Igrač iz Njemačke optužen je za otvaranje više računa. Problem je riješen i novac je primljen.
Zaista to više nije normalno.
Uplatio sam 20 € 3 puta i normalno se prijavio i osvojio 3700 €.
Tvrde da imam dvostruki račun iako ga nemam i blokirali su me. Žele me otključati, ali izbrisati moje dobitke. Zvao sam nekoliko puta da govore samo engleski. Pisao sam sa podrškom i ja imam Gmail i googlemail 2 račune iako je isto. Želim da imam svoj dobitak, a oni ne žele da ga plate. Nemam 2 računa, a ni oni mi to ne mogu dokazati.
Prije 3 dana poslao sam dokumente i nisu ništa provjerili, rekli su da je sve u redu
Danas sam poslao broj kreditne kartice i fotografiju, sve je bilo u redu. Želim povući svojih 3700 € i odjednom blokiran
U 17:00 registrirano je sve normalno što se moglo reproducirati itd. 18:00 je iznenada blokirano.
Imam troje djece, samohrani sam roditelj i radovao sam se kupovini svoje djece i plaćanju iznosa kreditne kartice
mora mi se e -poštom dokazati da imam 2 računa
It's really not normal anymore.
I deposited € 20 3 times and signed up normally and won € 3700.
They claim that I have a double account even though I don't have one and have blocked me. They want to unlock me but delete my winnings. I called several times they only speak English. I wrote with support and mine have Gmail and googlemail 2 accounts although the same is. I want to have my winnings and they don't want to pay it. I don't have 2 accounts and they can't prove it to me either.
3 days ago I sent in documents and they checked nothing, said everything was ok
Today I sent in my credit card number and photo, everything was ok. I want to withdraw my 3700 € and suddenly blocked
5:00 p.m. registered everything normal could also play etc. 6:00 p.m. suddenly blocked.
I have three children, I am a single parent and I was looking forward to shopping for my children and paying my credit card amounts
it must be proven to me by email that I have 2 accounts
Das ist echt nicht mehr normal.
mich habe 3 mal 20€ eingezahlt normal mich angemeldet und 3700€ gewonnen.
die behaupten das ich einen doppelkonto habe obwohl ich keinen habe und haben mich gesperrt. Die wollen mich freischalten aber mein Gewinn löschen. Ich habe mehrmals angerufen die reden nur englisch. Habe mit Support geschrieben und die meinen habe Gmail und googlemail 2 Accounts obwohl das selbe ist. Ich möchte mein Gewinn haben und die wollen es nicht zahlen ich habe keinen 2 Accounts und nachweisen können die mir auch nicht.
vor 3 Tagen habe ich Unterlagen reingeschickt und es wurde überprüft nichts gesagt alles war ok
heute habe ich Kreditkarte Nummer und Foto reingeschickt war alles ok möchte mein 3700€ auszahlen lassen und gesperrt plötzlich
17:00 Uhr angemeldet alles normal konnte auch spielen usw 18:00 Uhr plötzlich gesperrt.
ich habe drei Kinder bin alleinerziehend und habe mich darauf gefreut das ich für meine Kinder einkaufen kann und meine Kreditkarte Beträge bezahle
es muss mir per email nachgewiesen werden das ich 2 Konten
Dragi ramilaorak,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli svoju žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu.
Kontaktirat ćemo kockarnicu i zatražiti dodatne dokaze, ali prije nego što to učinimo, možete li nas obavijestiti ako, prema vašim saznanjima, postoji mogućnost da je neko drugi od članova vaše porodice ili susjeda otvorio račun kod istog IP adresa ili uređaj kao vaš ili koristeći vašu adresu e -pošte? Jesu li vaši dobici akumulirani sa ili bez aktivnog bonusa? Jeste li u prošlosti iskoristili neke promotivne ponude u ovom kazinu?
Nadam se da ćemo vam pomoći da riješite ovaj problem što je prije moguće. Hvala vam unaprijed na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear ramilaorak,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
We will contact the casino and ask for supporting evidence, but, before we do so, could you please advise if, to the best of your knowledge, there’s a possibility that someone else from your family members or neighbors has opened an account from the same IP address or device as yours or using your email address? Were your winnings accumulated with or without an active bonus? Have you redeemed any promotional offers in this casino in the past?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Moj jedan račun s njegovim imenom i adresom e -pošte je dešifriran i na njegov račun je isplaćena zarada, nema problema. Ja sam samo slao svoje dokumente s adresom e -pošte. Nisam ništa radio s Gmailom
My one account with his name and email address and was decrypted and profit was paid to his account he has no problems I only sent my documents with an email address I didn't do anything with Gmail
Mein man mit seinen Namen und email Adresse Account und wurde verzifiert und auch Gewinn auf seine Konto ausgezahlt er hat keine Probleme meine documente habe ich nur mit einen email Adresse gesendet Gmail habe ich nichts gemacht
Provjerio sam opće uslove i odredbe bonusa i evo šta sam pronašao https://vulkanvegas.com/en/bonus-terms :
" Svi bonusi su ograničeni na jednog igrača, IP adresu, računarski uređaj, jednu porodicu, adresu stanovanja, telefonski broj, kreditnu ili debitnu karticu i / ili elektronički novčanik, e-poštu i mreže na kojima se dijele računari (na primjer, univerzitet, javna biblioteka, radna mreža itd.) Ako Vulkanvegasova uprava ima osnovanu sumnju da je Vlasnik računa počinio zloupotrebu bonusa (kao što je navedeno u tačkama 10, 14. i 16. ovih uslova), bilo samostalno ili kao kao dio grupe, Vulkanvegas zadržava pravo:
Ako ste vi i vaš suprug iskoristili promotivne ponude s iste IP adrese ili adrese stanovanja, bojim se da vam nećemo moći pomoći. Imajte na umu da je otkup više bonusa s istih IP adresa ili domaćinstava strogo zabranjen u većini kockarnica.
I have checked the general bonus terms and conditions, and this is what I found https://vulkanvegas.com/en/bonus-terms:
"All bonuses are limited to one single player, an IP address, a computer device, one family, residential address, telephone number, credit or debit card and / or electronic wallet, e-mail and networks where computers are shared (for example, university, public library, work network, etc.). Should Vulkanvegas administration have a reasonable suspicion that the Account Holder has committed a bonus abuse (as such indicated in point 10, 14 and 16 of these terms), either on their own or as part of a group, Vulkanvegas reserves right to:
If you and your husband have redeemed promotional offers from the same IP address or residential address, I'm afraid we won't be able to help you. Please understand that redemption of multiple bonuses from the same IP addresses or households is strictly forbidden in the majority of casinos.
Imao sam bonuse u julu 2021. godine i deponovao sam 20 € i završio igru. Ali sada u septembru 2021 nisam imao nikakve bonuse koje sam deponovao i normalno igrao, prvo sam kockao 20 eura, zatim sam položio još 20 eura i kockao se, a sljedeći dan sam platio još 30 eura, a odigrao sam samo 400 eura. nisam poslao svoje dokumente zbog dokumenata i bili smo provjereni. Polako sam svoj profit doveo do 3700 €. Moj nije igrao samo na meni i nema veze sa mojim, radi se o mom računu. Optužili su me da imam dva računa i stoga sam izbrisao svoj novac, to nema veze s bonusima itd. šta moji rade
I had bonuses in July 2021 and I deposited € 20 and finished playing. But now in September 2021 I didn't have any bonuses I deposited and played normally, first € 20 I gambled then I deposited another € 20 and also gambled away and next day I paid another € 30 and played only € 400 should be withdrawn I didn't send my documents in because of documents and were checked. I slowly brought my profit to € 3700. My one didn't play just me and it has nothing to do with my it is about my account I was accused of having two accounts and therefore deleted my money, it has nothing to do with bonuses etc. what mine do
Ich habe juli 2021 boni gehabt und habe 20€ eingezahlt das auch fertig gespielt. Aber jetzt in September 2021 hatte ich keine Boni ich habe normal eingezahlt und normal gespielt erste 20€ habe ich verspielt dann habe ich nochmal 20€ eingezahlt auch verspielt und nächste Tag habe ich nochmal 30€ bezahlt und gespielt erst 400€ gewonnen sollte auszahlen lassen ging nicht wegen documente habe meine Unterlagen reingeschickt und wurde überprüft dabei habe ich mein Gewinn langsam auf 3700€ gebracht. Mein man hat nicht gespielt nur ich und es hat mit mein nicht zutun es geht um mein Account mir wurde vorgeworfen das ich zwei Accounts habe und deshalb mein Geld gelöscht es hat nicht mit Boni usw was da meine zutun
Hvala vam puno, ramilaorak, na pružanju svih potrebnih informacija. Sada ću vašu žalbu proslijediti kolegi Viliamu koji će vam pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti da se vaš problem riješi na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, ramilaorak, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Viliam who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dragi ramilaorak
Da biste istražili slučaj, ljubazno navedite e-mail adresu vašeg muža na kojoj je registriran u VulkanVegasu?
Hvala na saradnji!
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear ramilaorak
In order to investigate the case, would you kindly specify your husband's e-mail address that he is registered with at VulkanVegas?
Thank you for cooperation!
Kind regards
Zdravo ramilaorak,
Pogledao sam vašu žalbu i dat ću sve od sebe da vam pomognem. Želeo bih da pozovem Vulkan Vegas Casino u ovaj razgovor. Casino, možete li navesti zašto ste blokirali račun igrača?
Hello ramilaorak,
I looked at your complaint and will do my best to help you. I would like to invite Vulkan Vegas Casino into this conversation. Casino, can you please specify why did you block the player’s account?
Dragi ramilaorak
Da biste istražili slučaj, ljubazno navedite e-mail adresu vašeg muža na kojoj je registriran u VulkanVegasu?
Hvala na saradnji!
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear ramilaorak
In order to investigate the case, would you kindly specify your husband's e-mail address that he is registered with at VulkanVegas?
Thank you for cooperation!
Kind regards
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Objasnio sam nekoliko puta da su Gmail i googlemail isti u Njemačkoj, ali niko to nije razumio. Registrirao sam se samo na googlemail i osvojio bonus koji nisam dobio jer sam svoj bonus imao tek u srpnju, nakon čega sam se uvijek odricao bonusa prilikom uplate. Igrao sam pošteno i pošteno pobedio. Casino mi nije mogao dokazati da imam dva računa. Nažalost, slikao sam samo 3500 € za radost, a ne 3700 €, mogu im dati 200 € na poklon, ali želim svoj profit. Zaista nije fer. Optužen sam da sam se ponovo registrirao, iako sam se registrirao samo zato što sam znao da sam registriran kod Vulkana. Imam još slika ako se zatraži. Moj nema ništa sa mnom, ima svoju adresu e -pošte, profit i bankovne podatke. On je također poslao sve deklaracije i naravno potvrdio svoj dobitak, nakon čega je uplatio više od 300 € depozita i nije dobio dobitak, ali ne govorim ništa o tome, to je igra na sreću, možete pobijediti i izgubiti , nije važno, ali sve je izbrisano za mene neodgovorno što nije fer.
I have explained several times that Gmail and googlemail are the same in Germany but no one has understood it. I only registered with googlemail and won the bonus I did not receive it because I only had my bonus in July, after which I always waived the bonus when making deposits. I played fair and won fairly. Casino couldn't prove to me that I have two accounts. Unfortunately, I only took a picture of 3500 € for joy and not of 3700 € I can give them 200 € as a gift, but I want my profit. It's really not fair. I was accused of having registered again although I only registered because I knew that I was registered with Vulkan. I have more pictures if requested. My one has nothing to do with me, he has his email address and his profit and his bank details. He also sent in all the declarations and of course also confirmed his winnings, after which he made more than 300 € deposits and got no winnings, but I don't say anything about that, it's a game of chance, you can win and lose, it doesn't matter, but everything has been deleted for me irresponsible that's not fair.
Ich habe mehrmals erklärt das Gmail und googlemail das selbe in Deutschland ist aber keine hat es verstanden. Ich habe mich nur mit googlemail angemeldet und gewonnen Bonus hatte ich auch nicht erhalten weil ich mein Bonus erst in juli hatte danach habe ich bei Einzahlungen auf Bonus immer verzichtet. Ich habe fair gespielt und fair gewonnen. Casino konnte mir nicht beweisen wie ich zwei Accounts habe. Ich habe leider für Freude nur von 3500€ einen Bild gemacht und nicht von 3700€ 200€ kann ich denen schenken ist auch kein Problem aber mein Gewinn will ich haben. Das ist echt nicht fair. Mir wurde vorgeworfen das ich mich nochmal registriert habe obwohl ich nur angemeldet habe weil ich wusste das ich bei Vulkan angemeldet bin. Ich habe noch mehr Bilder falls es verlangt wird. Mein man hat mit mir nicht zutun er hat seine email Adresse und sein Gewinn und sein Bankdaten. Er hat auch alle verzifierung reingeschickt und bestätigt natürlich auch sein Gewinn erhalten danach hat er über 300€ Einzahlungen gemacht und kein Gewinn bekommen aber dazu sag ich ja nichts es ist Glücksspiel man kann gewinnen und verlieren macht ja nichts aber bei mir wurde es unzurechnungsfähig alles gelöscht das ist nicht fair.
Dragi ramilaorak ,
Pomno sam istražio vašu situaciju i sada imam potpunu sliku.
Na vaš račun je pripisan iznos od 3700 EUR.
Čestitamo na pobedi i prijatno veče!
Srdačni pozdravi,
Dear ramilaorak,
I've investigated your situation closely and now have a full picture.
The amount of 3700 EUR has been credited onto your account.
Congrats on your win and have a nice evening!
Kind regards,
Nadam se da ću to moći isplatiti. Upravo sam se povukao. Vjerovat ću u to kad mi ga uplate na račun, pa da vidimo koliko će trajati
I hope I can pay it off. I've just made a withdrawal. I will believe in it when it is paid out to my account, let's see how long it takes
Ich hoffe das ich es auszahlen kann. Ich habe jetzt gerade Auszahlung getätigt. Ich werde daran glauben wenn es auf mein Konto ausgezahlt wird schauen wir mal Wie lange es dauert
Hvala ti @ ramilaorak
Zahtjevi su potvrđeni sa naše strane. Budući da se radi o bankovnom transferu, može proći 1-5 radnih dana da novac stigne na vaš bankovni račun.
Srdačni pozdravi
Thank you @ramilaorak
The requests have been confirmed from our side. Since it's a bank transfer, it may take 1-5 working days for money to arrive to your bank account.
Kind regards
Zdravo, ramilaorak
Prema našoj evidenciji, novac je već trebao stići na vaš bankovni račun. Hoćete li provjeriti i potvrditi?
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello, ramilaorak
According to our records, the money should have arrived to your bank account by now. Would you please check and confirm?
Kind regards
Dragi ramilaorak,
Hvala vam što koristite Casino Guru centar za rješavanje pritužbi. Drago nam je čuti da je vaš problem riješen. Sada ćemo to označiti kao 'riješeno' u našem sistemu. Molimo, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas u budućnosti, ako naiđete na probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Ovdje smo da vam pomognemo, ali se nadam da više nećete naići na ovakav problem.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Viliam Casino.Guru
Dear ramilaorak,
Thank you for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution center. We are glad to hear that your issue got resolved. We will now mark it as 'resolved' in our system. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help, but I hope you won’t come across a problem like this again.
Best regards,
Viliam Casino.Guru
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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