, to nije bilo dovoljno.
Zamolili su me da pošaljem pisma u moj iznajmljeni stan u Koventriju. Uradio sam to, poslao sam 2 pisma sa adresom.
Ali izgleda da to nije dovoljno. Stalno odgovaraju da žele još jedan dokaz adrese. Rekli su mi da moram da tražim
pismo iz banke u moj stan u Koventriju i nekako pokazati da sam dobio pismo na svoju adresu.
Postoji jedan problem. Nisam u mogućnosti da primim pismo na adresu u Koventriju jer u julu
Iselio sam se iz Engleske zbog leta. Ne mogu to da uradim jer sam se odselio odatle! ALI kladio sam se pošteno kada sam BIO u Engleskoj.
Nikada se više ne kladim tamo i kada se vratim u Englesku registrovaću se u drugoj kladionici.
Želim samo da zatvorim svoj račun i podignem preostali novac, on je oko 230£.
Mislim da se ne radi o dokumentima, pokušavaju da izbegnu da mi plate, ne verujem da unibet ima i finansijske probleme.
kada sam se kladio da sam bio u Koventriju pa sam uradio sve
pošteno i mislim da zaslužujem taj novac. Čudno je to
Unibet sumnja. Imam debitnu karticu, broj telefona u Velikoj Britaniji, pisma, otvorene banke u Engleskoj... Poslao sam mnogo dokumenata.
Priznajem, napravio sam jednu veliku grešku, trebao sam da podignem sav novac dok sam još bio u Koventriju, ali ne mislim
Ne mogu samo da podignem novac dok sam van Engleske. Zar nisam u pravu?
Molimo kontaktirajte neke pouzdane ljude i pomozite mi da preuzmem novac od unibeta.
When I was in England I opened unibet account and I provided documents for verification.My accound had been verified.
I was betting. Everything was fine.
In July I decided to withdraw my money. Money didnt arrive. I got email that I have to send some others documents.
I sent id card, proof of address (utility bill dated 24 may)
next to my face because I was asked to make photo with document with me holding it. Unfortunately It was not enough.
I was asked to send letters posted to my rented flat in Coventry. I did it, I sent 2 letters showing address.
But it appears that is not enough. They keep answering that they want another proof of address. They told me that I have to request
a letter from bank to my flat at Coventry and somehow show that I got letter to my address.
There is one problem. I am not able to receive a letter at Coventry address because in July
I moved out from England because of sommertime.I am not able to do it because I moved out from there! BUT I was betting fair when i WAS in England.
I never again bet there and When I come back to England I will regist at another bookmaker.
I only want to close my account and withdraw remaining money, it is around 230£.
I dont think it is about documents, they are trying to avoid paying me, I dont believe unibet has financial problems as well.
when I was betting I was at Coventry so I did everything
fair and I think I deserve that money. It is strange that
Unibet have any doubts. I have debit card, uk phone number, letters, banks opened in England... I sent many documents.
I admit, I did one big mistake, I should have withdraw all money when I was still at Coventry but I dont think
I cannot just withdraw money while I am outside England. Am I not right?
Please contact some reliable people and help me retrieve money from unibet.
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