Igrač iz Njemačke je optužen da je prekršio Uvjete i odredbe igrajući ograničene igre dok je završio bonus klađenje. Na kraju smo zatvorili žalbu kao 'neriješenu' jer kazino nije odgovorio.
The player from Germany has been accused of breaking the T&Cs by playing restricted games while completing bonus wagering. We ended up closing the complaint as ‘unresolved’ because the casino failed to reply.
Igrač iz Njemačke je optužen da je prekršio Uvjete i odredbe igrajući ograničene igre dok je završio bonus klađenje. Na kraju smo zatvorili žalbu kao 'neriješenu' jer kazino nije odgovorio.
Pozdrav dragi Casino Guro tim,
Uradio sam depozit od 25 EUR u Vegadreamu. tada sam igrao Khanov mač i odmah osvojio 324 EUR. Naravno, nastavio sam igrati, a zatim odigrao dvije igre koje su se zvale: Wild Frames i Dog House. Nisam dugo igrao i osvojio sam maksimalno 100 EUR na oba slota. Zatim sam igrao i pričao i u jednom trenutku bonus je implementiran i naravno da sam se legitimirao i tada sam se mogao povući. Zatim sam nastavio igrati s uloženim novcem (koji sam uspio isplatiti), a zatim sam zaradio još jedan pogodak u Ankh of Anubis, gdje sam osvojio još 361. EUR. Zatim sam isplatio po 450 EUR svaki (implementiran bonus na prvi depozit) i drugu isplatu od 100 EUR. Oboje se takođe može uneti i poslati što je više moguće. Sada, dva dana kasnije, vidio sam da mi je iznos vraćen. Naravno da sam pitao zašto. Objašnjenje je bilo da sam igrao igre da se glasni uslovi i odredbe ne smiju igrati sa bonus novcem. Provjerio sam i zapravo, Dog House i Wild Frames su igre koje se ne smiju igrati s bonus novcem. Evo mog prvog nagovještaja. Kupcima je dozvoljeno prikupljanje, nema naznaka da su ove igre zabranjene kako bi se, kao i kod mene, naveo razlog zašto se cijeli pretvoreni dio, odnosno mojih 550 EUR, ne može isplatiti. Ali naprotiv. Mogao sam samo staviti svoje oklade bez ikakvog upozorenja. Sada sam htio izvršiti još jedno povlačenje (sa istim novcem) putem Trustlyja, za koje sam mislio da uvijek ide vrlo brzo. Zatim sam 5 minuta kasnije primio e -poruku da to nije moguće zbog gore navedenih igara i da će mi se moj ulog vratiti. Recimo da su mi profit od 361 EUR, kao i profit od Floating Dragon -a, koji nisu dio blokiranih igara, jednostavno oduzeti, a ja sam dobio samo 25 EUR natrag, iako sam samo tog dana položio 75 EUR. Sada sam napisao kazinu da trebaju oduzeti uloge i dobitke u dvije igre u kojima nije dopušteno igrati bonus bonusom od 550 EUR i da mi trebaju platiti razliku. Ne mogu vam dati do znanja da li igrate zabranjene igre s bonus novcem, ali koje nije dopušteno računati, očigledno zavaravajući kupca da misli da je sve legitimno, a zatim jednostavno sav novac, što je usput i s mojim drugim depozitom , gdje ja igram ove igre nisu igrali samo oduzmi. Nadam se da ću uspjeti postići nešto putem vaše i moje žalbe bez poduzimanja pravnih radnji protiv ovih ljudi.
Hello dear Casino Guro team,
I made a deposit of 25 EUR at Vegadream. then I played sword of khan and immediately won EUR 324. Of course, I kept playing and then played two games that were called: Wild Frames and Dog House. I didn't play it for long and won a maximum of 100 EUR on both slots. Then I played on and on and at some point the bonus was implemented and of course I had legitimized myself and was then able to withdraw. Then I continued to play with the wagered money (which I was able to cash out) and then landed another hit at Ankh of Anubis, where I won another EUR 361. Then I made a payout of 450 EUR each (first deposit bonus implemented) and a second payout of 100 EUR. Both could also be entered and sent as far as possible. Now, two days later, I saw that the amount was refunded to me. Of course I asked why. The explanation was that I was playing games that loud terms and conditions are not allowed to be played with bonus money. I've checked and in fact, Dog House and Wild Frames are games that are not allowed to be played with bonus money. Here is my first hint. Customers are allowed to accrue, there are no indications that these games are forbidden in order to then provide the reason, as with me, why the entire converted part, i.e. my 550 EUR, cannot be paid out. But on the contrary. I could just place my bets without any notice. Now I wanted to make another withdrawal (with the same money) via Trustly, which I thought always goes very quickly. Then 5 minutes later I received the email that this was not possible due to the games mentioned above and that my stake would be referred back to me. Say the profit of 361 EUR and also profits from Floating Dragon, which are not part of the blocked games, were simply taken away from me and I only got 25 EUR back, even though I deposited 75 EUR on the day alone. I have now written to the casino that they should deduct the stakes and winnings of the two games that are not allowed to be played with bonus money from the 550 EUR and that they should pay me the difference. They can't let you know if you are playing prohibited games with bonus money, but which are not allowed to count, apparently fooling the customer into thinking that everything is legitimate and then simply all of the money, which incidentally also with my second deposit, where I play these games have not played just take it away. I hope I can achieve something through your complaint and mine without having to take legal action against these people.
Hallo liebes Casino Guro Team,
ich habe bei Vegadream eine Einzahlung in Höhe von 25 EUR getätigt. dann habe ich sword of khan gespielt und direkt 324 EUR gewonnen. Natürlich habe ich dann immer weitergespielt und auch dann zwei Spiele gespielt, die folgendermaßen Hießen: Wild Frames und Dog House. Ich habe diese aber nicht lange gespielt und maximal an beiden Slots 100 EUR etwa gewonnen. Dann habe ich weiter und weiter gespielt und irgendwann war der Bonus umgesetzt und ich hatte mich natürlich dann auch legitimiert und konnte dann auszahlen. Dann habe ich mit dem umgesetzten Geld weitergespielt (welches ich mir schon auszahlen lassen konnte) und habe dann noch einen weiteren Treffer bei Ankh of Anubis gelandet, wo ich nochmals 361 EUR gewann. Dann habe ich jeweils eine Auszahlung in Höhe von 450 EUR (erster Einzahlbonus umgesetzt) und eine zweite Auszahlung in Höhe von 100 EUR gemacht. Beides konnte auch soweit eingeben und abgeschickt werden. Jetzt zwei Tage danach, habe ich gesehen, dass man mir den Betrag zurückerstattet hat. Natürlich habe ich gefragt wieso. Die Erklärung war, dass ich Spiele gespielt habe, die laute AGBs mit Bonusgeld nicht gespielt werden dürfen,. Das habe ich geprüft und in der Tat sind Dog House und Wild Frames spiele, die mit Bonusgeld nicht gespielt werden dürfen. Hier mein erster Hinweis. Man lässt Kunden auflaufen, gibt keine Hinweise, dass diese Spiele verboten sind um im Anschluss wie bei mir das als Begründung zu liefern, wieso der gesamte umgesetzte Teil sprich meine 550 EUR nicht ausgezahlt werden kann. Ganz im Gegenteil. Ich konnte meine Einsätze ohne jeglichen Hinweis einfach setzen. Jetzt habe ich dann erneut eine Auszahlung tätigen wollen (mit dem gleichen Geld) über Trustly, was ich dachte, immer sehr schnell geht. Ich bekam dann 5 Minute später die E-Mail, das das nicht geht aufgrund der oben genannten Spiele und man würde mir mein Einsatz wieder zurückverweisen. Sprich selbst der Gewinn von 361 EUR und auch gewinne aus Floating Dragon, die garnicht Teil der gesperrten Spiele sind wurden mir einfach weggenommen und ich bekam nur 25 EUR zurück, obwohl ich alleine 75 EUR an dem Tag eingezahlt habe. Ich habe dem Casino jetzt geschrieben, dass sie mir von den 550 EUR die Einsätze und die gewinne der beiden Spiele, die man mit Bonusgeld nicht spielen darf abziehen sollen und mir die Differenz auszahlen sollen. Die können doch einem nicht Bescheid geben, wenn man verbotene Spiele mit Bonusgeld spielt, welche aber garnicht zählen dürfen, dem Kunden augenscheinlich vorgaukeln, dass alles legitim ist und dann einfach das gesamte Geld, welches übrigens auch bei meiner zweiten Einzahlung, wo ich diese Spiele nicht gespielt habe einfach wegnehmen. Ich hoffe ich kann durch eure Beschwerde und auch durch meine irgendetwas erreichen ohne das ich rechtlich gegen diese Leute vorgehen muss.
Dragi Dustin,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Provjerio sam opće uslove i odredbe bonusa, a ovo sam pronašao https://vegadream.com/simple/general-bonus-terms :
"Uz aktivni bonus, sljedeće igre je strogo zabranjeno igrati, Stolne igre, Video poker, Jackpot igre , Casino uživo i sljedeće slot igre: 1429 Uncharted Seas, Big Bad Wolf, Blood Suckers, Bonanza, Builder Castle, Castle Builder 2 , Da Vinčijevo blago, Mrtvi ili živi, Mrtvi ili živi 2, Eggomatični, Hellboy, Hot Spin, Besmrtna romansa, Jackhammer 2, Jammin Jars, Jingle Spin, Jungle Spirit, Koi Princess, Lost Relics, Lucky Angler, Madame Destiny, Moon Princeza , Pekinška sreća, Reactoonz, Rich Wilde i Tome ludila, Rise of Olympus, Robin Hood - Shifting Riches, Scrooge, Secret of the Stones, Secrets of Atlantis, Sinbad, Sushi Bar, Sweet Bonanza, Sweet Bonanza Xmas, The Dog House , Turn Your Fortune, Twin Spin, Victorious, Vikings, Who Wants to Be Millionaire, Wild Swarm, SugarPop, Danger High Voltage, Ozzy Osbourne, Razor Shark, Wild Frames, Aztec Bonanza, Lil Devil, The Dog House Megaways biti milioner misteriozna kutija, Dark Joker Rizes, Reactoonz 2, Le Kaffee Bar, Beautiful Bones, Cherrypop, Deadwood, Jokerizer, San Quentin Xways, Caribbean Anne, Golden Beauty, Bronco spirit, Dragon Kingdom Eyes of Fire, 5 Families, Book of 99, Jammin Jars 2. U slučaju da je ovo prekršeno bonus i svi potencijalni dobici proizašli iz bonusa bit će oduzeti. "
Međutim, mislimo da bi se igre s ograničenim igranjem za bonus igru trebale blokirati, a ovo pravilo primijeniti na softverskom nivou, tj. Da softver ili web stranica kasina ne smiju dopustiti igračima da se klade na igre koje se ne smiju igrati dok dovršavaju opklada na bonus.
Možete li molim vas savjetovati je li to vaš prvi iskorišćeni bonus u ovom kazinu?
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da riješite svoj problem što je prije moguće. Radujemo se što ćemo vas čuti.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Dustin,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked the general bonus terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://vegadream.com/simple/general-bonus-terms:
"With an active bonus the following games are strictly forbidden to play, Table Games, Video Poker, Jackpot Games, Live Casino and the following slot games: 1429 Uncharted Seas, Big Bad Wolf, Blood Suckers, Bonanza, Castle Builder, Castle Builder 2, Da Vinci's Treasure, Dead or Alive, Dead or Alive 2, Eggomatic, Hellboy, Hot Spin, Immortal Romance, Jackhammer 2, Jammin Jars, Jingle Spin, Jungle Spirit, Koi Princess, Lost Relics, Lucky Angler, Madame Destiny, Moon Princess, Peking Luck, Reactoonz, Rich Wilde and the Tome of Madness, Rise of Olympus, Robin Hood - Shifting Riches, Scrooge, Secret of the Stones, Secrets of Atlantis, Sinbad, Sushi Bar, Sweet Bonanza, Sweet Bonanza Xmas, The Dog House, Turn Your Fortune, Twin Spin, Victorious, Vikings, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Wild Swarm, SugarPop, Danger High Voltage, Ozzy Osbourne, Razor Shark, Wild Frames, Aztec Bonanza, Lil Devil, The Dog House Megaways, Who wants to be a millionaire mystery box, Dark Joker Rizes, Reactoonz 2, Le Kaffee Bar, Beautiful Bones, Cherrypop, Deadwood, Jokerizer, San Quentin Xways, Caribbean Anne, Golden Beauty, Bronco spirit, Dragon Kingdom Eyes of Fire, 5 Families, Book of 99, Jammin Jars 2. In case that this is breached the bonus and any potential winnings derived from the bonus will be forfeited."
However, we think that restricted games for bonus play should be blocked, and this rule enforced at software level, i.e., that the casino's software or website shouldn't let players place bets on the games that are not allowed to be played while completing the bonus wagering.
Could you please advise if it was your first redeemed bonus in this casino?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve your problem as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Hvala vam, Dustin, na odgovoru. Ispravio sam vašu adresu e -pošte u našem sistemu i ponovo poslao vezu za autorizaciju na ispravnu. Molimo vas da me obavijestite ako je uspjelo.
Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petra koji će vam pomoći. Želim vam svu sreću i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako će se vaš problem riješiti na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Dustin, for your reply. I have corrected your email address in our system and resent the authorization link to the correct one. Please let me know if it worked.
I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Zdravo i dobar dan,
da, dobio sam tvoju e -poštu. Hvala vam što se sada o tome intenzivno brinemo i radujem se daljnjim nadam se pozitivnim vijestima od vas.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hello and good afternoon,
yes i got your emails. Thank you that we are now taking care of it intensively and I look forward to further hopefully positive news from you.
Best regards
Hallo und schönen guten Tag,
ja ich habe ihre E-Mails erhalten. Ich danke Ihnen, dass sich jetzt darum intensiv gekümmert wird und freue mich auf eine weitere hoffentlich positive Nachricht von Ihnen.
liebe Grüße
Zdravo Dustin,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i razumijem situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kazino i vidjeti mogu li vam pomoći. Pozivam Vegadream Casino na razgovor kako bi učestvovao u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Hi Dustin,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Vegadream Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Zamolili bismo Vegadream Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati 'neriješen' što može negativno uticati na njegov rejting.
We would like to ask Vegadream Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
zdravo Dustin,
Više puta sam pokušavao da stupim u kontakt sa kazinom, ali bezuspešno. Bojim se da se ne može mnogo toga uraditi bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Označit ću žalbu "neriješenom" u našem sistemu. Razumijem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rješenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano neriješenim žalbama moglo bi pomoći da se promijeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči da reaguje, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i bićete obavešteni putem e-pošte. U međuvremenu, preporučujem vam da kontaktirate Malta Gaming Authority (https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/) i podnesete im žalbu. To je dobro tijelo za licenciranje i ima bolje opcije i alate za pomoć igračima. Obavijestite me ako vam treba pomoć oko popunjavanja obrasca ili kako je MGA reagirao ako to možete učiniti sami (peter.m@casino.guru). Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hi Dustin,
I tried to get in touch with the casino repeatedly but without success. I’m afraid, there is not much that can be done without cooperation from its side. I will mark the complaint "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email. In the meantime, I recommend you to contact the Malta Gaming Authority (https://www.mga.org.mt/support/online-gaming-support/) and submit a complaint to them. It's a good licensing authority and has better options and tools to help players. Please let me know if you need help with filling the form or how the MGA responded if you can manage to do this on your own (peter.m@casino.guru). I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.