Zdravo lestrabiznis ,
Žao nam je što čujemo za vaše neprijatno iskustvo na našoj veb stranici. Dozvolite nam da elaboriramo vaš slučaj.
`Za početak, pokušali ste da napravite depozit koristeći ERC-20 mrežu. Međutim, koristili ste pogrešnu valutu, deponujući USDC umesto USDT. Naša platforma trenutno ne podržava USDC. U stvari, ako odete u odeljak novčanika i pogledate sve dostupne kripto opcije, videćete da USDC nije nigde naveden.
Radi jasnoće, prilažem snimke ekrana koji prikazuju USDT TRC-20 i USDT ERC-20, gde je USDT valuta, a ERC-20 ili TRC-20 se odnose na mrežu.
Kada izaberete metod kripto depozita, zaglavlje jasno kaže „ PLATI PREKO USDT-ERC20 ". Žao mi je što kažem, ali greška je bila na vašoj strani.
Kasnije, kada ste se obratili podršci, menadžer je ponudio dve opcije: ili refundirajte sredstva ili ih pretvorite u USDT, uz malu naknadu za konverziju. Izabrali ste drugu opciju. Vaš depozit od 47,79 USD je dodeljen 9. oktobra i već ste potrošili ovaj iznos na svoje opklade.
Hello lestrabusiness ,
We're sorry to hear about your unpleasant experience on our website. Please let us elaborate on your case.
`To start with, you tried to make a deposit using the ERC-20 network. However, you used the wrong currency, depositing USDC instead of USDT. Our platform currently doesn't support USDC. In fact, if you go to the wallet section and look at all the available crypto options, you'll see that USDC is not listed anywhere.
For clarity, I’m attaching screenshots showing USDT TRC-20 and USDT ERC-20, where USDT is the currency, and ERC-20 or TRC-20 refer to the network.
When you select the crypto deposit method, the header clearly states "PAY VIA USDT-ERC20". I'm sorry to say but the mistake was on your end.
Later, when you reached out to support, the manager provided two options: either refund the funds or convert them to USDT, with a small fee for the conversion. You chose the second option. Your deposit of 47.79 USD was credited on October 9th, and you’ve already spent this amount on your bets.
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