Iskoristio sam bonus od 50% na drugi depozit, do maksimalno 250$, i deponovao 500$. Posle sam osvojio oko 2.500 dolara i ispunio uslove za povlačenje.
Kada je moja verifikacija identiteta završena, podneo sam zahtev za povlačenje. Obavešten sam da je potrebna autentifikacija moje adrese kriptovalute, pa sam je dao.
Ubrzo nakon toga, primio sam e-poštu u kojoj se navodi da su mi sredstva konfiskovana i da je moj račun zamrznut.
Ne mogu da prihvatim ovakav ishod jer su mi sredstva oduzeta bez ikakvog objašnjenja.
Želeo bih da istražite ovu stvar.
Priložio sam snimak ekrana e-pošte u vezi sa zaplenom.
I took advantage of the 50% bonus on the second deposit, up to a maximum of $250, and deposited $500. Afterward, I won about $2,500 and met the withdrawal requirements.
Once my identity verification was complete, I submitted a withdrawal request. I was informed that authentication of my cryptocurrency address was required, so I provided it.
Shortly after, I received an email stating that my funds were confiscated and my account was frozen.
I cannot accept this outcome as my funds were confiscated without any explanation.
I would like you to investigate this matter.
I have attached a screenshot of the email regarding the confiscation.
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