Proverio samOpšte odredbe i uslove i evo šta sam našao:
6.1.2. Vi ste zakoniti vlasnik novca na svom nalogu i svi detalji koje ste dali Kompaniji tokom procesa registracije ili u bilo kom trenutku nakon toga, uključujući i deo bilo koje transakcije depozita, su istiniti, aktuelni, tačni i potpuni i odgovaraju ime na kreditnoj/debitnoj kartici ili drugim računima za plaćanje koji će se koristiti za deponovanje ili primanje sredstava na vaš račun;
8.3. Kompanija ne prihvata depozite trećih lica, odnosno prijatelja, rođaka, partnera, muža ili žene. Morate uplatiti sredstva sa računa/sistema ili kreditne kartice koja je registrovana na vaše ime i osigurati da se vaši rekviziti za plaćanje koriste za depozite isključivo na vaš račun. Da koristite podatke o plaćanju trećih lica za povlačenje sredstava, kao i da ne dajete svoje podatke o plaćanju za povlačenje sredstava sa računa trećih lica. Ako tokom naših bezbednosnih provera otkrijemo kršenje ove klauzule, svi dobici na veb lokaciji će biti oduzeti i poslati nazad Kompaniji, a nalozi će biti blokirani.
Štaviše, pogledajte naš Kodeks poštenog kockanja za igrače :
Za depozite i isplate treba da koristite samo bankovne račune i kreditne kartice koje se drže na vaše ime. Ako to ne uradite, možete upasti u nevolje kada pokušavate da izvršite povlačenje. Ovo pravilo je uglavnom na snazi kako bi se sprečila zloupotreba kreditnih kartica, kao i zbog međunarodnih propisa protiv pranja novca.
Imajte na umu da je ovo pravilo prekršeno. Kazina mogu dozvoliti neke izuzetke kada deponuju ili povlače sredstva koristeći zajedničku karticu ili se ova mogućnost unapred saopšti. Tehnički je veoma teško proveriti ko je vlasnik načina plaćanja u fazi deponovanja. Ovo se može proveriti samo tokom verifikacije naloga, što se obično radi kada se traži povlačenje. Stoga je odgovornost igrača da koristi samo dozvoljene načine plaćanja.
Pošto se čini da ste više puta koristili metod plaćanja treće strane, bojim se da ne možemo mnogo da uradimo za vas i verujemo da je kazino delovao u skladu sa svojim Opštim uslovima i odredbama. U ovom trenutku mogu samo da preporučim da uvek koristite sopstveni način(e) plaćanja kako biste izbegli slične situacije u budućnosti.
Iz gore navedenih razloga, ova žalba će sada biti odbijena. Hvala vam na razumevanju, žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli više pomoći. Ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom.
I checked the General T&Cs, and this is what I found:
6.1.2. You are the rightful owner of the money in Your Account and all details provided by you to the Company either during the registration process or at any time thereafter, including as part of any payment deposit transaction, are true, current, correct and complete and match the name on the credit/debit cards or other payment accounts to be used to deposit or receive funds in your account;
8.3. The Company does not accept 3rd party deposits, i.e. a friend, relative, partner, husband or wife. You must deposit from an account/system or credit card that is registered in your own name and ensure that your payment requisites are used for the deposits exceptionally to your own account. You to use the payment details of third parties for the withdrawal of funds, as well as not to provide your payment details for the withdrawal of funds from third party accounts. If we discover during our security checks a violation of this clause, all winnings at the Website will be forfeited and sent back to the Company, and the accounts will be blocked.
Furthermore, please check our Fair Gambling Codex for Players:
For deposits and withdrawals, you should only use bank accounts and credit cards held in your own name. If you don't do this, you might get into trouble when trying to make a withdrawal. This rule is mostly in place to prevent credit card misuse and also because of international anti-money-laundering regulations.
Please understand that this rule has been breached. Some exceptions might be allowed by casinos when depositing or withdrawing funds using a joint card or this possibility is communicated beforehand. Technically it is very difficult to check who’s the owner of the payment method at the depositing stage. This can be checked only during account verification, which is usually done when a withdrawal is requested. Therefore, it is the player’s responsibility to use only the allowed payment methods.
Since it seems you repeatedly used a third-party payment method, I’m afraid there’s not much we can do for you and we believe the casino acted in compliance with their General T&Cs. At this point I can only recommend that you always use your own payment method(s) to avoid similar situations in the future.
Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
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