Dragi Maksumil777
Hvala na žalbi!
Rado ćemo vam pomoći!
Proverili smo vaš nalog, nekoliko stvari odjednom:
a) Vaš račun je u EUR
b) Na vašem računu sa stanjem je o (nula) i nije bilo ručnih odbitaka
c) Račun je ponovo blokiran 04.2024
Jeste li sigurni da ste igrali na Vulkanvegasu?
Dear Maksumil777
Thank you for the complaint!
We will be happy to assist you!
We've checked your account, a couple of things right at once:
a) Your account is in EUR
b) There is o (zero) on your balance account and there were no manual deductions
c) The account was blocked back 04.2024
Are you sure you played at Vulkanvegas?
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