Dragi CasinoGuru,
Nadam se da će vas ova poruka dobro naći. Pišem da zvanično zahtevam pregled i ponovno razmatranje blokade mog naloga, naknadnog otključavanja i zadržavanja sredstava u Vulkan Vegasu. Verujem da moja situacija zahteva dalju istragu, jer se čini da je tehnički nesporazum možda doveo do ovog nesrećnog ishoda. Naišao sam na nekoliko sličnih slučajeva koji su uspešno rešeni, koje sam naveo u nastavku za vašu referencu:
· https: //casinoguru-int.com/el/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-logariasmos-toi-paicte-echei-41
· https: //kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-logariasmos-toi-paicte-echei-58
· https: //kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-logariasmos-toi-paicte-apocleistece-1
· https: //kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-logariasmos-toi-paicte-apocleistece-25
· https: //casinoguru-int.com/el/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-paictes-chresimopoiese-vpn-otan
· https: //kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-e-aposirse-toi-paicte-paracraththece
· https: //kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-paictes-antimetopizei-discolies-21
Moj nalog je blokiran nakon što je otkriveno da sam se povezao preko VPN-a. Iako sada razumem da je ovo protivno njihovim odredbama i uslovima, nije bilo zlonamerne namere iza ove veze. Moj brat, koji radi u IT-u, je instalirao VPN firmver na našem kućnom ruteru radi dodatne bezbednosti, a ja nisam bio svestan njegovog prisustva i da će to uticati na moju konekciju sa platformom dok je protivno pravilima kazina. Ja sam stanovnik Grčke, gde Vulkan Vegas posluje legalno, i moj račun je u potpunosti verifikovan sa svom potrebnom dokumentacijom, uključujući dokaz moje grčke adrese, identifikaciju i bankovne podatke.
Ni u jednom trenutku nisam pokušao da prikrijem svoju lokaciju da bih se uključio u lažne aktivnosti ili stekao nepravednu prednost. Povezao sam se preko svoje redovne kućne mreže, nesvestan da bi to dovelo do kršenja njihovih uslova. Da postoji bilo kakva jasna indikacija — kao što je poruka ili upozorenje — da je upotreba VPN-a problem, preduzeo bih korake da je izbegnem. Nisam kreirao duple naloge ili na bilo koji način iskorišćavao platformu, i nije bilo finansijske štete za kazino.
Zahtev za fer preispitivanje:
U vreme kada je moj račun blokiran, moje stanje je iznosilo 21.642 evra, od čega su 11.700 evra bili lični depoziti uplaćeni 28.9.2024. Preostali iznos se sastojao od dobitaka istog dana. Tokom razgovora sa predstavnikom, bio sam pod pritiskom da prihvatim ponudu da povratim pristup svom nalogu, ali sa samo 2.700 evra moje ravnoteže. Pošto nisam imao drugog izbora i nakon što je jasno stavljeno do znanja da je to dogovor „uzmi ili ostavi", nevoljno sam pristao da povratim barem deo svojih sredstava, ali smatram da je ovo bilo nepravedno rešenje. Štaviše, nakon pokušaja da podignem 2.240 € od vraćenih 2.700 €, otkrio sam da je moj preostali iznos bio 12 €, a ne 460 € koliko je trebalo da bude tamo. Čak ni iznos koji sam obećao nije u potpunosti ispoštovan.
S poštovanjem tražim da se ova odluka preispita i da mi se dozvoli da povratim pravičan deo, ako ne i ceo, svog bilansa. Preostali iznos, nakon povlačenja 2.240 € i preostalih 12 €, trebalo bi da bude 19.390 €. Nadam se da je ovo priznato kao istinski nesporazum, možda kompliciran greškom platforme, a ne kao pokušaj pozivanja na predatorske prakse pod krinkom odredbi i uslova. Takođe želim da ponovim da moje akcije nisu prouzrokovale finansijsku štetu platformi — nije bilo duplih naloga ili pokušaja eksploatacije ponuda, dok je upotreba VPN-a bila nevoljna. Većina zadržanih sredstava predstavlja moj teško zarađeni novac, a platformi sam ga poverio zbog visokog rejtinga. Dosledno sam koristio svoj dom, poboljšan VPN, vezu bez problema skoro godinu dana, a platforma to nikada nije označila kao problem sve dok nisam imao pozitivan bilans i pokušao da se povučem.
Razlog za postavljanje moje žalbe ovde je taj što ne želim dalje da se mešam u korisničku podršku kazina jer oni nisu bili zainteresovani da dalje ispitaju problem i samo bi citirali Odredbe i uslove.
Više sam nego spreman da pružim svu neophodnu dokumentaciju, uključujući dokaz o mojim dobicima, depozitima, statusu verifikacije, istoriji ćaskanja i prebivalištu. Svi moji depoziti su napravljeni preko Skrill-a i obrađeni su bez problema, čak i pre potpune verifikacije naloga.
Ne želim da eskaliram ovu stvar pravno ili javno da narušim reputaciju kazina, ali moji finansijski interesi su mi važni. Uveren sam da se ova situacija može rešiti sporazumno, kao što su slični slučajevi bili u prošlosti. Međutim, neću oklevati da preduzmem neophodne korake da zaštitim svoja prava ako ovo ostane nerešeno.
Hvala vam na vašem vremenu i razmatranju. Nadam se poštenom i brzom rešenju ovog pitanja.
Dear CasinoGuru,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a review and reconsideration of my account block, the subsequent unlock, and the withholding of funds at Vulkan Vegas. I believe my situation warrants further investigation, as it appears that a technical misunderstanding may have led to this unfortunate outcome. I have come across several similar cases that were successfully resolved, which I have provided below for your reference:
· https://casinoguru-int.com/el/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-logariasmos-toy-paicte-echei-41
· https://kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-logariasmos-toy-paicte-echei-58
· https://kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-logariasmos-toy-paicte-apocleistece-1
· https://kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-logariasmos-toy-paicte-apocleistece-25
· https://casinoguru-int.com/el/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-paictes-chresimopoiese-vpn-otan
· https://kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-e-aposyrse-toy-paicte-paracraththece
· https://kazinoguru-gr.com/vulkan-vegas-casino-o-paictes-antimetopizei-dyscolies-21
My account was blocked after it was discovered that I had connected through a VPN. While I now understand this is against their Terms and Conditions, there was no malicious intent behind this connection. My brother, who works in IT, had installed VPN firmware on our home router for added security, and I was unaware of its presence and that this would affect my connection to the platform while being against the casino's rules. I am a resident of Greece, where Vulkan Vegas operates legally, and my account has been fully verified with all required documentation, including proof of my Greek address, identification, and banking details.
At no point did I attempt to mask my location to engage in fraudulent activity, or gain an unfair advantage. I connected through my regular home network, unaware that this would lead to a breach of their terms. Had there been any clear indication—such as a message or warning—that VPN use was an issue, I would have taken steps to avoid using it. I have not created duplicate accounts or exploited the platform in any way, and there has been no financial harm to the casino.
Request for Fair Reevaluation:
At the time my account was blocked, my balance stood at €21,642, of which €11,700 were personal deposits made on 28/9/2024. The remaining amount consisted of same-day winnings. During my conversation with a representative, I was pressured into accepting an offer to regain access to my account but with only €2,700 of my balance. Having been presented with no other choice and after it was made clear that it was a "take it or leave it" bargain, I reluctantly agreed to recover at least part of my funds, but I feel this was an unjust resolution. Furthermore, after attempting to withdraw €2,240 of the returned €2,700, I discovered that my remaining balance was €12, rather than the €460 that should have been there. Even the amount I was promised has not been fully honored.
I respectfully request that this decision be reconsidered and that I be allowed to recover a fair portion, if not the entirety, of my balance. The remaining sum, after the €2,240 withdrawal and the €12 remaining balance, should be €19,390. I hope this is acknowledged as a genuine misunderstanding, possibly compounded by platform error, rather than an attempt to invoke predatory practices under the guise of the Terms and Conditions. I also want to reiterate that my actions caused no financial damage to the platform—there were no duplicate accounts or attempts to exploit offers, while the use of the VPN was unwilling. The majority of the withheld funds represent my hard-earned money, and I trusted the platform with it due to its high rating. I have consistently used my home, VPN enhanced, connection without issue for almost a year, and the platform never flagged this as a problem until I had a positive balance and attempted to withdraw.
The reason for posting my complaint here is that I do not wish to get involved further with the casino customer service as they have not been interested in examining the issue further and would just quote the Terms and Conditions.
I am more than willing to provide any necessary documentation, including proof of my winnings, deposits, verification status, chat history, and residency. All of my deposits were made via Skrill and processed without issue, even prior to full account verification.
I do not wish to escalate this matter legally or publicly damage the casino's reputation, but my financial interests are important to me. I am confident that this situation can be resolved amicably, just as similar cases have been in the past. However, I will not hesitate to take the necessary steps to protect my rights should this remain unresolved.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope for a fair and prompt resolution to this matter.
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