Draga SanePelaa ,
Nažalost, kazino nije odgovorio na moju poslednju poruku u datom vremenskom okviru, ne ostavljajući dalje prostora za diskusiju. Kao što je pomenuto u mom prethodnom imejlu, naša procena ukazuje da obezbeđeni dokazi ne opravdavaju u dovoljnoj meri konfiskaciju sredstava i zatvaranje računa. Međutim, bez saradnje kazina, malo možemo da uradimo u ovoj fazi.
Sada ću žalbu označiti kao „ nerešenu " u našem sistemu. Razumem da ovo nije ishod kojem ste se nadali, ali imajte na umu da nerešene žalbe negativno utiču na rejting kazina, što ih može podstaći da preispitaju svoj pristup. Ako odluče da odgovore u budućnosti, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i obavestiti vas putem e-pošte.
U međuvremenu, preporučujem da se obratite Upravi za licenciranje igara na sreću Anžuan (AOFA) podnošenjem žalbe preko njihove veb stranice: https: //anjouangaming.com/file-a-complaint/ . Kao regulatorno telo, oni imaju dodatne alate i ovlašćenja da pomognu igračima u takvim slučajevima.
Za uputstva o tome kako da efikasno podnesete žalbu, možete pogledati ovaj resurs: https: //casino.guru/submitting-complaints-to-regulators .
Ako vam je potrebna bilo kakva pomoć oko podnošenja žalbe ili dobijete odgovor od regulatora, slobodno mi se obratite na jakub.m@casino.guru .
Žao mi je što nisam mogao da pružim povoljnije rešenje u ovom slučaju, ali se nadam da će ovaj alternativni način delovanja pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear SanePelaa,
Unfortunately, the casino has not responded to my last message within the given timeframe, leaving no further room for discussion. As mentioned in my previous email, our assessment indicates that the provided evidence does not sufficiently justify the confiscation of funds and account closure. However, without the casino’s cooperation, there is little we can do at this stage.
I will now mark the complaint as "unresolved" in our system. I understand this is not the outcome you were hoping for, but please note that unresolved complaints negatively impact the casino’s rating, which may encourage them to reconsider their approach. Should they choose to respond in the future, we will reopen the complaint and notify you via email.
In the meantime, I recommend reaching out to the Anjouan Gaming (AOFA) Licensing Authority by submitting a complaint through their website: https://anjouangaming.com/file-a-complaint/. As the regulatory body, they have additional tools and authority to assist players in such cases.
For guidance on how to submit a complaint effectively, you can refer to this resource: https://casino.guru/submitting-complaints-to-regulators.
If you need any assistance with the complaint submission or receive a response from the regulator, feel free to reach out to me at jakub.m@casino.guru.
I regret that I couldn't provide a more favorable resolution in this case, but I hope this alternative course of action helps.
Best Regards,
Izmenjeno od strane Casino Guru administratora
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