Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem dobitaka. Žalba je riješena jer je igrač uspio povući dobitak putem bankovnog transfera.
The player from Germany is experiencing difficulties withdrawing his winnings. The complaint was resolved as the player managed to withdraw his winnings through bank transfer.
Igrač iz Njemačke ima poteškoća s povlačenjem dobitaka. Žalba je riješena jer je igrač uspio povući dobitak putem bankovnog transfera.
Kao što je već najavljeno, igrao sam samo jednom u ovom kazinu
Polog putem Visa nema problema. Povlačenje nakon nekoliko pokušaja unosa imena vlasnika kartice i nikad prihvaćeno, dalje obrađeno. Nisam primio obavijest ili uplatu na račun. Eitel
As already announced, I only played once at this casino
Deposit via Visa no problem. Withdrawal after several attempts to enter the cardholder's name and never accepted, not processed further. I have not received a notification or payment on account. Eitel
Wie bereits mittgeteilt,i h habe nur einmal bei diesem casino gespieltä
Einzahlung per Visa kein Prpblem.Auszahlung nach mehreren Versuchen den Namen des Karteninhabers einzugeben und nie angenommen, ni ht weiter bearbeitet. Ich habe keine Mitteilung oder Abschlagzahlung erhalten Eitel
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi E.Beccard,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema s povlačenjem. Dopustite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih mogao u potpunosti razumjeti cijelu situaciju. Da li ste u prošlosti uspješno završili KYC provjeru? Da li su vam savjetovali zašto ne možete podići dobitak? Je li to problem sa internim sistemom kasina ili je povezan samo s vašim računom?
Imajte na umu da bez potvrde vašeg računa nećete imati pravo na povlačenje novca. Međutim, vjerujem da ćemo vam moći pomoći da riješite ovaj problem i da što prije dobijete dobitak. Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear E.Beccard,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your withdrawal problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Have you completed KYC verification successfully in the past? Have you been advised why you can’t withdraw your winnings? Is it an internal casino system issue, or it’s related to your account only?
Please understand, without verifying your account, you won’t be entitled to any withdrawals. However, I believe we will be able to help you to resolve this issue and receive your winnings as soon as possible. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Dragi E.Beccard,
Žao mi je, ali niste odgovorili ni na jedno od mojih prethodnih pitanja. Molimo provjerite moj raniji odgovor i pokušajte pomoći. Molimo vas da shvatite da su sve tražene informacije ključne ako želimo nastaviti sa slučajem.
Pored toga, želio bih zamoliti da odgovorite na vašu podnesenu žalbu unutar ove postojeće teme, a ne podnošenjem novih žalbi. Odgovor unutar ove teme je najlakši način da sve relevantne informacije povežemo s ispravnim problemom i da na jednom mjestu prikupimo važne detalje i podatke. Na ovu postojeću žalbu možete odgovoriti slijedeći "Link" iz obavještenja koja su poslana na vašu registriranu e-poštu.
Snimke ekrana svojih ličnih dokumenata ne morate slati nama, već u Vulkan Vegas Casino. Siguran sam da razumijete da ne radim za Vulkan Vegas Casino, ali kao jedan od nezavisnih zaposlenika i profesionalaca Casino.Gurua pokušavam vam pomoći da riješite svoj problem.
Vaša saradnja u ovom pitanju je visoko cijenjena.
Dear E.Beccard,
I’m very sorry but you haven’t answered any of my previous questions. Please check my earlier reply and try to assist. Please understand that all the requested information is essential if we wish to proceed with the case.
Additionally, I would like to ask to reply to your submitted complaint inside this existing thread and not by filing new complaints. Replying inside this thread is the easiest way for us to link all the relevant information to the correct issue and to collect important details and data in one place. You can reply to this existing complaint by following "Link" from the notifications which have been sent to your registered email.
You don't have to send screenshots of your personal documents to us, but to Vulkan Vegas Casino. I’m sure you understand that I don’t work for Vulkan Vegas Casino, but as one of the Casino.Guru independent employees and professionals I’m trying to help you to resolve your problem.
Your cooperation in this matter is highly appreciated.
Upravo je to moj problem, čim unesem ime vlasnika kartice, ono je umotano u crvenu i
Isplata dobitaka ne radi
Exactly that is my problem, as soon as I enter my cardholder name, it is wrapped in red and the
Winnings payment doesn’t work
Genaudas ist mein problem, sobald ich meinen karteninhabernamen eingebe,wird er rot ummantelt und die
gewinnaszahlungklappt nicbt.Eitel
Ispunio sam i zadnji uslov. Šta još moram da radim
AN podrška @vulkanvegas. Pošaljite com? Uzalud
I also met the last requirement. What else do I have to do
AN support @vulkanvegas. Send com? Vain
Ich habe doch auch die letzte anforderung erfüllt. Was muss ich noch
AN support @vulkanvegas. Com schicken?Eitel
Razumijem vašu frustraciju. Postavit ću tajmer za dodatnih 5 dana, a ako ne bude razvoja do ponedjeljka sljedeće sedmice, intervenirat ćemo. Ostavimo malo vremena u kasinu da provjeri vaše lične dokumente. Unaprijed zahvaljujem na strpljenju.
I understand your frustration. I will set the timer for additional 5 days and if there’s no development by Monday next week, we will intervene. Let’s allow some time to casino to check your personal documents. Thank you in advance for your patience.
Pozdrav E.Beccard
Vidim da niste dostavili sve dokumente.
Molimo obratite se podršci uživo (ne e-pošti) i oni će vas voditi kroz ponovno nedostajuće dokumente.
Hvala na saradnji.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello E.Beccard
I can see that not all the documents have been provided by you.
Please turn to live support (not e-mail) and they will guide you through re the missing docs.
Thanks for cooperation.
Best regards,
Dragi E.Beccard,
Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Nicka koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Dear E.Beccard,
I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Nick who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dragi E.Beccard
U daljoj istrazi otkrili smo još jedan vaš račun - 03.pla**ze@web.de
Uređaj, depoziti su potpuno isti. Otvaranje više računa je strogo zabranjeno i krši T&C:
5.5. Na Veb lokaciji možete otvoriti samo jedan račun (Glavni). Bilo koji drugi račun koji otvorite na veb lokaciji smatrat će se „duplikatom računa". Sve duplikate računa možemo odmah zatvoriti i:
5.5.1. sve transakcije izvršene sa Glavnog i / ili Dvostrukog računa bit će nevažeće;
5.5.2. svi ulozi ili depoziti položeni pomoću Glavnog i / ili Dvostrukog računa neće vam biti vraćeni;
5.5.3. svi depoziti, dobici ili bonusi koje ste stekli ili prikupili za vrijeme dok je duplicirani račun bio aktivan bit će izgubljeni i mi ih možemo povratiti, a sva sredstva povučena s glavnog i / ili dupliciranog računa vratit će nam se na zahtjev.
Bonus dobrodošlice korišten je na oba vaša računa.
Postoji li konkretan razlog zbog kojeg ste otvorili drugi račun?
Hvala unaprijed!
Srdačni pozdravi,
Dear E.Beccard
Upon further investigation, we discovered another account of yours - 03.pla**ze@web.de
Device, deposits are exactly the same. Opening multiple accounts is strictly forbidden and violates the T&Cs:
5.5. You may only open a single account (Main) on the Website. Any other account you open on the Website will be considered as a "Duplicate Account". All Duplicate Accounts may be immediately closed by us and:
5.5.1. all transactions made from the Main and/or Duplicate Account will be made void;
5.5.2. all stakes or deposits made using the Main and/or Duplicate Account will not be returned to you;
5.5.3. any deposits, winnings or bonuses which you have gained or accrued during the time the Duplicate Account was active will be forfeited and may be reclaimed by us, and any funds withdrawn from the Main and/or Duplicate account shall be returned to us on demand.
The welcome bonus was used on both of your accounts.
Any specific reason you opened up the second account?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,
Kao što vidite, uplatio sam samo na jedan račun i
Sad ću stupiti u kontakt sa svojim privatnim osiguranjem pravnih troškova, a evo upravo toga
događa se ono što su prijavili mnogi igrači, ali od mene
nisam vjerovao
As you can see, I only deposited into one account and
I'm going to get in touch with my private legal expenses insurance now, and here's exactly that
happens what has been reported by many players but from me
didn't believe it
Wie sehen können habe ich nur auf einem Konto eingezahlt und
gespielt.Ich werde mich jetzt mit meiner privaten Rechtschutzversicherung in verbindung setzen.Hier ist genau das
passiert was von vielen spielern berichtet wurde aber von mir
nicht geglaubt.eitel
Svoje podatke o plaćanju mogu dokazati LBB-u putem izvoda sa računa, što je vrlo jasno
da sam platio samo na jedan račun. Nakon probnog depozita, moj saldo se povećao na 549 eura. Uzalud
I can prove my payment details to LBB via my account statement, which is very clear
that I only paid into one account. After the test deposit, my balance increased to 549Euro. Vain
Meine Einzahlungsdaten kann ich über meinen kontoauszug der lbb beweisen, man kann ganz klar erkenne
das ich nur auf ein konto eingezahlt habe.nach testeinzahlung erhöhte sich mein guthaben auf 549Euro. Eitel
Dragi Vulkan Vegas,
Možete li nam poslati dokaz o svojoj izjavi na nikolas.b@casino.guru. Takođe želim obje strane sretnim praznicima.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Vulkan Vegas,
Could you please send us proof of your statement to nikolas.b@casino.guru. Also I wish both sides happy holidays.
Best regards,
Sada sam pokušao razjasniti sva pitanja. Šta još želite
da napokon isplatim svoj profit uzalud
I have now tried to clarify all of the questions. What more do you want
to finally pay off my profit vain
Ich habe jetzt alle fragen versucht zuklären.was wollen sie nochmehr
um meinen gewinn endlich auszuzahlen??eitel
Nažalost, to nisam razumio. Da li biste me trebali kontaktirati ili da vas kontaktira vulkan casino?
Unfortunately, I did not understand that. Should you contact me or should vulkan casino contact you?
Das habe ich leider nicht verstanden.Soll i h mich melden oder meldet sich vulkan casino?
Vulkan Casino poslao nam je i e-poštu u vezi s vašim slučajem. Tražili su da li biste im trebali poslati dokumente o bankovnom transferu da popune vaš KYC.
Vulkan Casino also sent us e-mail regarding your case. They asked if you should send them bank transfer documents to complete your KYC.
Poslao sam sve, ID s obje strane, Visa karticu s obje strane, adresu. Šta još nedostaje?
I've sent everything, ID on both sides, Visa card on both sides, address. What is still missing?
Ichhabe alles geschickt,Ausweis beide Seiten,Visa Karte beide Seiten,Adresse.Was fehlt denn noch?
Smiješno, kazino ima moj račun za igranje s mojom vizom
detalji računa, svi depoziti su aktivirani. Sada se pita
izvodi mog računa !! Mogu li izjave poslati i poštom
poslati? Ako jeste, dajte mi adresu. Hvala uzalud.
Funny, the casino has my gaming account with my name visa
account details, all deposits have been activated. Now asked
my account statements !! Can I also send the statements by post
send? If so, please give me the address. Thank you vain.
Komisch,das casino hat mein spielkonto mit meinem namen visa
kontodaten,alle einzahlungen sind aktiviert worden. Jetzt verlangt
man meine kontoauszüge!!Kann ich die auszüge auch per post
schicken? Wenn ja geben sie mir bitte die anschrift.danke eitel.
Dragi gospodine,
Nedostaju nam vaše osobne isprave i adresa.
Čim pružite ovo dvoje - rado ćemo povući vaš dobitak, uprkos činjenici da ste prekršili T&C stvaranjem više računa.
Srdačan pozdrav
Dear Sir,
We are missing your ID and address proof.
As soon as you provide these two - we will gladly withdraw your winnings, despite the fact that you'd breached T&Cs by creating multiple accounts.
Best regards
Imam dokumente koji nedostaju (lična karta, kućna adresa
Poslano prije dva dana na Support@Vulkanvegas.com
Želim ti uspjeh. Hvala uzalud
Hi there
I have the missing documents (ID, home address
Sent two days ago to Support@Vulkanvegas.com
I wish you success. Thank you vain
Ich habe die fehlenden Unterlagen( Ausweis,Wohnadresse
vor zwei Tagen an Support@Vulkanvegas.comgeschickt
Viel Erfolg. Danke Eitel
Hvala ti Eitel. Nažalost, nema povratnih informacija nakon slanja željenih slika na plaćanje
Hi there
Thank you Eitel. Unfortunately no feedback after sending the desired pictures for payment
Danke sagt Eitel Leider noch keine Rückmeldung nach übersenden der gewünschten Bilder zur Auszahlung
Poruka primljena od gurua na engleskom jeziku.
Nažalost, to ne mogu prevesti. Molim te pomozi, taština
e message received from guru in english.
Unfortunately I cannot translate that. Please help, vanity
e nachricht von guru in englischer Sprache erhalten.
Leider kann ich das nicht übersetzen. Bitte um hilfe.Eitel
Zdravo Nic
Dobio sam vezu od Matej@Casino.guru na engleskom
Nažalost, to ne mogu prevesti. Uzalud
Hello Nic
I got a link from Matej@Casino.guru in English
Unfortunately I can't translate that. Vain
Hallo Nic
Ich habe einen Link vonMatej@Casino.guru in englischer Sprache
erhalten.Leider kann ich das nicht übersetzen. Eitel
Hvala na pošti. Prošle nedelje ste me ponovo poslali
slanje lične karte i potvrde o prebivalištu
Isplata osiguran, sve sam ispunio, ali uvijek dođe
opet novi zahtevi. šta je sledeće?
Thanks for the mail. Last week you sent me again
sending of the documents ID and confirmation of residence
Payoff to secured, I've fulfilled everything but it always comes
new demands again. what's next?
Danke für die mail.in dervorigen woche haben sie mir nach erneuter
zusendung der unterlagen ausweis und wohnsitzbestätigung die
auszahlung zu gesichert,ich habe alles erfüllt aber es kommen immer
wieder neue forderungen.was kommt jetzt?eitel
Zdravo Matek
Sada više ništa ne radi. Pokušao sam sve, ali radim
ništa sa mojim dobicima. čekat ću još 2 dana
a zatim uključiti moje privatno osiguranje od pravne zaštite.
Ako postoji poruka, molimo pošaljite uzalud
Hello Matek
Now nothing works anymore. I've tried everything but I'm doing
nothing with my winnings. i will wait another 2 days
and then switch on my private legal protection insurance.
If there is a message, please send vain
Hallo Matek
Jetzt geht garnichts mehr. Ich habe alles versucht aber es tut sich
mit meiner gewinnauszahlung nichts.ich werde noch 2 tage warten
und dann meine private rechtsschutzversicherung einschalten.
Sollte es eine nachricht geben ,bitte senden eitel
Budući da ovo postaje teret obje strane, za svaki slučaj primijenio sam ograničenje kockanja, tako da igrač ne gubi novac.
Dragi igraču, molimo pošaljite ID i dokaz o adresi našoj podršci putem e-pošte ili chata uživo ili jednostavno prenesite na svoj profil.
Nakon toga - podnesite zahtjev za povlačenje.
Srdačni pozdravi
Since this becomes a burden to both of the sides, just in case, I've applied a gambling limit, so that the player does not lose the money.
Dear player, please send the ID and address proof to our support via e-mail or live chat, or simply upload to your profile.
Having done that - please make a withdrawal request.
Kind regards
Zdravo Nick
Osim što su moji poslani dokumenti označeni kao pogrešni, ništa se ne događa.
nakon konsultacija sa mojim osiguranjem pravne zaštite, ponovit ću to danas
Pošaljite moje dokumente (lična karta, potvrda boravka)
Isplata dobitaka još uvijek nije pokrenuta, moramo napustiti drugu
Još uvijek se nadam konačnoj POBJEDNIČKOJ ISPLATI. Uzalud
Hello Nick
Apart from the fact that my sent documents are labeled as wrong, nothing happens.
after consulting my legal protection insurance, I will do it again today
Send my documents (ID card, confirmation of residence)
Payout of winnings is still not initiated, we have to leave the other
I still hope for a final WINNING PAYOUT. Vain
Hallo nick
Ausser das man meine gesendeten dokumente als falsch bezeichnet, tut sich nichts.
nach Rücksprache mit meiner Rechtsschutzversicherung werde ich heute nocheinmal
meine dokumente(personal ausweis wohnsitzbestätigung) schicken.sollte damit die
Gewinnauszahlung immer noch nicht veranlasst werden,müssen wir den anderen weg
veranlassen.ich hoffe immer noch auf eine endgültige GEWINNAUSZAHLUNG. Eitel
Dragi igraču,
Niti se niste prijavili na svoj račun od 10. januara ...
Molimo vas da učitate tražene dokumente i mi ćemo to završiti u kratkom roku
Dear Player,
You did not even log into your account since Jan 10...
Please kindly upload the documents requested, and we will be done in no time
Danas sam primio e-mail sa эlektronne stranice pritože se@vulcanvegas.com
Ponovo sam poslao svoje dokumente.
Hi there
I got an email from complains@vulcanvegas.com today
I have sent my documents again.
ich habe heute eine mail von complains@vulcanvegas.com
erhalten.ich habe nochmals meine dokumente geschickt.
Dragi E.Beccard,
Možda bi bilo brže kada biste se prijavili na svoj račun kasina i tamo prenijeli dokumente. Možda će trebati više vremena da se e-poruke pročitaju kao direktno prenošenje dokumenata u odjeljak za provjeru.
Dear E.Beccard,
Maybe it would be faster if you would login into your casino account and upload the documents there. E-mails may take longer time to read as directly uploading the documents to the verification section.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Dragi igraču
Ne možemo podnijeti zahtjev za povlačenje za vas.
Jučer vidim da ste se prijavili u 14.01.2021 19:58:26 (UTC)
Zašto niste podnijeli zahtjev za povlačenje?
Dear Player
We cannot make a withdrawal request for you.
Yesterday I see you signed in at 14.01.2021 19:58:26 (UTC)
Why didn't you make a withdrawal request?
Zdravo Nick
Iv pokušavam ući u isplatu putem provila. Nema šanse da samo reaguje
položi ono što je sada uzalud.
Hello Nick
Iv keep trying to get into the payout via provil. No chance it only reacts to
deposit what now vain.
Hallo nick
Iv versuche immer wieder über provil in die auszahlung zu gelangen.keine chance es reagiert nur auf
einzahlung was nun eitel.
Dragi E.Beccard,
Učinite onako kako casino savjetuje, prijavite se na svoj kazino račun i pošaljite zahtjev za povlačenje kako bi mogao biti obrađen što je brže moguće.
Dear E.Beccard,
Please do as the casino advises and login into your casino account and make a withdrawal request so it can be processed as fast as possible.
Kako već komunicirano putem provila za plaćanje ne funkcionira,
Prikazuje se samo moje stanje kredita. Mogu izvršiti isplatu
ne start.eitel
As already communicated via provil for the payment does not work,
Only my credit balance is shown. I can make the payout
not start.eitel
Wie bereitsmitgeteilt über provil zur auszahlung klappt nicht,
es wird immer nur mein guthaben angezeigt.ich kann die auszahlung
nicht starten.eitel
Kao što je preporučeno, pokušavam sa DOBITNICOM ISPLATU od 14. januara 2021., kao što je predloženo za moj račun,
Profil, isplata. Nakon pritiska Isplata se uvijek pojavljuje
moje stanje od 549,44 eura. Ne mogu aktivirati isplatu, šta da radim?
Hi there
As recommended, I have been trying my WINNING PAYOUT since January 14th, 2021, as suggested my account,
Profile, payout. After pressing Payout always appears
my balance of 549.44 euros. I can't activate a payout, what should I do?
Wie empfohlen vesuche ich seit dem 14.01.2021 meine GEWINNAUSZAHLUNG, wie vorgeschlagen mein konto,
Profil ,auszahlung.nach drücken auf Auszahlung erscheint immer
mein guthaben von 549,44Euro. Eine Auszahlung kann ich nicht aktivieren.Was soll ich nur noch machen.eitel
Dragi igraču.
Molim vas recite mi, zašto ste položili depozit?
Kao što sam već rekao, postavili smo ograničenje kockanja. Samo čekamo da podnesete zahtjev za povlačenje.
Hvala na saradnji
Dear player.
Please tell me, why did you make a deposit?
As I told before, we've placed a gambling limit. We just wait for you to make a withdrawal request.
Thanks for cooperation
Kazino Vulkan mi kaže da uplatim 20 eura kako bih dobio 100% isplate. Uplaćeno,
Račun pokazuje depozit, podizanje novca ponovo ne radi. Cijela stvar ponovo zakaže nakon unosa
Nakon unosa imena, ono će se pojaviti u crvenoj boji i isplata će prestati. Uzalud
Vulkan casino tells me to deposit 20Euro to get 100% payout. Paid in,
Account shows deposit, withdrawal doesn't work again. The whole thing fails again after input
After entering the name, it will appear in red and the payout will stop. Vain
Vulkan casino teilt mir mit, 20Euro einzuzahlen um 100%auszahlung zu erhalten. Eingezahlt,
Konto zeigt Einzahlung an, Auszahlung klappt wieder nicht. Die ganze sache scheitert wider nach eingabe
Karteninhabernamens.Nach eingabe des namens erscheint dieser in rot und die auszahlung stoppt. Eitel
Mora da se šališ)
16.01.2021 15:08:12 (UTC) - u vrijeme kada ste podnijeli zahtjeve za povlačenje, zahtjevi se obrađuju na strani davatelja usluga plaćanja. Sva dva zahtjeva upućena su na karticu 423044 ****** 3176
You've got to be kidding)
16.01.2021 15:08:12 (UTC) - the time you made withdrawal requests, the requests are being processed on the payment provider's side. All two requests were made to the card 423044******3176
Kome da pošaljem svoje bankovne podatke? Smiješno, uzimate moje depozite na Visa kartici
bez ikakvih problema, tako da možete i isplatiti dobitak na mojim podacima o vizama. Od 18. januara 2018. godine kažete mi da bih se želio prijaviti nakon isplate dobitaka. Šta se događa u slučaju novog kašnjenja! VAIN
Hi there
Who should I send my bank details to? Funny, you take my deposits by Visa card
without any problems, so you can also pay out the winnings on my visa data. Since January 18, 2018 you have been telling me that I would like to report after the winnings have been paid out. What happens against a new delay! VAIN
Wem soll ich nun meine Bankdaten schicken?Komisch, Sie nehmen meine Einzahlungen per Visa Karte
ohne Probleme entgegen also zahlen Sie auch auf meine Visadaten den Gewinn aus.Seit dem 18.01.2018 teilen Sie mir mit, ich möchte mich nach de Gewinnauszahlung melden.Was passiert,wider eine neue Verzögerung! EITEL
Zdravo Nick
Sada ista igra počinje ponovo. Prvo me pripremi za to
Isplata prije i sada moram ponovo pokrenuti način isplate
Kao i na početku, zahtjev za povlačenje ostaje kada unesete
Istek imena vlasnika kartice s crvenim ovjesom Šta bi to trebalo učiniti? Ubrzo više ne vjerujem u svoju DOBITNICU.
Hello Nick
Now the same game starts again. First prepare me for that
Payout before and now I have to restart the payout mode
As in the beginning, the withdrawal request remains when you enter the
Cardholder name de expiration with red hanging What is that supposed to do? I soon no longer believe in my WINNING PAYOUT.
Hallo Nick
Jetzt geht das gleiche Spiel wieder los.Erst bereiten Sie mich auf die
Auszahlung vor und nun muss ich den Auszahlungsmodus wieder neu
starten.Wie im Anfang bleibt der Auszahlungsantrag bei eingabe des
Karteninhabernamens de Ablauf mit rot hängen Was soll das schon wider?Ich glaube bald nicht mehr an meine GEWINNAUSZAHLUNG.
Dragi igraču
Postoje li poteškoće s podnošenjem zahtjeva za povlačenje putem BankTransfera?
I imajte na umu:
1) Iako ste prekršili uvjete i pravila, mi vam i dalje isplaćujemo dobitak
2) Primijenjen je blok kockanja, tako da nema šanse da izgubite dobitak, a mi definitivno ne možemo profitirati da zadržimo vaš novac.
Stoga, molim vas, samo podnesite zahtjev za povlačenje putem BankTransfera i to će biti učinjeno
Dear Player
Is there any difficulties for you to make a withdrawal request via BankTransfer?
And please keep in mind:
1) Even though you breached the T&Cs we are still paying you out the winning
2) The gambling block is applied, so there is no way you can lose your winnings and there is definitely no profit for us to hold your money.
So please, just make a request on withdrawal via BankTransfer and it will be done
Dragi E.Beccard,
Učinite kako kazin savjetuje i koristite bankovni prijenos kao način podizanja novca. Spremni su isplatiti novac koji samo trebate podnijeti za povlačenje.
Dear E.Beccard,
Please do as the casino advised and use bank transfer as withdrawal method. They are willing to pay out the money you just have to make the withdrawal request.
Zdravo Nick
Poslao sam podatke o svojoj kućnoj banci kako bih podržao vulkanvegas e-poštom sa fotografijom
Ovdje možete vidjeti da okvir nakon ulaska u kućnu banku pokazuje crvenu boju
kao i s mojom viznom karticom nakon unosa imena vlasnika kartice. šta još želi od mene nakon 5 tjedana
vrijeme obrade?
Hello Nick
I have sent my house bank details to support vulkanvegas by email with a photo
Here you can see that the box shows red after entering the house bank
as with my visa card after entering the card holder's name. what else wants from me after 5 weeks
processing time?
Hallo Nick
Ich habe meine Hausbankdaten an support vulkanvegas per mail mit foto geschickt.
Hier kann man sehen ,das nach eingabe der hausbank das Kästchen rot anzeigt.das genau
wie bei meiner visakarte nach eingabe des karteninhabernamens. was will noch von mir nach 5 wochen
Da li je kazino tražio te podatke od vas? - podatke o banci kuće? Imajte na umu da sve što morate učiniti je da se prijavite na svoj kazino račun i podnesete zahtjev za povlačenje putem bankovnog transfera.
Did the casino requested those those information from you? - the house bank details? Please note, all you have to do is to login into your casino account and make a withdrawal request through bank transfer.
Zdravo Nick
Sad sam napravio još jednu grešku, imam svoje bankovne podatke za ISPLATU DOBITA na vulkan
Kazino poslan. Zašto ste tražili dokumente o prenosu. Kao što je opisano, zahtjev za povlačenje ne uzima naziv banke. Zbog toga imam svoje podatke za konačnu uplatu
pametno. Uzalud
Hello Nick
Now I made another mistake, I have my bank details for the PROFIT PAYOUT to vulcan
Casino sent. Why you asked for transfer documents. As described, the withdrawal request does not take the bank name. That is why I have my data for the final payment
cleverly. Vain
Hallo Nick
Jetzt habe ich wieder einen fehler gemacht,ich habe meine bankdaten zur GEWINNAUSZAHLUNG zu vulcan
casino geschickt.warum man bat um Überweisungsunterlagen .wie geschieldert nimmt die auszahlungsanforederung den banknamen nicht.darum habe ich meine daten zur endlichen auszahlung
geschickt. Eitel
Poštovani gospodine Beccard,
želimo još jednom naglasiti da se sada jednostavno morate prijaviti i izvršiti povlačenje putem bankovnog transfera.
S poštovanjem,
Dear Mr. Beccard,
we would like to point out once again that you now simply have to log in and make a withdrawal to bank transfer.
With best regards,
Sehr geehrter Herr Beccard,
wir möchten Ihnen noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass Sie jetzt einfach einloggen müssen und eine Auszahlung auf Banktransfer machen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Zdravo Aleksandre
Hvala na pošti. Pokušao sam ponovo putem mog bankovnog transfera
Dostiže se do unosa imena vlasnika kartice, kada ga unesem, granice i
okvir za unos postaje crven i stoga ne mogu izvršiti isplatu
aktivirati uzalud
Hello Alexander
Thanks for the mail. I tried again via bank transfer mine
It goes as far as entering the cardholder name, when I enter it, the border and
the input box turns red and therefore I cannot make the payout
activate vain
Hallo Alexander
Danke für die Mail.Ich habe wieder versucht über Banktransfer meine
Gewinnauszahlung zu aktivieren.Es geh bis zur Eingabe des Karteninhabernamens, wenn ich ihn eingebe, geht die Umrandund
des Eingabekästchens auf rot und somit kann ich die Auszahlung nicht
Zdravo Nicklas
Vulkavegas je stupio u kontakt sa zahtjevom za slanje kratkog ekrana. Šta da pregledam?
Poslao sam sve dokumente (Visa kartica sprijeda i nazad, ID kartica straga i sprijeda,
POTVRDA REZIDENCIJE, šta još želite sada.
Hello Nicklas
Vulkavegas got in touch with the request to send me a screen short. What should i screen?
I have sent all the documents (Visa card front and back, ID card back and front,
RESIDENCE CONFIRMATION, what else do you want now.
Hallo Nicklas
Mir der Bitte einen Screenshort zu schicken hat sich Vulkavegas gemeldet. Was soll ich screenen?
Ich habe alle Dokumente geschickt (Visakarte vorne u d hinten,Personal ausweis hinten und vorne,
WOHNSITZBESTÄTIGUNG, was will man denn jetzt noch.Eitel??
Dragi igraču
Kažete da imate poteškoće pri povlačenju.
Napravite snimak ekrana greške koju ste dobili.
Dear player
You are saying you are experiencing difficulties at withdrawal.
Please make a screenshot of the error you are getting.
Uzeo sam snimak zaslona i poslao ga Vulkan Vegasu, radoznao sam da vidim šta će se ponoviti
dolazi iako je isplata najavljena prije 14 dana !!
Hi there
I took the screenshot and sent it to Vulkan Vegas, I'm curious to see what will happen again
comes although the payout was announced 14 days ago !!
Ich habe den Screenshot gemacht und an Vulkan Vegas geschickt.Ich bin gespannt was nun wieder
kommt obwohll die Auszahlung vor 14 Tagen angekündigt wurde!!Eitel
Zdravo Nick
Upisao sam iznos isplate putem Viesakartea sa promijenjenim imenom i
ISPLATA SANTRAG-a nije otkazana
Hello Nick
I have entered the payout amount via Viesakarte with a changed name and the
PAYOUT SANTRAG was not canceled
Hallo Nick
Ich habe den Auszahlungsbetrag per Viesakarte mit geändertem Namen eingegebenen und der
AUSZAHLUNG SANTRAG wurde nicht abgebrochen.Eitel
Zamolili smo vas da podnesete zahtjev putem BankTransfera, čak sam priložio i snimak zaslona.
Nadam se da će zahtjevi za povlačenje biti uspješni, ali ako ne - još jednom, molim vas, podnesite zahtjev za povlačenje putem BANKOVNOG TRANSFERA.
We did ask you to make a request via BankTransfer, I have even attached the screenshot.
I sure hope the withdrawal requests will be successful, but if not - once again, please make a withdrawal request via BANK TRANSFER.
Zdravo Nick
Ništa se više ne događa. S mog igračkog računa oduzeto je 570 eura, ali na moj Viesa račun ništa ne stiže
Pokušavate da mi pomognete od 18. decembra 2020
uvijek nema uspjeha. Da li trebam dobiti osiguranje za pravne troškove?
Hello Nick
Nothing happens again. 570 euros have been deducted from my gaming account, but nothing arrives on my Viesa account
You have been trying to help me since December 18th, 2020
always no success. Should I get my legal expenses insurance?
turn on?
Hallo Nick
Es tut sich wieder nichts.Von meinem Spielkonto sind 570Euro abgebucht aber auf meinem Viesakonto kommt wieder nichts an
Seit dem 18.12.2020 versuchen Sie mir zu helfen aber leider noch
immer kein Erfolg.Soll ich doch meine Rechtschutzversicherung
Dragi Beccard,
Nije potrebno "osiguranje pravnih troškova", jedino što trebate je slijediti naredbe kasina - prijavite se na svoj račun u kasinu i podnesite zahtjev za povlačenje putem bankovnog transfera.
Dear Beccard,
There isn't any need of "legal expenses insurance", your only thing to do is to follow the casino's orders - login into your casino account and make a withdrawal request throuh bank transfer.
Zdravo Nick
Moj račun za igre smanjen je za 570Euro !! Sada se pojavite
novih 504,40 eura. Gdje je preostalih 70 eura? Moram li i dalje podnositi nove zahtjeve za plaćanje?
Nema kraja. Već 6 tjedana idem sa mnom
novi zahtjevi! Ispunio sam sve tražene dokumente
ali ništa se ne događa !!
Hello Nick
My gaming account was reduced by 570Euro !! Now appear
new 504.40 euros. Where are the remaining 70 euros? Do I have to keep making new payment requests?
No end at all. For 6 weeks I've been coming with me
new demands! I have fulfilled all requested documents
but nothing happens !!
Hallo Nick
Mein Spielkonto war um 570Euro reduziert worden!!Jetzt erscheinen
neu 504,40 euro. Wo sind die restlichen 70Euro?Muss ich denn immerwieder neue Auszahlungsanträge stellen?Nimmt dieses denn
überhaupt kein Ende.Seit 6 Wochen kommt mann mir immer mit
neuen Forderungen!Ich habe alles gewünschte an Unterlagen erfüllt
aber es tut sich nichts!!
Dragi igraču
Otkazan je jedan od vaših zahtjeva za povlačenje na VISA karticu.
Iznova i iznova molimo da podnesete zahtjev za povlačenje putem bankovne doznake (NE bankovne kartice).
Molim vas, podnesite zahtjev za povlačenje putem bankovnog transfera.
Dear Player
One of your withdrawal requests onto VISA card was cancelled.
Again and again we are kindly asking you to make a withdrawal request via Bank Transfer (NOT the bank card).
Please, please, please make a withdrawal request via Bank Transfer.
Zdravo Nick
Kako izvršiti prenos zahtjeva za izložbu? A gdje su nestalih 70 eura
ostao? Molim vas, molim vas pomozite. Hvala ti Vain
Hello Nick
How do you make an exhibition request transfer? And where are the missing 70 euros
stayed? Please, please help. Thank you Vain
Hallo Nick
Wie macht mann eine Austellungsanfrage Überweisung? Und wo sind die fehlenden 70Euro
geblieben?Bitte,bitte helfen.Danke Eitel
Još jedna transakcija se obrađuje na strani pružaoca plaćanja (u iznosu od 70 eura).
Najvjerovatnije će biti odbijeno.
Obratite se našoj podršci koja će vas voditi kroz postupak zahtjeva za povlačenje putem bankovnog transfera
Srdačni pozdravi
One more transaction is being processed on the payment provider's side (amounting 70 euros).
Most likely it will be declined.
Please speak to our support they will guide you through the process of requesting withdrawal via Bank Transfer
Kind regards
Po savjetu vulcan asino uplatio sam posebne depozite za 100% isplatu
moja DOBITNA ISPLAĆA može se otkazati nakon 6 tjedana i nazad
ne budite pravedno rješenje !!!! Ekitel
On the advice of vulcan asino, I paid special deposits for 100% payout
my WINNING PAYOUT can be canceled after 6 weeks back and forth
not be a just solution !!!! Ekitel
Ich habe auf anraten von vulcan asino sondereinzahlingen zur 100% auszahlung gezahlt.nun soll
meine GEWINNAUSZAHLUNG annulliert werden?nach 6 wochen hin und her kann das doch wohl
keine gerechte lösung sein !!!!Ekitel
Dragi igraču,
Prilikom podizanja sredstava putem BANK transfera na početku navedite "DE" velikim slovima (velikim slovima).
Radujem se vašem zahtjevu za povlačenje
Dear player,
When making a withdrawal via BANK Transfer please specify "DE" in the beginning with the capital letters (big letters).
Looking forward to your withdrawal request
Zdravo Nick
Hvala, hvala na pomoći i strpljenju sa mnom. Danas sam dobio
odobrena isplata dobitaka saopšteno. 6 sedmica sa mnogo dubina
su gotovi. Hvala još jednom, Vain.
Hello Nick
Thank you, thank you for your help and patience with me. Today I got the
approved payment of winnings communicated. 6 weeks with many depths
are over. Thanks again, Vain.
Hallo Nick
Danke,Danke für Ihre Hilfe und die Geduld mit mir.Heute wurde mir die
bewilligte Gewinnauszahlung mitgeteilt. 6Wochen mit vielen Tiefen
sind vorbei.Nochmals Danke Eitel.
To je zaista nevjerovatno.
Ovdje u VulkanVegasu svi su tako sretni!)
Obavijestite me ako želite ukloniti ograničenje kockanja i nastaviti igrati na VulkanVegasu.
Srdačni pozdravi,
That is indeed very unbelievable.
Here at VulkanVegas everyone is so happy!)
Please do let me know if you want to remove the gambling limit and continue playing at VulkanVegas.
Kind regards,
Dragi E. Beccard,
Hvala vam što ste nas obavijestili da je vaš problem riješen i da ste primili dobitak. Molimo vas, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme u budućnosti, rado ćemo vam pokušati pomoći. Takođe bih se zahvalio Vulkan Vegas Casinu na ogromnom strpljenju u ovom slučaju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear E. Beccard,
Thank you for letting us know that your issue have been resolved and you received your winnings. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you will come across any trouble in the future, we will gladly try to help. I would also like to thank to Vulkan Vegas Casino for the enormous patience in this case.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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