Zato sam zamolio vulkan vegasa da zatvori moj nalog zbog zavisnosti.
imao sam više od 3000 evra u povlačenju, ali pošto se novac nikada ne oduzima i traje mnogo vremena kao što je obećano „48 sati za obradu povlačenja", što očigledno nije tačno, iako kada dobijete potvrdu putem e-pošte o „vaše povlačenje je prihvaćeno" novac je ostao na računu, iako kažu u T&C-u kada se prihvati novac će biti odbijen. A onda se posle nekoliko dana vraćaju sa dodatnim pitanjima. Još se čekalo, ali ništa se nije dogodilo. Na kraju sam sve izgubio i zamolio ih da mi zatvore nalog iz ovog razloga zbog zavisnosti.
nikada nisu završili tako da sam uplatio još 135 evra i izgubio ih, pitao sam ih da li su razlog za ovo i odgovorili su mi e-poštom koja mi je poslata „u poslednjem delu tog mejla koji nisam ni video da piše" molim vas da razjasnite da li ste zavisni od kockanja.
zašto treba da pojašnjavam da sam im izričito rekao da ga zatvore zbog zavisnosti?!
Takođe sam igrao blekdžek uživo sa njihovim sopstvenim stolom za koji još uvek nisu odgovorili na to gde diler izvlači više karata pre nego što im pokaže „ne deli 1 igrača u isto vreme" što nikada ranije nisam video i osećao sam se prevarenim od svog novca tamo jer je to bilo tako neuredno i brzo da nisi mogao da pratiš.
Broj igre:
ref: SD-3800445
da budem iskren, želeo bih svojih 3000 evra!
za kršenje T&C.
i da dodam ovu napomenu: zamolio sam verdecasino da zatvori sve naloge sa istom licencom pre ovoga.
So i asked vulkan vegas to close my account due to addiciton.
i had over 3000 euro in a withdrawal but since the money never gets deducted and they take far to long as promised "48 hours to process a withdrawal" which is clealrly not true even though when getting email confermation on "your withdrawal is accepted" the money remained in the account, even though they say in T&C once accepted the money will be deducted. And then after a few more days they come back with follow up questions. Still waited more but nothing happend. In the end i lost it all and asked them to close my account for this reason because of addiction.
they never did ended up with me depositing another 135 euro and lost it, i have asked them they reason for this and they responded with the email that was sent to me "in the last part of that email which i didnt even se it says" please can you clarify if you have a gambling addiction.
why do i need to clarify i have explicitly told them to close it due to addiction?!
Also i have played live blackjack with their own table which they still have not responded to where the dealer pulls multiple Cards before showing them "not dealing 1 player at the time" which i have never seen before and i felt cheated out of my money there because it was so messy and fast dealing that you could not keep up with.
Game number:
ref: SD-3800445
to be honest i would like my 3000 euro!
for them breaking T&C.
and to add on this note: i asked verdecasino to close all accounts with the same license way before this.
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