Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je samoisključenje. Nažalost, upit je zanemaren. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer nije bila opravdana.
The player from Germany has requested a self-exclusion. Unfortunately, the enquiry was ignored. We ended up rejecting the complaint because it was not justified.
Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je samoisključenje. Nažalost, upit je zanemaren. Na kraju smo odbili žalbu jer nije bila opravdana.
sljedeće: BIO SAM aktivan u Casinu Vulkan Vegas, izgubio sam puno novca i kontaktirao savjetnika usluge u chatu uživo da mi blokiraju račun zbog ovisnosti o kockanju, nije bilo odgovora.
Upravo su mi rekli da bih trebao okušati sreću u drugim igrama ... To se obrušilo, nakon zahtjeva ponovno sam platio oko +/- 4000 € jer me ovisnost pobijedila ... Izgubio sve, od tada pokušavam svoj život jer sam tako očajna ... Danas sam u chatu pitala može li se novac vratiti bez dobivanja tačnog odgovora, a onda mi je račun blokiran ... Molim vas, pomozite mi, kako može biti da VulkanVegas svojim kupcima iako oni su ovisni, kažu da bi trebali isprobati druge igre?
nadam se vašoj pomoći
the following: I WAS active in the Casino Vulkan Vegas, lost a lot of money and contacted a service advisor in live chat that they should block my account because of gambling addiction, there was no response.
I was just told I should try my luck with other games ... It backfired, after the request I paid around +/- 4000 € again because my addiction defeated me ... Lost everything, I've been trying my life since then because I'm so desperate ... Today I asked in the chat whether the money could be returned without getting a correct answer, and then my account was blocked ... Please help me, how can it be that VulkanVegas his customers even though the one Are addicted, say they should try other games?
i hope for your help
folgendes: Ich WAR Aktiv im Casino Vulkan Vegas, habe sehr viel Geld verloren und im Livechat mit einer Serviceberaterin Kontakt aufgenommen, dass die mein Konto wegen der Spielsucht sperren sollen, darauf wurde nicht reagiert.
es wurde mir nur gesagt ich soll mein Glück mit anderen Spielen versuchen… Es ging nach hinten los, habe nach der Anfrage um die +/-4000€ Wieder eingezahlt weil meine Sucht mich besiegt hat… Alles verloren, Versuche seitdem mein Leben in den Griff zu kriegen weil ich so verzweifelt bin… Heute habe ich im Chat angefragt ob man das Geld zurpck kriegen könnte, ohne eine richtige Antwort zu kriegen wurde dann mein Konto gesperrt… Bitte helfen Sie mir, wie kann es sein dass VulkanVegas seine Kunden obwohl die eine Sucht haben, sagen dass die es mit anderen Spielen versuchen sollten ?
ich hoffe auf Ihre Hilfe
Dodatni komentari igrača:
"Zdravo Kristina & Co.
Aktivan sam u VulkanVegasu, često sam u chatu tražio da mi blokiraju račun zbog ovisnosti o kockanju, često su mi govorili da bih trebao igrati druge igre kako bih imao više sreće ... Ali nije išlo kao što sam se i nadao, moja ovisnost o kockanju pomogla mi je da najmanje 3-4,000 do 5000 dolara položim za 3-4 dana i izgubio sav novac. Na internetu sam naišao na nekoga ko je imao isti problem kao i ja, kome ste vi pomogli.
Molim vas, molim vas, pomozite mi, mislim da nije u redu preporučivati druge igre ovisniku o kockanju, iako sam nekoliko puta rekao da sam ovisnik o kockanju ... Također sam u chatu tražio da mi blokiraju račun, što nisu. Zbog ovisnosti o kocki imam puno dugova i ne želim si uništiti život.
Molim vas, molim vas, pomozite mi, možda mi možete vratiti nešto na račun što bi bilo od velike pomoći, nadam se za pomoć
Srdačan pozdrav"
Additional comments from the player:
"Hello Kristina & Co.
I'm active at VulkanVegas, I often asked in the chat that they block my account because of the gambling addiction, I was often told that I should play other games so that I would be more lucky ... But it didn't go as I had hoped, my gambling addiction helped me deposit AT LEAST $ 3,000-5,000 in 3-4 days and lost all of the money. I came across someone on the internet who had the same problem as me, whom you helped.
Please please please help me, I don't think it's right to recommend other games to a gambling addict although I have said several times that I am a gambling addict ... I also asked in the chat that they should block my account, which they didn't do. Because of gambling addiction, I have a lot of debts and don't want to ruin my life.
Please, I beg you, please help me, maybe you can repay something to my account that would be very helpful, I hope for some help
best regards"
Dragi Yavo,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema. Prije nego što kontaktiramo kasino i zatražimo njihovo stajalište, možete li proslijediti e-poštu ili snimke zaslona koji pokazuju da ste poslali zahtjev za samoisključenje? Moja adresa e-pošte je petronela.k@casino.guru . Jeste li u tom zahtjevu naveli koliko dugo želite da vam račun bude obustavljen i razlog zašto?
Provjerio sam uvjete i odredbe na web lokaciji i evo što sam pronašaohttps://vulkanvegas.com/en/terms-and-conditions :
Da bismo vam pomogli u odgovornom kockanju, imamo ograničenja na aktivnosti računa koja možete postaviti kontaktiranjem podrške na support@vulkanvegas.com .
Ako trebate predahnuti od kockanja, možete se samoizuzeti kontaktiranjem podrške na support@vulkanvegas.com . Samoizvršavanje znači da će vaš račun ostati zatvoren. Da biste ponovno aktivirali svoj račun, ponovo kontaktirajte podršku. "
Je li ovo adresa e-pošte na koju ste poslali e-poštu ili ste je komunicirali samo putem chata uživo?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Yavo,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Before we’ll contact the casino and ask for their standpoint, could you please forward emails or screenshots showing that you have sent a request for a self-exclusion? My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru. Did you specify in that request for how long you wish your account to be suspended and the reason why?
I have checked terms and conditions on the website, and this is what I found https://vulkanvegas.com/en/terms-and-conditions:
To assist you in gambling responsibly, we have limits on account activity that you can set by contacting Support at support@vulkanvegas.com.
Should you need to take a break from gambling, you may self-exclude yourself by contacting Support at support@vulkanvegas.com. Self-exclusion means that your account will remain closed. In order to re-activate your account, please contact Support again."
Is this the email address that you have sent your email to or you communicated via live chat only?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Nažalost, nemam nijednu snimku zaslona chata.
Jučer sam kontaktirao Vulkan Vegas putem e-pošte i rekli su da bi to bilo označeno pod odredbama i uvjetima.
Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots of the chat.
Yesterday I contacted Vulkan Vegas via email and they said that it would have been ticked under the terms and conditions.
Leider habe ich keine Screenshots o.ä. von dem Chat.
Gestern habe ich Kontakt per Email mit Vulkan Vegas aufgenommen und die haben gesagt, dass man es unter den AGB‘s angekreuzt hätte.
Poslao sam vam e-poštu s potvrdom VulkanVegasa, navodeći da nije bilo odgovora na zahtjev.
I emailed you a confirmation from VulkanVegas, stating that there was no response to the request.
Per Email habe ich Ihnen eine Bestätigung von VulkanVegas geschickt, da steht dass auf die Anfrage nicht reagiert wurde.
Nažalost, nije moguće jer sam nakon žalbe zabranjen.
I dalje ću vam slati izvode s računa putem e-pošte iz moje mrežne banke.
Unfortunately not possible as I was banned after the complaint.
I will still send you the account statements by email from my online bank.
Leider nicht möglich, da ich nach der Beschwerde gesperrt wurde.
Ich schicke Ihnen dennoch von meiner Online Bank die Kontoauszüge per Mail.
Dragi Yavo,
Žao mi je, još uvijek nisam siguran u pogledu vremenske trake događaja. Možete li, molim vas, potvrditi sljedeće? Hvala vam unaprijed.
Dear Yavo,
Sorry, I'm still not sure about the timeline of the events. Could you please confirm the following? Thank you in advance.
Da, upravo je tako bilo.
Ne, nakon što sam podnio žalbu VulkanVegasu, odmah sam dobio zabranu.
Yes, that's exactly how it was.
No, after I filed a complaint with VulkanVegas, I was immediately banned.
Ja genau so war es.
Nein, nachdem ich mich bei VulkanVegas eine Beschwerde eingelegt habe, wurde ich direkt gesperrt.
Puno vam hvala, Yavo, što ste pružili sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Petera koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Yavo, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Dragi Yavo,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i e-mailove i razumio sam situaciju. Kontaktirat ću kasino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Želio bih pozvati kasino Vulkan Vegas na razgovor kako bih sudjelovao u rješavanju ove žalbe i možda pružio transkript gore spomenutog razgovora od 4. juna.
Dear Yavo,
I looked at your case and emails and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Vulkan Vegas Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint and possibly provide the transcript of the aforementioned chat from the 4th of June.
Dragi Yavo,
Pomoći ću vam u ime VulkanVegasa u vezi sa trenutnom situacijom.
Možete li ljubazno navesti (još jednom) i eventualno pružiti dokaz kada ste tačno spomenuli "ovisnost o kockanju" inženjeru za podršku?
Puno vam hvala i izvinjavam se što ste ponovljeni ako jeste.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Yavo,
I will be assisting you on behalf of VulkanVegas re the current situation.
Would you kindly specify (once again) and possibly provide a proof of when exactly you'd mentioned "gambling addiction" to the support engineer ?
Thank you very much and apologies for being repeated if so.
Best regards,
Dana 4. juna 2021. ujutro, zahtjev za samokontrolom je ignoriran iako sam rekao da sam izgubio puno novca zbog ovisnosti.
On June 4th, 2021 in the morning, the request for self-committee was ignored although I said that I had lost a lot of money because of the addiction.
Am 04.06.2021 am Vormittag, Anfrage auf Selbstausschuss wurde ignoriert obwohl ich meinte dass ich sehr viel Geld verloren habe wegen der Sucht.
Provjerio sam korespondenciju, prilažući je ovdje:
"Korisnik 07: 43: 25
Podrška 07:43:34
Korisnik 07: 43: 41
Podrška 07:43:41
Zašto ste donijeli takvu odluku?
Korisnik 07: 43: 51
Izgubio puno novca
Podrška 07:45:11
Sve ovisi o sreći. Imamo puno igrača koji uspješno pobjeđuju i unovčavaju.
Podrška 07:45:15
Pokušajte koristiti različite igre. Na ovom mjestu imamo skoro 3 hiljade igara. Svako može pronaći nešto zanimljivo za sebe.
Korisnik 07:45:46
Možete li iskoristiti povrat novca?
Podrška 07:46:24
Kao i ostali igrači, povrat novca možete povratiti u 00:00 nakon GMT-a svakog ponedjeljka samo ako vam je dostupan. "
Nakon detaljnog ispitivanja gore navedenog, nisam uspio prepoznati znakove problema s ovisnošću o kockanju, kao ni operater. Igrači stalno pobjeđuju i gube novac, zato se to i naziva "kockanje". Igrač dalje pita o funkciji povrata novca i opet, to ne ukazuje na bilo kakvu ovisnost o kockanju.
S druge strane, igrač 2021-06-07 jasno spominje "ovisnost o kocki" i reakcija kasina je imidijantna.
Dragi Peter, radoznao sam da čujem tvoje gledište na ovu situaciju.
Srdačni pozdravi,
I've checked the correspondence, attaching it here:
"User07: 43: 25
Support 07:43:34
User07: 43: 41
Support 07:43:41
Why did you make such a decision?
User07: 43: 51
Lost a lot of money
Support 07:45:11
Everything depends on luck. We have a lot of players who win and cash out successfully.
Support 07:45:15
Try to use different games. We have almost 3 thousand games on the site. Everyone can find something interesting for themselves.
User 07:45:46
Can you benefit from cashback?
Support 07:46:24
Like other players, you can only get cashback at 00:00 after GMT every Monday if it is available to you. "
Upon scrutinizing the above I was unable to identify the gambling addiction issue signs, as well as the operator couldn't. Players win and lose money all the time, that's why it's called "gambling". The player further asks about the cashback functionality and again, this does not point to any gambling addiction.
On the other hand on 2021-06-07 player clearly mentions "gambling addiction" and the reaction of the casino is immidiate.
Dear Peter, I am curious to hear you point of view on this situation.
Kind regards,
I've checked the correspondence, attaching it here:
Support 07:43:34
Support 07:43:41
Warum haben Sie solche Entscheidung getroffen?
Sehr viel geld verloren
Support 07:45:11
Alles hängt von dem Glück ab. Wir haben viele Spieler, die gewinnen und erfolgreich auszahlen.
Support 07:45:15
Versuchen Sie verschiedene Spiele zu nutzen. Wir haben fast 3 Tausend Spiele auf der Seite. Jeder kann etwas Interessantes für sich selbst finden.
User 07:45:46
Kann man vom cashback profitieren ?
Support 07:46:24
Cashback können Sie, wie auch andere Spieler nur um 00:00 nach GMT jeden Montag bekommen, wenn er Ihnen zugänglich ist."
Upon scrutinizing the above I was unable to identify the gambling addiction issue signs, as well as the operator couldn't. Players win and lose money all the time, that's why it's called "gambling". The player further asks about the cashback funtionality and again, this does not point to any gambling addiction.
On the other hand on 2021-06-07 player clearly mentions "gambling addiction" and the reaction of the casino is immidiate.
Dear Peter, I am curious to hear you point of view on this situation.
Kind regards,
Da, to će značiti da imate ovisnost o kockanju, ali na kraju nisu udovoljili zahtjevu.
Yes, that will mean that you have gambling addiction, in the end they did not comply with the request.
Ja damit wird doch gemwint sein, dass man Spielsucht hat, letzendlich sind sie der Aufforderung nicht nachgekommen..
Dragi Yavo,
Gledajući razgovor s kazinom, moram priznati da zapravo niste spomenuli nijedan problem s kockanjem, već ste izjavili da ste izgubili puno novca. Da ste obavijestili casino da je razlog samoisključenja problem s kockanjem i, unatoč tome, oni vam neće zatvoriti račun, mi bismo, naravno, zatražili polog. Međutim, to nije slučaj. Bojim se da vam ne možemo pomoći s ovim. Ako imate problema s kockanjem i želite se samoizuzeti iz kasina, preporučujem da ubuduće što jasnije izrazite svoj zahtjev. Ako i dalje želite dalje postupati po ovom pitanju, preporučujem da kontaktirate eCogra ADR (https://ecogra.org/contact) i podnesete im žalbu. Volio bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Yavo,
Looking at the conversation with the casino, I have to admit that you didn't really mention any gambling problem, you just stated that you lost a lot of money. Had you informed the casino that the reason for the self-exclusion was a gambling problem and, despite that, they wouldn't close your account, we would, of course, request the deposits back. However, this is not the case. I'm afraid we can't help you with this one. If you do have a gambling problem and want to self-exclude yourself from a casino, I recommend you express your request as clearly as possible in the future. If you still wish to take this matter further, I recommend you contact the eCogra ADR (https://ecogra.org/contact) and submit a complaint to them. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali: youremail@gmail.com
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