LOGIN - kolbin3027
Tamo sam se registrovao pre više od šest meseci, pokušao sam da igram, ali mi nisu dali, posle čega sam tražio
novac za povlačenje, ali je i to zabranjeno. Kontaktirao sam tehničku podršku - rekli su mi da čekam šest meseci, jer je nalog "u pregledu"
Dobro, mirno sam čekao šest meseci, kada je isteklo vreme, pokušao sam
da ponovo podigne novac - i ponovo propao. U odgovoru su ponovo odgovorili da
morali su da sačekaju.
Poslao sam im mejl, nakon čega su mi zatvorili nalog, takođe bez davanja informacija o vremenu i datumima podizanja mog novca! Nisam osvojio ništa na ovom sajtu, samo pokušavam da podignem svoj depozit, ja neću više da trpim.
Samo želim da uzmem novac, neću da se igram sa njima. ovo je moj depozit, koji odbijaju da vrate - to je prevara
LOGIN - kolbin3027
I registered there more than six months ago, I tried to play there, but they didn't give me, after which I requested
money for withdrawal, but this is also prohibited. I contacted technical support - they told me to wait six months, because the account is "under review"
Okay, I calmly waited six months, when the time ran out, I tried
to withdraw money again - and failed again. In response, they replied again that
they needed to wait.
I sent them an email, after which they closed my account, also without providing any information about the timing and dates of withdrawal of my money!I haven't won anything on this site, I'm just trying to withdraw my deposit, I'm not going to put up with it anymore.
I just want to take the money, I'm not going to play with them. this is my deposit, which they refuse to return - it's a scam
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