Registrovao sam se u Unibet kazinu u martu i završio proces verifikacije. Nakon toga sam dobio poruku da je sve u redu, verifikacija je završena, a status dokumenata se promenio. Bez razmišljanja, počeo sam da igram: deponovanje, pobeda, gubitak i povlačenje sredstava...
Zatim je stiglo još jedno obaveštenje i morao sam ponovo da prođem verifikaciju: da pošaljem pasoš ili vozačku dozvolu, dokaz adrese, račun za komunalije, izvod iz banke i dokaz o sredstvima. Dugačak spisak, ali već sledećeg dana sam učitao sve potrebne dokumente, ali proces verifikacije se tu nije završio!
Ponovo su tražili gomilu dokumenata, uključujući izvod iz banke, i njihovo prikupljanje mi je trajalo do 9. avgusta. Takođe sam podsetio administraciju da sam im prethodno poslao Skrill izvod od 90 dana, pošto sam deponovao samo ovim metodom, tako da su sve moje transakcije bile tu... Koja je svrha tražiti iste dokumente? Mučio sam se sa dokumentima, sve sam predao, a ipak je sve krenulo naopako.
Nije trebalo dugo da dobijem odgovor: 12. sam primio mejl da mi je račun zatvoren zbog kršenja klauzule 10.3, a sva moja sredstva su drsko zaplenjena... pa, zaplenjena, naravno.
U početku sam mislio da je greška jer me je imejl oslovljavao sa „Ana", a kršenje klauzule 10.3 nema nikakve veze sa mnom, jer se u suštini odnosi na intelektualnu svojinu.
Pokušao sam da saznam šta sam tačno „prekršio". Zatim su mi poslali još jedan mejl, pozivajući se na drugu klauzulu, što mi se činilo veoma čudnim. Prvo me zovu Ana i kažu da sam prekršio klauzulu 10.3, a sada se ispostavilo da postoji nova klauzula. Inače, račun je i dalje blokiran. Svakog dana menjaju razloge za zatvaranje naloga i smišljaju različite izgovore. Pa, nisam dobio svoj novac, ali jesam dobio gomilu užasnih emocija i mejlova sa smešnim izgovorima.
I registered at Unibet Casino in March and completed the verification process. After that, I received a message saying everything was fine the verification was completed, and the status of the documents changed. Without a second thought, I started playing: depositing, winning, losing, and withdrawing funds...
Then, another notification came, and I had to go through verification again: send my passport or driver’s license, proof of address, a utility bill, a bank statement, and proof of funds. A lengthy list, but the very next day, I uploaded all the necessary documents, yet the verification process didn’t end there!
They asked for a whole bunch of documents again, including a bank statement, and gathering them took me until August 9th. I also reminded the administration that I had previously sent them a 90-day Skrill statement, as I only deposited through this method, so all my transactions were there... What was the point of asking for the same documents? I was tormented with documents, I submitted everything, and still, everything went wrong.
It didn’t take long to get a response: on the 12th, I received an email saying that my account was closed for violating clause 10.3, and all my funds were brazenly seized... well, confiscated, of course.
At first, I thought it was a mistake since the email addressed me as "Anna," and the violation of clause 10.3 had nothing to do with me, as it essentially pertains to intellectual property.
I tried to find out what exactly I had "violated." Then they sent me another email, referring to a different clause, which seemed very strange to me. First, they call me Anna and say I violated clause 10.3, and now it turns out there’s a new clause. By the way, the account is still blocked. Every single day, they change the reasons for closing the account and come up with different excuses. Well, I didn’t get my money, but I did get a whole bunch of terrible emotions and emails with ridiculous excuses.