Igrač iz Njemačke muči se da primi svoj dobitak gotovo mjesec dana. Žalba je odbijena nakon što igrač nije mogao pružiti nikakve dokaze koji dokazuju da nije dobio povlačenje iz kazina.
The player from Germany has been struggling to receive his winnings for almost a month. The complaint was rejected after the player could not provide any evidence proving that he did not receive his withdrawal from the casino.
Igrač iz Njemačke muči se da primi svoj dobitak gotovo mjesec dana. Žalba je odbijena nakon što igrač nije mogao pružiti nikakve dokaze koji dokazuju da nije dobio povlačenje iz kazina.
Dobro veče, osvojio sam 1200 € 16. oktobra 2020. i želio sam da mi se isplati na MasterCard-u nakon nekoliko dana kada sam otišao u banku i dobio izvod na računu, na njemu nije bilo ničega nakon što sam napisao da podržavam, a zatim razgovarao , rekli su da će novac biti kod mene. Zatim sam ponovo kontaktirao MasterCard i vidio da je plaćanje otkazao Vulkanvegas iz vaše banke, a sada novca više nema i rečeno mi je da ga ima moja banka ili da je na mom računu, ja bio bih vrlo sretan ako se to razjasni, jer sam u ovaj casino došao putem streamera s Facebooka i trzaja, gdje nas svaka 2 dana gleda preko 1000 ljudi kako streamer igra.
Mfg Tim
Good evening, I won € 1200 on October 16, 2020 and wanted to have it paid out on my MasterCard after a couple of days I went to the bank and got an account statement there was nothing on it after I wrote to support and then spoke, they said the money would be with me I then contacted MasterCard again and see that the payment was canceled by Vulkanvegas of your bank and now the money is gone and I am told that my bank has it or that it is on my account, I would be very happy if that is clarified because I came to this casino via a streamer from Facebook and twitch where every 2 days over 1000 people watch us the streamer is playing.
Mfg Tim
Guten Abend ich habe am 16.10.2020 1200 € gewonnen und wollte es mir auf meiner MasterCard auszahlen lassen nach ein Paar Tagen bin ich zur Bank hin und habe einen Kontoauszug geholt da war nix drauf nachdem ich mit dem Support geschrieben und dann gesprochen habe sagten sie mir das Geld wäre bei mir habe daraufhin mich wieder mit MasterCard in Verbindung gesetztz und sehe da die auszahlung wurde von Vulkanvegas ihrer Bank storniert und jetzt ist das Geld weg und mir sagt man das meine Bank es hätte bzw aufmeinem Konto wäre ich wprde mich sehr freuen wenn das geklärt wird weil ich über einen streamer von Facebook und twitch an dieses Casino gekommen bin wo alle 2 tsge über 1000 leute zusehen wir der streamer spielt .
Mfg Tim
Dragi Tim,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg odloženog povlačenja. Dopustite mi da vam postavim nekoliko pitanja, kako bih mogao u potpunosti razumjeti cijelu situaciju. Možete li potvrditi da je vaš račun uspješno potvrđen? Jeste li primili sredstva u prošlosti ili je ovo bio vaš prvi zahtjev za povlačenje?
Da li dobro razumijem da su vaša sredstva prebačena, ali zapravo nikada nisu stigla do vas? Jeste li primili neki broj za transportni prijevoz iz kasina?
Shvaćam da bi to moglo izgledati kao puno pitanja, ali volio bih razumjeti vaš problem što je točnije moguće. Unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Tim,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your delayed withdrawal. Please allow me to ask you a few questions, so I can understand the whole situation completely. Could you confirm that your account has been verified successfully? Have you received any funds in the past or this were your first withdrawal request?
Do I understand correctly that your funds have been transferred but never actually reached you? Have you received any transaction trucking number from the casino?
I realize that it might seem like a lot of questions, but I would like to understand your problem as accurately as possible. Thank you very much in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Pozdrav draga Petronela
Moj račun je potpuno ovjeren. Imam potpuno zelene oznake u provjeri u kasinu. Još nisam dobio novac od kojeg bi to bila prva isplata. Vrlo draga zaposlenica MasterCarda vidjela je isplate, ali odmah je rekla da je druga banka rekla da se isplata ponovo poništava izravno ako su to brojevi za praćenje u kazinu. Kad pogledam isplatu, onda imam 3 broja, jer su je prenijeli 3 puta, tj. 2 puta 500 € i jednom 200 € veliko hvala što ste mi pomogli, očajna sam ☹
Hello dear Petronela
My account is completely verified I have completely green ticks in the verification in the casino I have not yet received any money from which it would have been the first payout. The very dear MasterCard employee saw the payments but immediately said that the other bank said the payout directly canceled again if those are the tracking numbers at the casino eenn I look at the payout then I have 3 numbers because they have transferred it 3 times, i.e. 2 times 500 € and once 200 € many thanks for helping me I'm just desperate ☹
Hallo liebe Petronela
Mein Konto ist komplett verifiziert ich habe komplett grüne Haken bei der Verifizierung im Casino ich habe noch kein Geld erhalten von den es wäre die erste Auszahlung gewesen.Genau der liebe Mitarbeiter von MasterCard hat die Zahlungen gesehen aber sagte direkt das die andere Bank die Auszahlung direkt wieder storniert hat wenn das die trackingnummern sind beim casino eenn ich bei Auszahlung gucke dann habe ich 3 Nummern weil die es 3 mal überwiesen haben sprich 2 mal 500 € und einmal 200€ vielen lieben Dank das sie mir helfen ich bin einfach verzweifelt ☹
Hvala ti puno, Tim, što si pružio sve potrebne informacije. Sada ću vašu žalbu prenijeti na kolegu Nicka koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da ćete u bliskoj budućnosti vidjeti kako se vaš problem rješava na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much, Tim, for providing all the necessary information. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Nick who will be at your assistance. I wish you best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Još nismo dobili odgovor iz kazina. Imajte na umu, ako nam ne odgovorite, bit ćemo prisiljeni zatvoriti žalbu kao "neosnovanu", što bi moglo dovesti do odbijanja rejtinga kasina.
We haven't receive any answer from the casino yet. Please note, if you will fail to respond to us, we will be forced to close the complaint as "unersoveld", which could lead to casino rating deduction.
Pozdrav tim.d
Ukratko vidim da su povlačenja uspješno obavljena u periodu od 14. do 16. novembra.
Molimo vas da me obavijestite ako bismo vam mogli pomoći
Srdačni pozdravi
Hello tim.d
I can briefly see the withdrawals were successfully completed during the period of November 14-16.
Please kindly let me know if we could be of any assistance
Kind regards
Pozdrav dragi moji, za trenutak ću otići u banku i dobiti izvod iz banke, a zatim ću vas direktno kontaktirati.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hi dear ones, I'll go to the bank in a moment and get a bank statement and then I will contact you directly.
Kind regards
Hi ihr lieben ich werde gleich zur Bank gehen und einen Kontoauszug holen und werde mich dann direkt bei ihnen melden .
Tako da sam bio u banci, nažalost nije primljen novac, doista sam imao malo nade da će se napokon riješiti, ali nažalost nije, barem je casino sada ovdje potvrdio e-poštom da prve isplate u oktobru nisu uspjele, inače bi da da više nisu vidjeli i čini se kao da piše u poruci pokušali ponovo. kako će to ići dalje dragi ljudi, stvarno se nadam da će se sve raščistiti☹😢☹😢☹
Srdačni pozdravi
So I was at the bank unfortunately no money was received I really had a little hope that it would finally be resolved but unfortunately no well at least the casino has now confirmed with the email here that the first payouts in October did not work otherwise they would have yes no more seen and it seems like it says in the message tried again. how will it go on now dear people, i really hope that everything clears up☹😢☹😢☹
Kind regards
So ich war bei der Bank leider ist kein Geld eingegangen ich hatte echt ein wenig Hoffnung das es endlich geklärt ist aber leider nein na wenigstens hat das Casino ja jetzt mit der Mail hier bestätigt das die ersten Auszahlungen im Oktober nicht geklappt haben sonst hätten die das ja nicht mehr gesehen und es anscheind wie in der Nachricht steht nochmal versucht.wie geht es jetzt weiter liebe leute ich hoffe echt das sich das alles klärt☹😢☹😢☹
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Što je u oktobru zašto isplate nisu uspjele, nazvao sam MasterCard još nisu vidjeli novac.
What is the in October why the payouts didn’t work, I called MasterCard they didn’t see any money yet.
Was steht den im Oktober wieso die Auszahlungen nicht geklappt haben habe bei MasterCard angerufen die sehen noch keinen Geld eingang.
Ovaj je post Casino Guru učinio privatnim. Sadrži osetljive informacije koje treba da vide samo strane uključene u prigovor.
Ovaj novac nikada nije došao do mene gdje je novac koji novac nije pustila vaša banka. Možete pogledati gdje je novac otišao. Imam izvode na računu, nema gotovinske potvrde od 1200 eura.
This money never got to me where is the money the money was not released by your bank you can have a look at where the money went I have account statements there is no cash receipt of 1200 euros
Dieses Geld ist bei mir nie angekommen wo ist den das Geld das Geld wurde von ihrer Bank nicht freigegeben können sie mal nachschauen lassen wo das Geld hin ist ich habe kontoauszüge da ist kein Geldeingang von 1200 euro
Pozdrav dragi moji, nažalost, stoji da kazino želi potvrdu MasterCard-a da je banka Vulkanvegas otkazala isplatu, ali MasterCard ne smije poslati nešto jer je otkazana isplata koja je dozvoljena samo putem plaćanja koja došlo je, ne razumijem da imam izvode na računu koji bi zapravo trebali biti dovoljni. Takođe mislim da novac nije jednostavno vraćen na moj račun igrača.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hvala vam što ste bili tu za mene ☹😢
Hi dear ones, unfortunately, the stand is that the casino wants a confirmation from MasterCard that the payout has been canceled by the bank of Vulkanvegas, but MasterCard is not allowed to send something out because the payout was canceled that are only allowed through payments that came about I don't understand I have my account statements that should actually be enough. I also think that money is not simply sent back to my player account.
Kind regards
Thank you for being there for me ☹😢
Hi ihr lieben leider ist der stand der das das Casino ne Bestätigung möchte von MasterCard das die Auszahlung von der Bank von Vulkanvegas storniert wurde aber MasterCard darf sowas nicht rausschicken weil die Auszahlung storniert wurde das dürfen die nur über Zahlungen die zustande gekommen sind ich verstehe nicht ich habe doch meine Kontoauszüge das müsste eigentlich auch reichen komisch finde ich auch das dass Geld nicht wieder einfach auf meinem Spielerkonto zurück geschickt wird .
Danke das ihr da seit für mich ☹😢
Dragi Vulkan Vegas Casino,
Možete li vas molim vas posavjetovati postoji li neki drugi mogući način da igrač pošalje izjavu da nije dobio svoj novac?
Dear Vulkan Vegas Casino,
Could you please advise if there is any other possible way for the player to send a statement that he did not receive his money?
Dragi Tim,
zaista postoji nekoliko transakcija koje su otkazane / odbijene i novac vraćen na vaš račun.
Ali gore spomenute tri transakcije su uspješne i ukupno iznose 1200 EUR.
Bojim se da ovdje ne mogu pomoći, stoga financijski službenik također traži izjavu. Bez toga ne možemo nastaviti
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear Tim,
there are indeed several transactions that were cancelled/declined and the money returned to your account.
But the above-mentioned three transactions are successful, amounting 1200 EUR in total.
I am afraid I cannot help here, hence the financial officer also requires the statement. Without it we cannot proceed
Kind regards
Imam jedino objašnjenje koje vam mogu dati, a to su svi moji bankovni izvodi za čitav mjesec oktobar i novembar, a ne mogu dobiti potvrdu MasterCard-a kao što je gore napisano, jer do prijenosa novca nije došlo, samo ne razumijem gdje novac sad je samo žalosno zbog takvog kasina da nije dovoljno ako vam pokažem svoje izvode iz banke zbog nedostatka novca stavio sam se u minus jer sam to očekivao
Srdačni pozdravi
I have the only explanation I can give you that are all my bank statements for the whole month of October and November and I cannot get the MasterCard confirmation as written above because the money transfer did not come about, just I do not understand where the money is now just sad for Such a casino that it is not enough if I show you my bank statements because of the lack of money I put myself in the red because I was expecting it
Kind regards
Ich hsbe die einzigste Erklärung die ich ihnen geben kann das sind alle meine Kontoauszüge vom kompletten Monat oktober und November und die MasterCard Bestätigung kann ich nicht besorgen wie oben geschrieben da es nicht zur geldüberweisung kam nur verstehe ich nicht wo das geld ist jetzt einfach traurig für so ein Casino das es nicht reicht wenn ich ihnen meine Kontoauszüge zeige durch das fehlende Geld habe ich mich in die roten zahlen gebracht weil ich feste damit gerechnet habe
Opet telefoniram s Mastercardom, novac je tamo rezerviran, ali dilerska banka koja je vaša iz kasina mora poslati novac tako da je tamo sve dok se ništa ne pošalje jasno postoji znak da ne želim platiti jer bi tada namire na kreditnim karticama bile dovoljno nažalost, kao što sam već pročitao na drugom forumu, isti slučaj kao i kod mene jer također nisu platili dragi tim Casino Guru tima što je vrlo jasno 6 za casino I ' m zaprepašteno
Srdačni pozdravi
I'm on the phone again with Mastercard the money is there as reserved but the dealer bank that is yours from the casino has to send the money so that it is there as long as nothing is sent there is clearly a sign that you do not want to pay because then the credit card settlements would be Sadly enough, as I have already read in another forum, the same case as with me because they also didn't pay dear Casino Guru Team that's a very clear 6 for the casino I'm appalled
Kind regards
Ich telefoniere gerade nochmal mit Mastercard das Geld steht als vorgemerkt da aber die Händlerbank das ist ihre vom Casino muss das Geld schicken damit das da ist solange da nix geschickt wird bleibt es stehen ganz klar ein zeichen von sie wollen nicht bezahlen weil dann würden die kreditkartenabrechnugen reichen traurig wie ich auch schon in einem anderen Forum gelesen der gleiche fall wie bei mir da haben sie auch nicht gezahlt liebes Casino Guru Team das ist ne ganz klare 6 für da Casino ich bin entsetzt ☹
Dragi Tim, sada kažeš da tvoja banka može "vidjeti" novac i on je rezerviran, zar ne?
Što dokazuje da su uistinu dobici poslani od VulkanVegasa.
U ovom slučaju postoje dvije mogućnosti:
1) Pitate šta se može učiniti sa strane banke da biste dobili novac
2) Ako nam vrate novac, možemo pokušati poslati dobitak putem drugog načina plaćanja.
Vjerujte mi, nema apsolutno namjere zadržati vaš novac u Casinu
Srdačni pozdravi,
Dear Tim, so now you are saying that your bank can "see" the money and it's reserved, correct?
Which proves that indeed the winnings have been sent from VulkanVegas.
In this case there are two options:
1) You ask what can be done from the bank side in order for you to receive the money
2) If they refund us we can try sending the winnings via a different payment method.
Trust me, there is no absolutely intention to hold your money by the Casino
Kind regards,
Moram opet ugovoriti sastanak u svojoj banci jer to sada nije tako lako, u slučaju jer sam dva puta nazvao odjel za kreditne kartice, oni ne vide ništa od novca, ali jedan od njih je vidio nešto, ja ću sada opet zakažite sastanak u banci i tada bi moj savjetnik banke trebao ponovo nazvati da vidi što je postigao, koliko dugo nešto ostaje na novčanici, jer ako se to ne potvrdi, novac će vam se automatski vratiti u nekom trenutku, zar ne
Srdačni pozdravi
I have to make an appointment at my bank again because it's not that easy now, in the case because I called the credit card department twice now, they don't see anything of the money, but one of them has seen something, I will now again make an appointment at the bank and then my bank advisor should call again to see what he achieved, how long something remains on the note because if that is not confirmed, the money will automatically go back to you at some point, right?
Kind regards
Ich muss mir einen termin bei meiner Bank nochmal machen weil das jetzt alles nicht so einfach ist in dem Fall weil ich habe jetzt 2 mal bri der Kreditkartenabteilung angerufen die sehen wiederum nix von dem geld aber der eine vothin hat etwas gesehen ich werde mir jetzt nochmal einen Termin bei der Bank machen und dann soll mein Bankberater da nochmal anrufen gucken was der erreicht wielange bleibt sowas den auf vorgemerkt weil wenn das ja nicht bestätigt wird geht das Geld ja automatisch irgendwann mal zu ihnen zurück oder ?
Dragi tim.d,
Možete li nas obavijestiti ako postoji bilo kakva novost u vezi sa slučajem? Može li vam banka pomoći u praćenju ili ponovnom slanju uplate?
Dear tim.d,
Could you please inform us if there is any update regarding the case? Could your bank help your track or resend the payment?
Hej dragi Nick
Želim vam lijep dan svetog Nikole
Ne, nažalost banka može nešto odbiti samo u sljedećih 14 dana nakon slanja novca, a to je bilo prije gotovo 2 mjeseca. Ne razumijem zašto novac ne ide samo natrag na moj račun igrača ☹ hvala na pitanju Dragi Nick
Hey dear Nick
I wish you a nice St. Nicholas day
No, unfortunately a bank can only refuse something in the next 14 days after sending the money and that was almost 2 months ago I don't understand why the money doesn't just go back to my player account ☹ thanks for asking Dear Nick
Hey lieber Nick
Ich wünsche ihnen einen schönen Nikolaus Tag
Nein leider kann eine Bank nur in den nächsten 14 Tagen nach der Geldsendung etwas ablehnen und das liegt ja jetzt schon fast 2 Monate zurück ich verstehe nicht warum das Geld nicht einfach auf meinem Spielerkonto zurück geht ☹ danke der Nachfrage Lieber Nick
Hvala na željama tim. Ako ne postoji mogućnost traženja pomoći, možemo pokušati pristupiti slučaju s druge strane. Možete li nam molimo Vulkan Vegas Casino poslati izjavu / dokaz da je novac poslan na račun igrača? Ako je novac poslao i odbio banka, trebalo bi ga poslati natrag na kazino račun igrača, to nije moglo samo nestati. Hvala vam unaprijed.
Thanks for the wishes tim. If there is no possibility to get help we can try to aproach the case from different side. Could please Vulkan Vegas Casino send us a statement/proof that the money has been sent to the player's account? If the money was sent and refused by bank it should be sent back to player's casino account, it couldn't just dissapear. Thank you in advance.
Bok, Nick, vidim da upravo kad sam učinio sve da ovog novca nema, zašto bih ovo učinio toliko stresnim da mogu pokazati sve bankovne izvode. A zahtjev da se traži gdje je novac može napraviti samo banka koja je poslala novac, a zapravo ako novac ne dođe na račun gdje bi trebao ići, onda bi se morao vratiti tamo odakle je i došao, što nažalost ne izgleda da nije slučaj ☹☹ ☹
Hi, Nick, I see that exactly as I have done everything that this money is not there why should I make this so stressful I can show all bank statements. And an application to look for where the money is can only be made by the bank that sent the money and actually if the money does not get on the account where it should go then it would have to come back where it came from that unfortunately does not seem to be the case ☹☹ ☹
Hi nick das sehe ich genau so ich habe doch alles erbracht das dieses Geld nicht da ist warum sollte ich den hier so Stress machen ich kann alle Kontoauszüge zeigen. Und einen Antrag zum suchen wo das Geld ist kann nur die Bank die das Geld gesendet hat und eigentlich wenn Geld nicht auf dem Konto kommt wo es hin soll dann müsste es zurück kommen wo es hergekommen ist das scheint ja leider nicht der fall zusein ☹☹☹
S koje se strane još uvijek možemo pozabaviti tim problemom? Inače, želim vam lijep dan u novoj sedmici
From which side can we still tackle it nick? By the way, I wish you a nice day in the new week
Von welcher Seite können wir es den noch angehen nick? Übrigens wünsche ich dir einen schönen Tag in die neue Woche lieben Gruß
Hvala Tim, i ti takođe. Pogledajmo šta sada možemo dobiti od kazina. Prilično sam siguran da bi ga trebalo vratiti na vaš račun u kazinu nakon što ga banka odbije.
Thanks Tim, you too. Let's see what can we get from the casino now. I'm pretty sure it should be sent back to your casino account once it was rejected by the bank.
Ali koliko to može potrajati? Već su skoro 2 mjeseca. Ne možete čak ni Aleksandra tražiti u vašoj banci da predaju upit gdje je novac. Nažalost, to može učiniti samo banka iz koje je otišla.
Srdačni pozdravi
Tim D **********
But how long can it take? It's already almost 2 months. You can't even ask Alexander at your bank that they submit an inquiry where the money is. Unfortunately, only the bank from which it went can do that.
Kind regards
Tim D **********
Aber wielange kann das den dauern es sind ja schon fast 2 Monate können sie Alexander nicht mal bei ihrer Bank Nachfragen das die einen Nachforschungsantrag stellen wo das Geld ist das kann leider nur die Bank von der es rausgegangen ist .
Tim D**********
Dragi Tim,
Jeste li se pokušali obratiti organima za izdavanje dozvola? Možda bi vam mogli pomoći da nekako pratite uplatu. Siguran sam da jedna od strana ima novac, ne bi mogli jednostavno nestati.
Dear Tim,
Did you try to turn to the licencing authorities? Maybe they would be able to help you track the payment somehow. I'm sure one of the sides have the money, they could not just disapear.
Zdravo dragi Nick, da, ali ne mogu vidjeti gdje je novac. Upit može izvršiti samo banka kod koje je novac poslan. Nažalost, ruke moje banke su vezane.
Hi dear Nick, yes I have, but they can't see where the money is. Only the bank from which the money was sent can only make an inquiry. My bank's hands are unfortunately tied.
Hi lieber Nick ja habe ich aber die können nicht sehen wo das Geld ist das kann nur die Bank von dem das Geld geschickt wurde die können nur einen Nachforschungs Antrag stellen meiner Bank sind die Hände gebunden leider .
Još jednom se izvinjavam zbog prouzrokovanih neugodnosti,
Pokrenuo sam istragu na višem nivou.
Molimo pričekajte odgovor u roku od nekoliko dana, još jednom kontaktiramo pružatelj plaćanja.
Srdačni pozdravi
Once again, I do apologize for inconveniences caused,
I've initiated the investigate on the higher-up level.
Please wait for the response within several days, we are contacting the payment provide once again.
Kind regards
Dragi Tim,
Bilo kada da nam pružite službeni odgovor banke da nikada niste dobili novac (s ARN brojem, koji je prethodno pružen od strane podrške)
Uzrok je ARN (Referentni broj akvizitora) - jedinstven je širom svijeta i dokaz je uspješne transakcije. A mi imamo ARN, što znači da je transakcija završena.
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear Tim,
Any chance you could provide us with the official bank response, that you never received the money (with the ARN number, that was previously provided by the support)
Cause the ARN (Acquirer's Reference Number) - is unique around the world and is a proof of a successful transaction. And we do have the ARN, meaning that transaction has been completed.
Kind regards
Ali iskreno, nisam dobio ništa čisto ukrasite, zašto bih rekao da vam mogu poslati izvode u banci sav ovaj novac koji nisam dobio
But honestly I didn't get anything pure garnish why should I say that I can send you the bank statements all this money I have not received
Ich habe aber ehrlich nix rein garnix bekommen warum sollte ich das den behaupten ich kann ihnen die Kontoauszüge zuschicken alle dieses geld habe ich nicht erhalten
A ako sada istražite, nadamo se da ćemo uskoro vidjeti gdje se krije novac
And if you do the investigation now then hopefully we'll soon see where the money is hiding
Und wenn sie die Untersuchung jetzt einleiten dann werden wir hoffentlich bald sehen wo das Geld sich versteckt
Dragi Tim,
Bez izvoda iz banke nećemo moći nastaviti. Davatelj plaćanja potvrđuje da su transakcije bile uspješne (jer postoji ARN broj). Stoga bi ih, kako bi ih natjerali da nastave dalje s istragom, tražili neki dokaz od banke. Žao nam je, ali ovo je strog zahtjev od njih.
Srdačni pozdravi
Dear Tim,
Without the bank statement we will not be able to proceed. The payment provider confirms that the transactions were successful (because there an ARN number). Thus to make them take the investigation further they'd require some proof from the bank. Sorry, but this is a strict demand from them.
Kind regards
Dragi Vulkan Vegas,
Da li bi to bio dovoljan dokaz ako bi igrač poslao svoj puni bankovni izvod - na primjer sve primljene i poslane uplate u posljednja 3 mjeseca?
Dear Vulkan Vegas,
Would it be enough proof if the player would send his full bank statment - all received and sent payments in the last 3 months, for example?
Zdravo Nick, Tim
Naša podrška pružila je potvrdu da je transakcije potvrdio kazino, poslao pružatelj plaćanja i uspješno isporučio na bankovni račun igrača. Igraču su dostavljeni sljedeći detalji:
523254 ****** 8308
200,00 EUR
RRN: 1016 *** 21974
ARN 054496602911017002 *** 47
523254 ****** 8308
500,00 EUR
RRN: 101 *** 918568
ARN 054496602901016091 *** 85
523254 ****** 8308
500,00 EUR
RRN: 101419424463
ARN 054496602881014042 *** 32
To znači da je novac zaista stigao na račun igrača.
Ako se novac nalazi u banci igrača - on bi trebao uputiti upite na podršku banke.
Ovo je definitivno pitanje igrača protiv banke igrača. Iz perspektive kasina - svi dobici su isplaćeni pravovremeno.
Ako igrač može zatražiti od banke da otkaže ove tri transakcije i naš ga davatelj usluga plaćanja primi - bili bismo više nego sretni pružiti podizanja putem alternativnih metoda.
Srdačni pozdravi,
Hey Nick, Tim
Our support provided with the confirmation that the transactions were confirmed by the casino, sent by the payment provider and successfully delivered to the players bank account. The following details were provided to the player:
200.00 EUR
ARN 054496602911017002***47
500.00 EUR
RRN: 101***918568
ARN 054496602901016091***85
500.00 EUR
RRN: 101419424463
ARN 054496602881014042***32
This means that indeed the money arrived to the player's account.
If the money is being held within the player's bank - he should address the inquiries to the bank's support.
This is definitely a question of player vs player's bank. From the casino perspective - all the winnings have been paid out in the timely manner.
If the player is able to ask the bank to cancel these three transactions and our payment provider receives it - we would be more than happy to provide the withdrawals via alternative methods.
Kind regards,
Dragi tim Vulcan Vegasa
Zašto dvije transakcije nisu potpuni ARN brojevi
Pazi, bilo bi lijepo da imam sve.
Srdačni pozdravi
Tim D *********
Dear Vulcan Vegas team
Why are the two transactions not the complete ARN numbers
Watch it would be nice if I had it all.
Kind regards
Tim D *********
Liebes Vulcan Vegas Team
Wieso sind den bei 2 Transaktionen nicht die kompletten ARN Nummern
Zusehen es wäre lieb wenn ich die mal komplett hätte .
Tim D*********
Žao mi je, već sam vam puno poslao e-poštom i NIKADA se nije vratilo. Zašto ste u potpunosti ispisali zadnji ARN broj?
Sorry, I've already sent a lot to you by e-mail and something NEVER came back. Why did you write out the last ARN number in full?
Per E-Mail sorry da habe ich echt schon viel zu ihnen geschickt und NIE kam etwas zurück warum haben sie den die letzte ARN Nummer komplett ausgeschrieben ?
Aleksandre Samo vidim da ste mi poslali ARN brojeve, hvala, mislite li da moja banka može nešto učiniti s brojevima?
Srdačan pozdrav
Tim D *********
Alexander I just see you have sent me the ARN numbers, thank you, do you mean that my bank can do something with the numbers?
best regards
Tim D *********
Alexander ich sehe gerade sie haben mir die ARN Nummern geschickt danke schön meinen sie das meine Bank was mit den Nummern Anstellen kann?
Liebe Grüße
Tim D*********
Hej Tim,
Da, sve informacije su vam dostavljene.
Baš kao i vi - čekamo neki službeni izvod iz banke o tim transakcijama i na kraju - novac.
Srdačan pozdrav
Hey Tim,
Yes, all the info has been provided to you.
Just like you - we are waiting for some official bank statement re these transactions and eventually - the money.
Best regards
Pozdrav svima, nadam se da ste imali lijep Božić Nick i Alexander iz ekipe Vulkanvegasa jer su bili praznici, mogu se pobrinuti za to najranije sutra jer su sve praznici zatvorili. Srdačan pozdrav
Tim Darmstädter
Hello everyone, I hope you had a nice Christmas Nick and Alexander from the Vulkanvegas team as it was the holidays, I can only take care of it tomorrow at the earliest because everything was closed by the holidays. best regards
Tim Darmstädter
Guten Tag ihr lieben ich hoffe ihr hattet schöne Weihnachten Nick und auch Alexander vom Vulkanvegas Team da jetzt die Feiertage waren kann ich mich erst frühestens Morgen darum kümmern weil ja alles zu war durch die Feiertage. Liebe Grüße
Tim Darmstädter
Hvala što si nas obavijestio Tom. Želim vam i sretne praznike. Nadam se da ćete tražene informacije moći dobiti od svoje banke. Takođe imajte na umu da će možda trebati više vremena da odgovorimo mi ili kazino zbog božićne slave i dočeka Nove godine.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Thanks for informing us Tom. Wish you happy holidays too. I hope you will be able to get the required information from your bank. Also please note, that it may take longer for us or the casino to reply because of X-mas and New Years Eve.
Best regards,
Pozdrav svima, nakon što smo nekoliko puta nazvali banku i posjetili banku, nije mi moguće dati bilo što u pisanoj formi banci ili kreditnom institutu, jer kreditni institut ne vidi nikakav primitak novca i zbog toga ne smiju predati bilo šta s RRN i ARN brojevima, moja banka ne može učiniti ništa što može samo banka iz koje je novac prebačen Ovdje imam izvode sa svog računa i tako vam mogu pokazati da na mom računu nije bilo dolaznog novca, moramo se nekako složiti Učinio sam sve što mogu sada, nadam se da ćete se sada naći sa mnom i prihvatiti bankovne izvode koje imam jer je to dokaz i vidite da nisam dobio novac.
Srdačni pozdravi
Tim D ***********
Hello everyone, after calling the bank several times and visiting the bank, it is not feasible to give me anything in writing to the bank or credit institute because the credit institute does not see any receipt of money and therefore they are not allowed to hand over anything with the RRN and ARN numbers, my bank cannot do anything that can only the bank from which the money was transferred I have my account statements here and can thus show you that there was no incoming money on my account, we have to somehow agree I have done everything I can now, I hope that you will meet me now and accept the bank statements that I have because it is proof and you can see that I have not received any money.
Kind regards
Tim D ***********
Hallo ihr lieben nach mehrmaligem Telefonieren und besuchen bei der Bank ist es der Bank bzw dem Kreditinstitut nicht machbar mir was schriftliches auszuhändigen weil das Kreditinstitut keinen Geldeingang sieht und deswegen dürfen die nix aushändigen mit den RRN und ARN Nummern kann meine Bank nix anfangen das kann nur die Bank von dem das Geld überwiesen wurde ich habe meine Kontoauszüge hier und kann ihnen dadurch zeigen das es keinen Geldeingang gab auf meinen Konto wir müssen uns irgendwie einigen ich habe alles jetzt getan was in meiner macht steckt ich hoffe das sie mir jetzt auch entgegen kommen und die Kontoauszüge akzeptieren die ich habe weil es ja ein Beweis ist und sie ja sehen das ich kein Geld erhalten habe .
Tim D***********
Dragi Tim,
Sutra ćemo razgovarati o vašem pitanju s mojim kolegama i javit ćemo vam se što je prije moguće. Međutim, čini se da je to slijepa ulica za obje strane jer nitko nema pristup novcu. Dead Vulkan Vegas, da li biste prihvatili i bankovne izvode koji pokazuju da igrač nije primio uplatu od vas?
Dear Tim,
We will discuss your issue with my collegues tomorrow and will get back to you as soon as possible. However, it seems to be a dead end for both sides as nobody has access to the money. Dead Vulkan Vegas, would you also accept the bank statements showing that the player did not receive the payment from you?
Pozdrav dragi moji, iskreno nisam dobio ovaj novac, zašto bih lagao, imam dodatne bankovne izvode za tako nešto, ne možete ništa urediti ili nešto drugo. Stvarno sam depresivan zbog ove situacije i vrlo sam tužan jer ste bili sretni da ste nešto osvojili, a ja sada stojim pred ničim i uplatio i izgubio novac za to, ne razumijem, hvala na vašem trudu, iskreno lijepo što postoje ljudi poput vas i nisam izgubio uvjerenje i nadam se da će biti razjašnjeno u ovom smislu, želim vam ugodno veče
Hello dear ones, I honestly did not receive this money, why should I lie, I have extra bank statements for something like that, there is nothing you can edit or anything else I am really depressed by this situation and very sad because you were happy that you won something has and now I stand in front of nothing and have paid in and lost money for it, I don't understand, thank you for your effort, honestly nice that there are people like you and I have not lost my belief and hope that it will be clarified in this sense I wish you a nice evening
Hallo ihr lieben ich habe dieses Geld ehrlich nicht erhalten warum sollte ich Lügen ich habe doch extra Kontoauszüge für so etwas da kann man nix bearbeiten oder sonst etwas ich bin echr niedergeschlagen durch diese Situation und sehr traurig weil man sich gefreut hat das man mal etwas gewonnen hat und jetzt stehe ich vor dem nix und habe dafür noch Geld eingezahlt und verloren ich verstehe es nicht danke für eure Bemühung ehrlich schön das es welche leute wie euch gibt und ich habe noch nicht den glaube verloren und hoffe das es geklärt wird in diesem Sinne wünsche ich euch einen schönen Abend
Dragi Tim,
Pošaljite nam odgovarajući dokument, kao i zahtjeve za povlačenje koje ste podnijeli u kasinu za 1200 €, kako bismo mogli vidjeti da li se podudara s izvodom iz vaše banke. Moramo biti sigurni da je sve bilo točno i da vaš novac zaista nije stigao. Pošaljite ga na nikolas.b@casino.guru.
Dear Tim,
Please send us the relevant document and also the withdrawal requests you made in the casino for the 1200€, so we can see if it matches with the statement from your bank. We need to make sure that everything was correct and that your money really did not arrive. Please send it to nikolas.b@casino.guru.
Pozdrav svima, poslao sam nekoliko dokumenata, ali svejedno moram poslati nešto da mi banka ponovo pošalje izvode s računa
Hi everyone, I have sent a couple of documents, but I still have to send something that I have my bank send me the account statements again
Hi ihr lieben ich habe ein Paar Dokumente geschickt ich muss aber noch etwas nach schicken das ich die Kontoauszüge von meiner Bank mir nochmal zu schicken lasse
Dragi Tim,
Mentor koji šalje sve tražene dokumente u kazino kako bi vaš postupak povlačenja završio što je brže moguće. Obavijestite nas hoćete li to učiniti ili će biti ažuriranja o statusu povlačenja.
Dear Tim,
I ment that send all the requested documents to the casino to finish your withdrawal process as fast as possible. Please let us know if you will do or there will be any update on the withdrawal status.
Dakle, sada šaljem sve dokumente Vulkanvegasu ako je to točno, tada bi mi trebala adresa e-pošte iz kasina, jer sam već poslao nekoliko e-maila u kasino, ali oni nikada nisu odgovorili na MfG
Tim Darmstädter
So I am now sending all the documents to Vulkanvegas if that is correct then I would need an email address from the casino because I've already sent a few emails to the casino but they never answered MfG
Tim Darmstädter
Also schicke ich jetzt alle Dokumente nach Vulkanvegas ist das richtig dann bräuchte ich eine Mail Adresse von dem Casino weil ich ja schonmal ein paar Mails zum Casino geschickt habe aber die die nie beantwortet haben MfG
Tim Darmstädter
Dragi Tim,
Ne možete li dokumente prenijeti direktno na svoj račun kazino igre? Takođe, nemate li bilo kakvu e-mail komunikaciju sa kasinom? Kasino je prije tvrdio da su vam već poslali nekoliko stvari, tako da bi trebale biti neke relevantne adrese e-pošte.
Dear Tim,
Can't you upload the documents directly on your casino game account? Also, don't you have any e-mail communicatiion with the casino? The casino claimed before that they have sent you a few things before so there should be some relevant e-mail addresses.
Ne mogu ništa prenijeti na svoj račun u kazinu. Zatim ću poslati stvari na e-mail koji imam, a zatim čekam da mi ionako ne odgovore, jer imam osjećaj da su završili s temom
I can't upload anything to my casino account. I will then send the things to the email I have and then I wait for them to not reply anyway because I have the feeling that they are through with the topic
Auf meinem Casino konto kann ich nix hochladen ich werde dann die sachen an die Mail schicken die ich habe und dann warte ich ab die melden sich eh nicht mehr weil ich das gefühl habe das die mit dem Thema durch sind
Dragi Nick,
Vidim da je igrač nešto učitao, samo bih zamolio igrača da podijeli upravo ove dokumente s vama.
Uzrok nama - ovi dokumenti ne dokazuju ništa.
Kao što smo prije zatražili, očekivali bismo izjavu banke da IGRAČ nikada nije primio novac od transakcija:
523254 ****** 8308
200,00 EUR
RRN: 1016 *** 21974
ARN 054496602911017002 *** 47
523254 ****** 8308
500,00 EUR
RRN: 101 *** 918568
ARN 054496602901016091 *** 85
523254 ****** 8308
500,00 EUR
RRN: 101419424463
ARN 054496602881014042 *** 32 "
(Puni ARN-ovi poslani su igraču)
Dear Nick,
I see the player uploaded something, I would just ask the player to share these very documents with you.
Cause to us - these documents do not prove anything.
As requested before, we would expect the statement from the bank, that the PLAYER never received the money from the transactions:
200.00 EUR
ARN 054496602911017002***47
500.00 EUR
RRN: 101***918568
ARN 054496602901016091***85
500.00 EUR
RRN: 101419424463
ARN 054496602881014042***32 "
(The full ARNs were sent to the player)
Recimo Vulkanvegas, ovo su dokumenti koji su legalni u Njemačkoj, ovo su izvodi računa koje ovdje prihvaća svaka kancelarija, od svoje banke ne dobivam ništa jer ne mogu vidjeti ARN broj, ne mogu ništa pokrenuti u Njemačkoj ali temu smo već imali u decembru. Mogu ponovo pitati mogu li nešto dobiti. Ali Casini Guru je zatražio alternativu i trebao bih vam poslati izvatke
Say Vulkanvegas these are documents that are legal in Germany, these are account statements that are accepted here by every office, I don't get anything from my bank because they can't see the ARN number, they can't start anything in Germany but we already had the topic in December I can ask again if I can get something. But Casini Guru asked for an alternative and I should send you the extracts
Sag mal Vulkanvegas das sind Schriftstücke die in Deutschland rechtens sind das sind Kontoauszüge die hier von jedem Amt anenommen werden ich bekomme nix von meiner Bank da die es nicht sehen können mit der ARN Nummer können die in Deutschland nix anfangen aber das Thema hatten wir schon im Dezember ich kann nochmal nach fragen ob ich was bekomme.aber Casini Guru hat nach einer Alternative gefragt und darauf hin sollte ich euch die Auszüge schicken
Sad sam primio dokument od svoje banke i poslat ću vam ga, nadam se da je tema gotova i da ću dobiti novac.
Srdačni pozdravi
Tim Darmstädter
I have now received the document from my bank and will send it to you, I hope that the subject is over and I get the money.
Kind regards
Tim Darmstädter
Ich habe jetzt das Dokument bekommen von meiner Bank und werde es zu ihnen schicken ich hoffe das dann das Thema durch ist und ich das Geld bekommen.
Tim Darmstädter
Casino Guru Poslao sam iste dokumente Vulkanvegasu kao i oni već, ali kao što je gore opisano, primio sam pisanu izjavu od svoje banke da nikada nisam dobio novac, također ću vam poslati ovaj dokument ovdje ili na adresu e-pošte .
Srdačni pozdravi
Tim Darmstädter
Casino Guru I have sent the same documents to Vulkanvegas as they already have, but as described above, I received a written declaration from my bank that I never received the money, I will also send this document to you here or rather to the email address .
Kind regards
Tim Darmstädter
Casino Guru ich habe die gleichen Dokumente zu Vulkanvegas geschickt welche sie auch schon haben aber wir oben beschrieben habe ich eine schriftliche Erklärung von meiner Bank bekommen das ich das Geld nie erhalten habe ich werde ihnen dieses Dokument auch hier rein schicken oder lieber auf die Mail Adresse.
Tim Darmstädter
Možete ga poslati na nikolas.b@casino.guru. Takođe bih želio pitati Vulkan Vegas Casino da li zadovoljavaju dokumenti primljeni od igrača.
You can send it to nikolas.b@casino.guru. Also I would like to ask Vulkan Vegas Casino if the documents received from the player are satisfying.
Izvini, Nick
Ali nama (na osnovu odgovora odjela za naplatu) - dokumenti nisu zadovoljavajući.
U priloženom dokumentu se navodi da nije primljen nikakav fond od VulkanVegasa, ali u većini slučajeva prijenos novca uključuje neki drugi naziv ((npr. Usluge kockanja itd.), A ne VulkanVegas ... pa će, naravno, banka reći da nisu dobili bilo šta iz "VulkanVegasa"
Sorry, Nick
But to us (based upon the billing's dept. response) - the documents are not satisfactory.
The document provided states that no fund were received from VulkanVegas, but in most of the cases the money transfer includes some different name ( (e.g. gambling services etc), not VulkanVegas ... so of course the bank will say that they did not receive anything from "VulkanVegas"
Evo šta možemo učiniti.
Ranije ste nam dostavili izjavu o svim transakcijama za period septembar 2020. (Ne znamo zašto ste to učinili, stoga su se sve transakcije dogodile u oktobru).
Molimo navedite isti za čitav period oktobra 2020. I mi ćemo riješiti taj slučaj, jer su iskreno svi umorni.
Here is what we can do.
Previously you provided us with a statement of all the transactions for the period of September 2020. (Don't know why you did it, hence all transactions took place in October).
Please provide the same one for the entire period of October 2020 And we will resolve teh case, cause honestly all are tired.
Poštovani, sada imam izvode na računu br. 9 od 10.9.20 do 15.10.20 i izvod br. 10 od 17.10.20 do 21.10.20 i izvod br. 11 od 26.10.20 do 27.10.20 i izvod br. 12 od 11.11.20 do 20.11.20 poslao ovo su sve dolazne i odlazne stavke koje sam imao na računu, nadam se da je to dovoljno za vas.
Srdačni pozdravi
Tim Darmstädter
Dear all, I now have the account statements No. 9 from 10.9.20 to 15.10.20 and statement No. 10 from 17.10.20 to 21.10.20 and statement No. 11 from 26.10.20 to 27.10.20 and statement no 12 from 11.11.20 until 20.11.20 sent these are all incoming and outgoing items that I had on the account, I hope that's enough for you guys.
Kind regards
Tim Darmstädter
So ihr lieben ich habe jetzt nochmal die Kontoauszüge Nr 9 vom 10.9.20bis zum 15.10.20 und Auszug Nr 10 vom 17.10.20 bis zum 21.10.20 unf Auszug Nr 11 vom 26.10.20 bis zum 27.10.20 und Auszug nr 12 vom 11.11.20 bis zum 20.11.20 geschickt das sind alle eingänge und Abgänge die ich auf dem Konto hatte ich hoffe das reicht jetzt ihr lieben .
Tim Darmstädter
Zdravo dragi Nick, također sam ti poslao sve dokumente na navedenu adresu e-pošte. Bio bih sretan da primim kratak odgovor.
Srdačni pozdravi
Hi dear Nick, I have also sent all documents to you to the email address given. I would be happy to receive a short answer.
Kind regards
Hi lieber Nick ich habe alle Dokumente auch zu dir geschickt auf die angegebene Email Adresse über eine kurze Antwort würde ich mich freuen.
Tim, brzo pitanje - zašto nemaš sve transakcije u trajanju od jednog mjeseca na jednom tragu (ili snimci na mahu)?
Zašto ste ih morali podijeliti?
Tim, quick question - why don't you have all the transactions for 1 month on one sheed (or screeshot) ?
Why did you have to split them?
Dakle, izvode dobivamo iz automata za izvode iz banke i nije sve na jednom listu, pa su brojevi 9, 10,11,12 u gornjem desnom kutu, tako da se ništa ne može falsificirati, ti su izvodi samo jedinstveni
So we get the statements from the bank statement machine from the bank and not everything is on one sheet, so the numbers 9, 10,11,12 are in the top right corner so that nothing can be falsified, these statements are only unique
So bekommen wir die Auszüge aus dem Kontoauszug Automat von der Bank und nicht alles auf einem Blatt deswegen stehen oben rechts die Nr 9 ,10,11,12 damit man nichts Fälschen kann diese Auszüge sind nur Einmalig
Nemam mrežno bankarstvo na kreditnoj kartici ako je aktiviram sada, vidjet ću prodaju od danas, a ne od prošle godine, tako da to ne bi pomoglo
I do not have online banking on the credit card if I have it activated now I will only see the sales from today and not from last year so that would not help
Ich habe kein Onlinebanking auf der Kreditkarte wenn ich die jetzt Freischalten lasse sehe ich erst ab heute die Umsätze und nicht ab letztes Jahr also würde das nix bringen
Dobro, onda,
Naša presuda - igrač je dobio dobitak (na osnovu ARN-a i potvrde pružatelja plaćanja).
Ali prepustit ću Casino Guruu da odluči, jer je žalba primljena u "njihove ruke" 🙂
Nick, tvoja riječ bi ovdje bila konačna.
Srdačni pozdravi
Alright then,
Our verdict - the player received the winnings (based upon the ARN and payment provider's confirmation).
But I will let Casino Guru decide, since the complaint has been received to "their hands" 🙂
Nick, your word would be final here.
Kind regards
Vulkanvegas su ovo izvodi računa koji su valjani, vide da nemam ništa 😢😢😢 zašto bih pravio takvu frku zašto sam zaista jako tužan što sam vam dao sve što imam sve i onda oni kažu tako nešto
Vulkanvegas these are account statements that are valid, they see that I haven't got anything 😢😢😢 why should I make such a fuss why I am really very sad I have given you everything I have everything and then they say something like that
Vulkanvegas das sind Kontoauszüge die gelten sind sie sehen doch das ich nix bekommen habe 😢😢😢 man warum sollte ich den so ein Theater machen warum ich bin echt sehr traurig ich habe ihnen alles was ich habe zur Verfügung gestellt alles und dann sagen sie soetwas
Pored toga, govorimo o kartici 523254 ****** 8308 (onoj koju ste koristili za polaganje i podizanje)
Na snimku zaslona iznad imate drugi koji se nije koristio u VulkanVegasu
In addition, we are talking about card 523254******8308 (the one you used for depositing and withdrawal)
On the screenshot above -you have a different one, that wasn't used at VulkanVegas
Pogledajte, to je posrnuto jer samo prodaja dolazi i izlazi ako 17.10.20 ssge nisam ništa prebacio i ništa nije uplaćeno na račun, nema ništa, samo prodaja i troškovi
Look that is staggered because only the sales come in and outputs come in if on 17.10.20 ssge I have not transferred anything and nothing has been credited to the account, there is nothing so only the sales and expenses
Gucken sie das wird so gestaffelt da kommen nur die umsätze rein und Ausgänge rein wenn am 17.10.20 ssge ich mal ich nix überwiesen habe und auch nix aufs Konto gegangen ist kann da ja nix stehen deswegen nur die Umsätze und Ausgaben
Ne možete čuti da ih bilo što falsificira, imam troje djece i ženu, jedno dijete je teško onesposobljeno, misle da se kriminaliziram, samo želim da me se pošteno tretira treated
You can't hear anything falsifying them, I have 3 children and a woman, one child is severely disabled, they mean I am criminalizing myself, I just want to be treated fairly☹😢☹😢
Man kann da nix fälschen hören sie ich habe 3 kinder und eine Frau ein Kind ist schwerbehindert meinen sie da mache ich mich Strafbar ich möchte nur fair behandelt werden☹😢☹😢
I gore je pravi isječak, tako da možete vidjeti da su na njemu samo prodaja i outputi, a to je od drugog datuma, tako da možete vidjeti da je uvijek tako
And above is the right excerpt so that you can see that only sales and outputs are on it and that is from a different date so that you can see that it is always like that
Und oben ist jetzt der richtige auszug dsmit sie sehen können das nur Umsätze und Ausgänge dadrauf sind und der ist vom ja extra von einem anderen Datum damit sie sehen das das immer so ist
Ovdje više ne dajem komentare.
Dao bi vrijeme potrebno predstavniku CasinoGuru-a da donese odluku.
Pročitavši gore vašu životnu priču - toplo bih preporučio da se ne kockate.
Obratite se podršci ako želite zatvoriti svoj račun ili se samoizuzeti.
I am giving no more comments here.
Would give the time needed for CasinoGuru representative to make a decision.
Having read your life-story above - I would strongly recommend not to gamble.
Contact support please if you would wish to close your account or self-exclude.
Dragi Tim,
Nakon provjere bankovnih izvoda, moramo se složiti s kasinom. Iako se broj kartice podudara s onim koji ste također koristili u kasinu, izjave se ne čine potpunima. Nedostaje mu previše datuma pa to ne može biti prihvaćeno kao dokaz. Žao nam je, ali ako nećete moći pružiti potpunu izjavu tog mjeseca sa uključenim svakim danom, to ne može biti relevantno. Produžit ću žalbu do posljednjih 7 dana kako bih joj pružio posljednju priliku da pošaljete cijelu izjavu. Međutim, ako na bilo koji način nećete moći dokazati da niste dobili novac iz kasina, žalba će biti odbijena. Žao mi je što je tako ispalo, ali kako nema dokaza na kojima ste temeljili svoju žalbu, ruke su nam vezane.
Dear Tim,
After checking your bank statements, we have to agree with the casino. Although the card number matches with the one you also used in the casino, the statements do not seem complete. There are too many dates missing from it so it can't be accepted as a proof. Sorry, but if you won't be able to provide a full statement of that month with every single day included it can't be relevant. I'll extend the complaint by last 7 days, to give it a last chance for you to send the full statement. However, if you won't be able to prove in any way that you did not receive your money from the casino, the complaint will be rejected. I'm sorry that it turned out this way but as there is not any evidence of which you based your complaint on, our hands are tied.
Prigovor će sada biti odbijen jer nismo dobili nikakvu izjavu od igrača s kojim bi mogli dokazati da nije primio novac. Molimo vas, ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme u budućnosti, rado ćemo vam pokušati pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
The complaint will now be rejected as we did not received any statement from the player with could prove that he did not receive the money. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you will come across any trouble in the future, we will gladly try to help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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