Zdravo, pre nekog vremena naišao sam na problem sa Voltslotom. Problem je bio što su mi nakon što sam osvojio novac (nešto više od 1600 evra) platili skoro sve osim što je poslednji iznos bio na čekanju. Imao sam dobar dogovor o depozitu, pa sam položio još 80 evra. Tokom deponovanja svi moji limiti su porasli do ekstremnog iznosa i moj nalog je blokiran. Prvi put su me deblokirali. Moj nalog je prvi put blokiran 10.08.2024. Bili su veoma brzi dok sam im zapravo rekao da želim ponovo da igram i 23.08.2024. ponovo sam mogao da pristupim ograničenim delovima. Dok sam pitao gde je mojih 80 evra + šta god mi nedostaje, odgovor je bio još jedan blok. Ovo 09.09.2024. Još uvek nema deblokade. Kad god pitam za status oni samo kažu "treba sačekati" i to je to. Odjednom su mi poslali poštom da su mi uspešno zatvorili nalog. Dok ja to nisam tražio, a ni novac nisam dobio nazad.
Konkretan iznos je teško reći, ne znam tačan dobitak i njihova veb lokacija uopšte nije bila realna, propuštajući dosta transakcija.
Hi, a while ago I encountered a problem with Voltslot. The problem was that after I won money (a little more then 1600 euro) they paid me almost everything except one last amount was on hold still. I had a nice deposit deal, so I did deposit another 80 euro's. While depositing all my limits gone up to an extreme amount and my account got blocked. The first time they unblocked me. My account first got blocked on 10-08-2024. They were very quick while I actually told them I wanted to play again and on 23-08-2024 I could acces limited sections again. While asking where my 80 euro is + whatever I am missing, the answer was another block. This on 09-09-2024. Still no unblocking. Whenever I ask for a status they just say "you need to wait" and that's it. Suddenly they mailed me that they closed my account with succes. While I didn't ask for that, and neither did receive any money back.
The specific amount is hard to say, I don't know my exact winnings and their website was not realistic at all, missing a lot of transactions.
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