Hvala vam na odgovoru.
>Da li je vaš nalog već verifikovan?
Šta znači verifikacija naloga? Ako morate da predate ličnu kartu, itd., to još nije završeno.
Kada sam pokušao da prenesem 1.500 dolara sa svog stanja, od mene je zatraženo da potvrdim autentičnost svog naloga, pa sam to i učinio, ali moj nalog je bio zaključan. Nikada mi nije zatraženo da verifikujem svoj račun prilikom uplate depozita.
>Da li dobro razumete da ste se u prošlosti samoisključivali?
Bilo je to pre dve godine, pa se ne sećam tačno, ali
Sećam se da je moj nalog zaključan po sopstvenom nahođenju uprave, a ne zbog samoisključenja.
Period je od pre oko 2 godine do danas. Sećam se da sam koristio pravi novac i bonuse za depozit.
>Kada ste poslednji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Danas smo razmenili imejlove.
Raspitao sam se o ponovnom aktiviranju mog naloga i da se iznos refundiranja razlikuje od smernica.
Odgovorio sam na osnovu sadržaja argumenta u nastavku.
Ovde ću izneti svoj argument.
1. Što se tiče računa
・Pošto je nalog kreiran pre nekoliko godina, zaboravio sam da postoji.
-Trenutno sam bio u mogućnosti da se registrujem, uplatim i igram, pa sam mislio da uopšte nema duplih naloga.
・Ako operater ima pravo da konfiskuje stanje zbog povrede dupliciranja naloga, on tvrdi da se autentifikacija naloga mora izvršiti u trenutku nove registracije i deponovanja.
U suprotnom, operater bi imao pravo da dozvoli sve, od registracije do depozita, a zatim da konfiskuje samo deponovani iznos, što bi im olakšalo da oduzmu svoju ličnu imovinu. On tvrdi da je ovo veoma opasan sistem.
・Oni tvrde da su dobici koje su zaradili igranjem već odraženi u njihovim bilansima, tako da su njihova lična svojina.
・Ako su zapravo koristili duplikate naloga i zloupotrebljavali ih, to bi bila njihova greška, ali
Do danas nije bilo zloupotrebe naloga.
Štaviše, on je prethodno obavestio banku da trenutno igra sa udobnom maržom tako što pravi manje depozite i pokušava da povuče novac ranije.
*Ovog puta uopšte nisam dirao bonus na depozit i igrao sam samo sa pravim novcem.
・Iako je moj nalog bio zaključan pre nekoliko godina, nisam ga zloupotrebio ni na koji način, i razgovarao sam o svojim osećanjima i konsultacijama sa osobljem za podršku putem ćaskanja i e-pošte, ali je to bio razlog zašto je moj nalog zaključan. moj. Nisam zadovoljan ovim odgovorom jer je zaključan.
2. U vezi sa refundiranjem
・Pre nego što je postupak refundiranja završen, postavio sam upit rekavši: „Bio bih u nevolji ako bih podneo zahtev za povlačenje i takođe ostavio saldo", a kao odgovor sam dobio refundiranje rekavši: „Vratiću novac stanje na vašem računu.''
Kao odgovor, čak su poslali i e-poruku sa potvrdom: ``Pristali smo da refundiramo pun iznos stanja na vašem računu.
Međutim, oni tvrde da je zapravo plaćen samo ``iznos depozita'', što je lažna transakcija.
・Nisam dobio nikakvo obaveštenje da će preostali iznos biti oduzet ili da će samo deponovani iznos biti vraćen pre nego što je postupak povraćaja završen.
・„Pre nego što je postupak refundiranja završen", kompanija se raspitivala „koliko novca će biti vraćeno", ali nije dobila odgovor, za koji tvrde da krši njihovu odgovornost.
Na osnovu gore navedenog, zahtevamo potpuni povraćaj sredstava na računu od 3.000 do 3.500 dolara i ponovno aktiviranje naloga.
Zaista je žalosno što se podrška nije izvinila i nastavlja da odgovara na nepošten način.
Hvala vam na interesovanju za istragu.
Thank you for your reply.
Will answer.
>Is your account already verified?
What does account verification mean? If you have to submit your ID, etc., it is not yet completed.
When I tried to transfer $1,500 from my balance, I was asked to authenticate my account, so I did so, but my account was locked. I was never asked to verify my account when making a deposit.
>Do you understand correctly that you have self-excluded yourself in the past?
It was two years ago, so I don't remember exactly, but
I remember that my account was locked at the sole discretion of the management, not due to self-exclusion.
The period is from about 2 years ago to the present. I remember using real money and deposit bonuses.
>When was the last time you spoke to a casino and what was it about?
We exchanged emails today.
I inquired about reactivating my account and that the refund amount was different from the guidance.
I have responded based on the content of the argument below.
Here I will state my argument.
1. Regarding the account
・Since the account was created several years ago, I had forgotten that it existed.
-Currently, I was able to register, deposit, and play, so I thought there were no duplicate accounts in the first place.
・If the operator has the right to confiscate the balance due to account duplication violation, it claims that account authentication must be performed at the time of new registration and deposit.
Otherwise, the operator would have the right to allow everything from registration to deposit, and then confiscate only the deposited amount, making it easy for them to strip away their personal assets. He argues that this is a very dangerous system.
・They claim that the winnings they earned from playing were already reflected in their balances, so they are their personal property.
・If they actually used duplicate accounts and abused them, it would be their fault, but
To date, there has been no misuse of the account.
Furthermore, he had previously informed the bank that he was currently playing with a comfortable margin by making smaller deposits and trying to withdraw money early.
*This time I did not touch the deposit bonus at all and only played with real money.
・Even though my account was locked several years ago, I did not misuse the account in any way, and I had discussed my feelings and consultations with the support staff via chat and email, but this was the reason for my account being locked down on my own. I am not satisfied with this response as it has been locked.
2. Regarding refunds
・Before the refund procedure was completed, I made an inquiry saying, ``I would be in trouble if I applied for a withdrawal and also left a balance,'' and in response, I received a refund saying, ``I will refund your account balance.''
In response, they even sent a confirmation email saying, ``We have agreed to refund the full amount of your account balance.''
However, they claim that only the ``deposit amount'' was actually paid, which is a fraudulent transaction.
・I did not receive any notification that the remaining amount would be forfeited or that only the deposited amount would be refunded before the refund procedure was completed.
・"Before the refund procedure was completed," the company inquired about "how much money would be refunded," but received no reply, which they claim violates their accountability.
Based on the above, we are requesting a full refund of the account balance of $3,000 to $3,500 and reactivation of the account.
It is truly regrettable that support has not apologized and continues to respond in a dishonest manner.
Thank you for your interest in the investigation.
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