Zdravo Kristina,
Možete li molim vas da nam kažete koje ste dokumente već dostavili i kada ste tačno poslali poslednji?
Isporučio sam im razne vrste dokumenata, bankovnih izvoda, izvoda kreditnih kartica u različitim periodima.
Poslednji je 16. jula i dobio sam potvrdu da su je primili, pa čak i potvrdu 17. jula da su dokumenti verifikovani u redu.
Da li ste dostavili svu traženu dokumentaciju u najkraćem mogućem roku iu ispravnom formatu? Da li ste dobili bilo kakvu informaciju od podrške kazina o tome koji dokumenti nisu verifikovani ili nedostaju neki dokumenti?
Nakon potvrde da su 17. jula primili i overili svu dokumentaciju, nisam imao novih zahteva za novu dokumentaciju ili sortiranje. Proverio sam i posle 17. jula nekoliko puta preko Vegadream-ovog četa, ali mi kažu da drugu dokumentaciju još ne očekuju.
Hi Kristina,
Could you please advise which documents you have already provided and when exactly you sent the last one?
I have deliverd them al sorts of documents, bankstatements, creditcard statements over different periods.
Last one is 16 july and i got confirmation they received it and even confirmation on 17 july that documents are verified oke.
Have you provided all the required documents as soon as possible and in the correct format? Have you received any information from the casino support regarding which documents have not been verified or if any documents are missing?
After the confirmation that they received and verified all documents on 17 july, i have had no new requests for new documentation or sorts. I checked it also after 17 july several times via the chat of Vegadream, but they tell me they don't expect other documentation yet.
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