Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je povlačenje. Nažalost, čini se da plaćanje kasni zbog nedovršene provjere računa. Odbili smo ovu žalbu jer su sredstva utrošena prije završetka postupka verifikacije.
The player from Germany has requested a withdrawal. Unfortunately, the payment seems to be delayed due to unfinished account verification. We rejected this complaint as the funds have been played before the verification process was completed.
Igrač iz Njemačke zatražio je povlačenje. Nažalost, čini se da plaćanje kasni zbog nedovršene provjere računa. Odbili smo ovu žalbu jer su sredstva utrošena prije završetka postupka verifikacije.
Na računu igrača imam saldo od 397 eura. Volio bih da mi se isplati 300 eura. Odbijen je, ali ne zna zašto. Imajte sve tražene dokumente koji su traženi. Nažalost, nemam adresu e-pošte iz Casina Vulkan da bih napisao zašto ne dobivam isplatu. Molim vas da mi pomognete.
Lijep pozdrav, Karlheinz P ***
I have a balance of 397 euros in my player account. I would like to have 300 euros paid out to me. He is rejected but doesn't know why. Have all the documents required that were requested. Unfortunately I don't have an email address from Vulkan Casino to write why I don't get a payout. I ask you to help me.
Kind regards, Karlheinz P ***
Ich habe auf meinem Spielerkonto ein Guthaben von 397 Euro. Möchte mir davon 300 Euro auszahlen lassen. Er wird abgelehnt weiß aber nicht warum. Habe alle benötigten Unterlagen eingestellt die verlangt wurden. Habe leider keine E-Mail-Adresse von Vulkan Casino um denen zu schreiben warum ich keine Auszahlung bekomme. Ich bitte Sie mir zu helfen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Karlheinz P***
Dragi Karlheinz,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg problema.
Molimo vas da shvatite da je KYC vrlo važan i bitan proces, tokom kojeg se kasino pobrine da novac bude poslan pravom vlasniku. Budući da nemaju luksuz da mogu fizički vidjeti sve igrače i provjeriti njihovu identifikaciju i dokumente, ovo je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu izvršiti postupke provjere. Nijedna ozbiljna i licencirana kazina ne shvata KYC olako i možda će trebati nekoliko radnih dana da dovrši ovaj temeljni postupak.
Jesu li vam savjetovali ono što se posebno čini problem u potvrđivanju vašeg računa? Možete li nas obavijestiti prije koliko dana ste zatražili povlačenje i započeli provjeru računa?
Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći da što prije riješite ovaj problem. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Karlheinz,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly and it might take a few working days to complete this thorough process.
Have you been advised what specifically seems to be a problem in verifying your account? Could you please advise how many days ago you’ve requested a withdrawal and started the account verification?
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dragi igraču,
Da bismo izvršili KYC provjeru, ljubazno nam dostavite snimak ekrana transakcije putem Soforta u korist VulkanVegasa, kao i selfie s vašim ID-om. Obavijestili smo vas putem naše podrške e-poštom o nedostajućim dokumentima.
Hvala na saradnji!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Player,
In order to complete the KYC check please kindly provide us with the screenshot of the transaction via Sofort in favor of VulkanVegas as well as a selfie with your ID. You've been informed by our support by e-mail re the missing documents.
Thank you for cooperation!
Best regards,
Zdravo! Skenirao sam sve potrebne dokumente za vas i dalje nisam primio nikakvu uplatu. Obraz je ne dobiti moj novac. Do danas nisam dobio odgovor na e-mail koji sam vam poslao. Ne možete tako izaći na kraj sa kupcima. Ja ću postaviti svog advokata za odgovornog za slučaj i on će vas tužiti za novac ako ne dobijem novac. Takođe ću skrenuti pažnju drugim igračima na Internetu da ne polažu novac kod vas i opisati šta mi se dogodilo kod vas.
Lijep pozdrav, Karlheinz P ***
Hello! I scanned all of the required documents for you and still received no payment. It's a cheek not to get my money. To this day, I have not received a response to the email I sent you. You can't deal with customers like that. I will put my lawyer in charge of the case and he will sue you for the money if I don't get the money paid out. I will also draw the attention of other players on the Internet to not deposit money with you and describe what happened to me at your place.
Kind regards, Karlheinz P ***
Hallo! Ich habe alle geforderten Unterlagen an Sie eingescannt und trotzdem keine Auszahlung bekommen. Es ist eine Frechheit mein Geld nicht zu bekommen. Auf die E-Mail die ich Ihnen geschickt habe bekam ich bis heute keine Antwort. So kann man mit Kunden nicht umgehen. Werde meinen Anwalt mit dem Fall beauftragen und dieser wird das Geld von Ihnen einklagen wenn ich das Geld nicht ausgezahlt bekomme. Werde auch im Internet andere Spieler darauf aufmerksam machen bei Ihnen kein Geld einzuzahlen und schildere was mir bei Ihnen passiert ist.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Karlheinz P***
Dragi Karlheinz
Molimo vas da razumijete da je KYC važan dio jer sprečava pranje novca i mnoge druge aspekte.
Molimo vas da me obavijestite o kom novcu govorite, pa zato imate nulu na stanju vašeg stvarnog novca.
Hvala vam unaprijed!
Dear Karlheinz
Please kindly understand that KYC is an essential part as it prevents the money laundering and many other aspects.
Please kindly let me know what money you are talking about, hence you have zero on your real money balance.
Thank you in advance!
Zdravo! U međuvremenu mi je račun na nuli, jer sam prekjučer izgubio sav kredit od preko 600 eura, što mi se takođe činilo vrlo čudnim jer sam uvijek igrao istih 9 brojeva. Ovih 9 brojeva svirao sam ukupno 14 puta. Od ovih 14 puta, lopta je 8 puta iskočila iz jednog od mojih 9 brojeva, što mi se učinilo čudnim. I što je najbolje od svega, nakon što sam ostao bez novca, za sljedeću utakmicu došao je jedan od devet brojeva koje sam igrao. Ako neko kaže da je to slučajno, onda mislim da je čudak! Ovdje sam bio očito prevaren jer je poznato da se ruletom može prilično dobro manipulirati i lopta padne u broj koji je kazino želio. Definitivno neću shvatiti onako kako ste me izdali. U početku ne mogu podići novac, a onda se ne manipulira mojim brojevima koje sam igrao! Stavit ću to na internet da se više nitko s vama ne igra. Obraz je bez dna u kojem već zarađujete dovoljno novca od igrača koji nisu upoznati s ruletom i igraju bez sistema. Vulkan Vegas Casino je jasan cheat casino !!!
Hello! In the meantime my account is at zero because the day before yesterday I lost all my credit of over 600 euros, which also seemed very strange to me because I always played the same 9 numbers. I played these 9 numbers a total of 14 times. Of these 14 times, the ball jumped 8 times out of one of my 9 numbers, which seemed strange to me. And best of all, after I ran out of money, the next game came up with one of the nine numbers I played. If someone says that this is a coincidence then I think they are a weirdo! Here I was clearly cheated because it is known that the roulette wheel can be manipulated quite well and the ball falls into the number that the casino wanted. I will definitely not take it the way I was betrayed by you. At first I cannot withdraw any money and then my no numbers that I have played are manipulated! I will put that in the internet that nobody plays with you anymore. It is a bottomless cheek where you already earn enough money from players who are not familiar with roulette and play without a system. Vulkan Vegas Casino is a clear cheat casino !!!
Hallo! Inzwischen ist mein Konto auf Null da ich vorgestern mein ganzes Guthaben von über 600 Euro verloren habe was mir auch sehr komisch vorkam da ich immer die gleichen 9 Zahlen gespielt habe. Ich habe diese 9 Zahlen insgesamt 14 mal gespielt. Von diesen 14 mal sprang die Kugel 8 mal aus einer meiner 9 Zahlen was mir schon komisch vorkam. Und das beste nachdem ich kein Geld mehr hatte kam im nächsten Spiel einer der neun Zahlen die ich gespielt habe. Wenn jemand sagt das dieses Zufall ist dann halte ich ihn für einen Spinner! Hier bin ich ganz klar betrogen worden denn es ist bekannt dass man den Roulette Kessel ganz gut manipulieren kann und die Kugel in die Zahl fällt die vom Casino gewollt ist. Werde das bestimmt nicht so hinnehmen wie ich bei Ihnen betrogen wurde. Zuerst kann ich kein Geld auszahlen lassen und dann werden meine nein Zahlen die ich gespielt habe manipuliert!!! Ich werde das im Internet reinstellen das niemand mehr bei euch spielt. Es ist eine bodenlose Frechheit wo ihr ohnehin genug Geld verdient von Spielern die sich beim Roulette nicht auskennt und ohne System spielen. Vulkan Vegas Casino ist ein ganz klares Betrugs Casino!!!
Dobar dan Karlheinz,
Nažalost, budući da ste odigrali svoj dobitak, bojim se, ne možemo puno učiniti za vas. Molimo vas da razumijete, igrač je jedini odgovoran za svoj račun, aktivno stanje i sve opklade koje se odvijaju. Za buduće reference kontaktirajte nas čim se problem razvije kako bismo mogli intervenirati prije nego što bude prekasno.
U međuvremenu, želim vas obavijestiti da slučaj ne možemo iznijeti samo na osnovu onoga što opisujete. Ponekad vam se možda posreći, a ponekad ne; tako funkcioniraju kazina i kazino igre. Preporučio bih da pročitate naš članak o omjeru isplate (RTP): https://casino.guru/learn-about-games-of-chance-rtp-variance .
Ako imate više informacija koje bi pomogle našem slučaju, proslijedite ih meni. Nažalost, u ovom trenutku, ako nemamo nijedan dokaz koji dokazuje da se nešto nepravedno događa, ne možemo ništa učiniti.
Obavijestite me ako postoje neke dodatne informacije koje sam previdio, ali bojim se da ću biti prisiljen odbiti vašu žalbu kao neopravdanu. Volio bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći. Unaprijed se zahvaljujem na odgovoru i razumijevanju.
Hello Karlheinz,
Sadly, since you have played your winnings, I’m afraid, there is not much we can do for you. Please understand, the player is the only one responsible for their account, active balance, and all the bets taking place. For future references, please contact us as soon as the issue evolves so we can intervene before it's too late.
Meanwhile, I want to inform you that we cannot make a case solely based on what you are describing. Sometimes you might get lucky and sometimes not; that's how casinos and casino games work. I would recommend reading our article about the Payout ratio (RTP): https://casino.guru/learn-about-games-of-chance-rtp-variance.
If you have more information that would help our case, please forward it to me. Unfortunately, at this time, if we don’t have any evidence proving that something unfair is going on, there is nothing we can do.
Please let me know if there is any additional information that I have overlooked, but I’m afraid I will be forced to reject your complaint as unjustified. I wish I could be of more help. Thank you in advance for your reply and understanding.
Bilo mi je vrlo jasno da ću ovaj odgovor dobiti od vas, jer vi to ne možete, da se ne bavite pravim stvarima. Ali predugo sam u ovom poslu da ne bih znao što se tamo događa. Kad se igrate s vama, cijelu stvar bi trebalo snimiti kamerom kako biste dokazali kako je s pogrešnim stvarima. Srećom, kazina na lokaciji se ponovo otvaraju i tamo možete ponovo igrati. Želim vašem kazinu da vas posjeti vrag koji vas odluči onako kako treba biti. Jer ono što radite prkosi opisu! Trebali biste poslati mafiju na vrat koja vas zavarava u rukotvorine i osigurava red.
It was very clear to me that I would get this answer from you because you are not able to, that you are not dealing with the right things. But I've been in this business for too long not to know what's going on there. One would have to record the whole thing with a camera when playing with you to prove how it is with wrong things. Fortunately, the casinos on site open again and you can play there again. I wish your casino that you will be visited by the devil who decides you the way it should be. Because what you do defies description! You should send the mafia on your neck who fool you into handicrafts and ensure order.
Mir war ganz klar das ich von Ihnen diese Antwort bekomme weil Sie nicht zu können das es bei Ihnen nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht. Ich bin aber zu lange in diesem Geschäft schon tätig um nicht zu wissen was dort alles so abläuft. Man müsste wenn man bei Ihnen spielt das ganze mit einer Kamera aufnehmen um zu beweisen wie es mit unrechten Dingen zu sich geht. Zum Glück machen die Spielcasinos vor Ort wieder auf und man dort wieder spielen kann. Ich wünsche Ihrem Casino das ihr vom Teufel aufgesucht werdet der euch den Gar ausmacht so soll es sein. Denn was ihr macht spottet jeder Beschreibung!!! Man sollte euch die Mafia auf den Hals schicken die euch in Handwerk fuschen und für Ordnung sorgen.
Siguran sam da razumijete da ne radim za Vulkan Vegas Casino, ali kao jedan od nezavisnih zaposlenika i profesionalaca Casino.Gurua pokušavao sam vam pomoći da riješite svoj problem.
Umjesto da čekate da interveniramo i pomognemo vam u provjeri računa, odlučili ste igrati svoj dobitak. Ti si jedini odgovoran za svoj račun, niko drugi.
Još jednom, za buduće reference, kontaktirajte nas čim se problem razvije kako bismo mogli intervenirati prije nego što bude prekasno.
Nažalost, ne postoji druga opcija za mene da sada ovaj slučaj odbacim kao neopravdan. Hvala vam na razumijevanju.
I’m sure you understand that I don’t work for Vulkan Vegas Casino, but as one of the Casino.Guru independent employees and professionals I was trying to help you to resolve your problem.
Instead of waiting for us to intervene and help you with the account verification you’ve decided to play your winnings. You’re the only one who’s responsible for your account, nobody else.
Once again, for future references, please contact us as soon as the issue evolves so we can intervene before it's too late.
Sadly, there’s no other option for me just to reject this case as unjustified now. Thank you for your understanding.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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