Dragi Tomas,
Nalog je trajno blokiran zbog kršenja uslova i uslova:
"Strogo je zabranjeno zloupotrebljavati bilo koje runde igre njihovim odlaganjem, uključujući besplatne vrtnje ili bonus igre dok se igra sa bonus novcem. Sve odložene igre, bonusi i/ili besplatne igre dovode do poništavanja dobitaka i konfiskacije salda igrača."
Igrač je registrovao promenljive naloge preko istog računara, pod različitim imenima, koristio je strategiju odlaganja bonus rundi i na taj način zloupotrebljavao bonus sistem.
Igrač će ostati blokiran, osim ako ne vrati nepravedno povučenih 1200 EUR.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Tomas,
The account is permanently blocked due to the violation of T&Cs:
"It is strictly forbidden to abuse any game rounds by their postponement, including free spins or bonus games while playing with bonus money. Any postponed games, bonuses and/or free games lead to the cancellation of winnings and confiscation of the player’s balance."
The player registered mutable accounts via the same PC, under different names, used the strategy of bonus rounds postponements and thus was abusing the bonus system.
The player will remain blocked, unless returns the unfairly withdrawn 1200 EUR.
Kind regards
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