NaslovnaOnline KazinaWestCasino Recenzija
WestCasino Recenzija

Zatvoren kazino

WestCasino je zatvoren i ne radi više.

Pregledajte sva kazina
GoldWin LTD
> 5.000.000 $
Nema licencu
Detalji kazinaRecenzije korisnika57Objašnjenje Indexa SigurnostiDiskusija202

Zatvoren kazino

WestCasino je zatvoren i ne radi više.

Pregledajte sva kazina

WestCasino Recenzija

Detaljno smo proučili WestCasino i dali smo mu Visok sigurnosni indeks, što znači da je on sjajan kazino za igranje. U našoj recenziji, razmotrili smo žalbe igrača u ovom kazinu, procenili prihode, licencu, da li su igre prave, kvalitet korisničke podrške, da li pružaju fer tretman u smislu odredbi i uslova, podizanje novca i limite dobitaka, i druge faktore. Zbog toga što je WestCasino povezan sa drugim onlajn kazinima izlistanim ispod, oni takođe utiču na njegov rejting. Pročitajte celu recenziju ispod i saznajte više o ovom kazinu.

Prema našem istraživanju i procenama, WestCasino je kazino srednje veličine u smislu prihoda. Deo je grupe povezanih kazina, međutim, ova grupa je i dalje samo srednje veličine čak i kad se procenjuje kao cela. Prihod kazina je važan faktor, jer veća kazina ne bi trebala da imaju problem da isplaćuju velike dobitke, dok manja kazina potencijalno mogu da se muče ako uspete da osvojite zaista veliki dobitak.

WestCasino radi bez validne licence.

Trenutno imamo 1 žalbi konkretno na ovaj kazino u našoj bazi podataka, kao i 2 žalbi na druge kazine sa kojima je povezan. Zbog ovih žalbi, dali smo ovom kazinu 16 crnih bodova ukupno, od kojih 16 dolazi od povezanih kazina. Možete saznati više informacija o svim žalbama i crnim bodovima ispod u delu recenzije "Objašnjenje indeksa sigurnosti".

Upozorenje: WestCasino ima određene sekcije Odredbi i Uslova korišćenja za koje smatramo da nisu fer prema igračima kazina. One mogu da Vam prouzrokuju probleme ako odlučite da iskoristite kazino bonuse ili promocije. Zbog ovoga, savetujemo Vam da potražite kazino sa fer pravilima ili da makar posvetite specijalnu pažnju Odredbama i Uslovima korišćenja ovog kazina ako odlučite da igrate u njemu.

Na osnovu svih informacija pomenutih u ovoj recenziji, definitivno možemo da kažemo da je WestCasino veoma dobar online kazino. Možete očekivati dobar tretman i prijatno iskustvo ako odaberete da igrate u njemu.


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Video poker
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Dostupni jezici

Engleski website
Korisnička podrška na engleskom
Engleski chat uživo

Provajderi igre

  • NetEnt
  • Nolimit City
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Apricot (Microgaming)
  • ELK Studios
  • Yggdrasil Gaming
  • Tom Horn

Pozitivne strane

  • Nadprosečan limit podizanja novca
  • Depoziti kripto valuta se prihvaćaju
  • Dostupne su različite opcije odgovornog kockanja
  • Dostupna live chat korisnička podrška 24/7
  • Masivna selekcija igara koja uključuje i raznovrsne live-dealer igre

Loše strane

  • Bonusi nisu dostupni za sve zemlje
  • Minimalno povlačenje je 100 €
  • Naknade su povezane sa nekim metodama plaćanja

Zanimljive činjenice

  • Mali casino popularan u Holandiji
  • Podrška za ćaskanje uživo koristi funkciju automatskog prevođenja za neke jezike
  • Svi depoziti moraju biti uloženi 1k pre povlačenja
Autor & Garant: Ayberk Ayan Zadnji put ažurirano: 07/01/2024 Da li je nešto netačno ili nešto fali? Recite nam
Recenzije korisnika (57)

Recenzija korisnika WestCasino

Ovo je mesto gde možete podeliti vaše iskustvo sa WestCasino. Pročitajte šta su drugi igrači napisali ili napišite svoju recenziju i podelite sa svim pozitivne ili negatinve kvalitete bazirano na vašem ličnom iskustvu.

Feedback korisnika:

Ocenjeno od 57 korisnika

Vrlo pozitivanPozitivanNeutralanNegativanVrlo negativan

Da li imate bilo kakvo iskustvo sa ovim kazinom?

Napišite recenziju

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

• pre 1 godinu
They delay accepting withdrawals and reject withdrawal requests. The same proofs must be sent again, even if the account was verified a week earlier. After rollback, you wait forever for the withdrawal to be accepted again!
It seems like they dont want to pay you.
  • Much games
  • Long waiting withdrawals to be accepted
  • You have to send same documents again
  • No anwers to emails
  • Rollbacks
  • Withdrawal time doubles after rollback
Hello cassss,

Greetings from WestCasino!

Withdrawal requests are handled within 5 business days.

If your account isn't verified and you don't submit the required documentation in the due time, then your request may be cancelled by the Finance team. We only process withdrawal requests for verified accounts.

I see that you had a withdrawal request placed on March 27, which was processed and paid on April 03.

• pre 1 godinu
Never play on this casino! They simply just dont want to pay out.
  • Fast support chat, but the support chat does not even try to help
  • Low deposits
  • Fast deposits
  • Verification takes for ever if you have withdrawal on going
  • Dont want to pay, they try everything to avoid paying
  • Withdrawals take for ever
  • They might make your funds missing from your account, and say that you played them
Hello Crysler,

Greetings from WestCasino!

The finance team process all the withdrawals in the standard time frame of 5 business days.

You can come in our LiveChat if you have any questions and our agents will be more than happy to help you!

All the best,
• pre 1 godinu
Provera nemoguća, stalno se traži ista stvar iako je već preneta. Koristim ista dokumenta u svakom kazinu i nikada nema problema osim ovde. Ni podrška mi ne pomaže.
  • Ništa
  • Sve
Hello stickeralarm,

Greetings from WestCasino!

The documents are necessary for the finance team to verify your account. If you have any questions you can always come in LiveChat where our agents are always ready to help 24/7.

All the best,
• pre 1 godinu
When i ask for bonus they closed my account i want to get an refund of the losses i got
  • Quick money gone
  • Live chat works
  • No cash out system what works
Hello C078,

Greetings from WestCasino!

Before an account is closed, any funds due to the player are returned accordingly.
If you are referring to the amounts you have bet and lost, those can not be refunded.

All the best,
• pre 1 godinu
This casino operate illegally in Netherlands jurisdiction without license from duch gambling authorities. The casino accept players from Netherlands but this is illegally. They didn't signed in for a permit to use Netherlands jurisdiction.
They let me deposit for 7-8 months and after I've asked my money back they quickly closed my account!!!
Gerard Serrano(so called account manager) stated that WESTCASINO is pending for licence from KSA AUTHORITY! But was a big lie! He ensured me that I can deposit and play safely! I have the proof on emails!
  • Scammed clients
Hello rotarnicolaemihai,

Greetings from WestCasino!

Before registering in the casino you will need to check the terms and conditions as well as the appropriate legislation that applies in your case, to see weather you can open an account with us.

Any accounts found in breach of the terms and conditions will be closed accordingly.

All the best,
• pre 1 godinu
Dosta mi je, kako mi ovde kažemo.

Istina je da sam se setio zašto nisam deponovao u Vestcasinu godinama, ali samo nedelju dana nakon mog presrećnog zahteva za povlačenje. Kada sam dobio e-poštu od finansijskog odeljenja u kojoj se traži da se verifikujem. Iako su me uverili u ćaskanju uživo na dan zahteva za povlačenje da to neće trajati toliko dugo jer sam već verifikovan i već sam zatražio povlačenje pre oko 1,5 godine.

Ponovo sam postavio sve dokumente bez oklevanja.

To što sam dobio potvrdu da sam sada ponovo verifikovan je odlično, ali ni meni ne pomaže.

Sada kada je prošlo 14 dana od moje indikativne isplate, samo mislim da je to NEČUVNO! Zato će žalba biti ozvaničena sutra. Sa moje strane svakako imam još mnogo toga da kažem.
  • Veliki izbor igara
  • Dobri uslovi
  • funkcija i jasnoća
  • Veoma spora isplata
  • Verifikacija je prespora
  • Isplate se jednostavno ne obrađuju nedeljama, tako da igrač prokocka svoj dobitak zbog frustracije i besa zbog ove odložene isplate.
  • Dobici se prihvataju samo u jednom iznosu i jednom metodu povlačenja. Cepanje zabranjeno!?
  • Zahtevi za podršku su besmisleni
• pre 1 godinu
Imam papir, kako mi ovde kažemo.
Lepo je što sada ponovo znam zašto nisam godinama uplaćivao Vestcasino. Moja sećanja su se brzo vratila nakon što sam primio e-poštu od finansijskog odeljenja u kojoj se traži verifikacija nedelju dana nakon mog presrećnog zahteva za povlačenje. Iako su me u ćaskanju uživo na dan zahteva za povlačenje uverili da to neće trajati toliko dugo jer sam verifikovan i već sam tražio povlačenje pre oko 1,5 godine. Ponovo sam postavio sve dokumente bez oklevanja.
To što mi je tada u nekom trenutku potvrđeno da sam sada ponovo verifikovano je odlično, ali mi to ne pomaže finansijski jer je prošlo 14 dana od moje indikativne uplate. Prosto smatram da je NEVEROVATNO! Zbog toga će žalba biti zvanično primljena sutra.
  • Veliki izbor igara
  • Dobri uslovi
  • funkcija i jasnoća
  • Veoma spora isplata
  • Verifikacija je prespora
  • Isplate se jednostavno ne obrađuju nedeljama, tako da igrač prokocka svoj dobitak zbog frustracije i besa zbog ove odložene isplate.
  • Dobici se prihvataju samo u jednom iznosu i jednom metodu povlačenja. Cepanje zabranjeno!?
  • Zahtevi za podršku su beskorisni
• pre 1 godinu
Been playing here off and on for a little over a year now. They have a decent selection of games and providers, sign up was easy and I had no issues with verification. You get to spin the wheel with every deposit, where you can win free spins, no deposit bonuses or the jackpot, but it doesn't tell you how much the jackpot is for, its only $5. I've hit it twice and $5 both times. Customer service chat is 24/7 and pretty quick to respond. I have received about a half dozen withdrawals, but I have requested about 15. They are notorious for delaying payments, so I used to end up using the "rollback" option and then eventually losing most or all of it. Although I have no proof that this is exactly what they hope will happen, I have no doubt that it is. There is just far to many delayed payment complaints for me not to come to this conclusion.
I have also had issues quite frequently with all of a sudden a game or a provider will just stop working, and customer service always tells me that the provider is no longer available in my jurisdiction. And when I come back the next time to play, the game works fine. I think that they just say the provider is no longer available, when they don't actually know what the issue is. And its not worth trying to explain that the provider is allowed in my jurisdiction, that I have been playing it for the last decade and that it is allowed in my jurisdiction at every other casino online.
Take it for what its worth, if you play here yeah they will probably pay you out as long as you didn't break any of the T&Cs, just be prepared to wait possibly a couple weeks.
  • easy sign up
  • easy verification
  • good games and providers
  • delayed payments often
  • games crash
  • questionable T&Cs
• pre 1 godinu
So far a very nice casino to play. They have a lot of very good bonus offers compared to other casinos. The layout is very customer friendly and great selection of games.

Account s now verified that took a little time (4 days) but was my own fault for sending a cropped ID. The finance team was very helpful. Now waiting on my payout of EUR 2000, which should arrive today :)
  • Game selection is big
  • Customer Friendly and nice look and feel
  • Promotions and rewards are more generous that normal
  • Maybe a little slow with the withdraw compared to others
Hello KoenVZ010,

Thanks for your review!

I am happy to hear that you had such a good run and I hope this is the first win of many to come!

All the best,
• pre 1 godinu
Legit looking casino, but it is a really bad one. Everything they do aims to you playing back your winnings.
  • Lots of games
  • EXTREMELY slow withdrawls
  • Doesnt accept drivers license.
  • They require verification even for even small withdrawals, process take ages.
  • Minimum cashout 100€
Hello Kasvis,

Greetings from WestCasino!

All players are required to verify their accounts prior to making a withdrawal in the casino.

The process only takes a few days after you send the complete documents required.

You can find out what documents are required for your account by contacting our Live Chat support.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Interesting casino that still operates illegally in The Netherlands. When sending a complaint regarding my matter they do not respond on this (passed months now) and when asking them in Live Chat all they say is you are not logged in so we can not see anything.

Clearly a casino that wants to dodge the case and responsibility. My complaint has already been forwarded to the KSA and if all other players do so they can get a million fine too like other casino groups :D

For all other Dutch players I can recommend to use their ADR ECOGRA before going to the law firm, maybe this puts some pressure on the casino and of course DO NOT JOIN THEM AS THEY ARE ILLEGAL HERE.
  • Easy to register and deposit
  • Operating illegal in The Netherlands
• pre 2 godina
Zatražio sam povlačenje 500 € pre 6 dana, poslao svoja dokumenta e-poštom finansijskom odeljenju na verifikaciju, a do danas nema odgovora, nema povlačenja i nema odgovora iz kazina!!! U ćaskanju uživo mi je danima rečeno da treba da budem strpljiv i da ne mogu da mi pomognu u ćaskanju uživo 🤬
Kazino se ne pridržava svojih uslova!!!

Kao što sam rekao, ne dobijate odgovor na sve mejlove gde dobijate informacije o statusu pregleda mojih dokumenata.
Hello Bastipolo81,

Greetings from WestCasino!

The verification process can take up to 5 business days, depending on the work volume of the Finance team at any given time. This doesn't include weekends or legal holidays.

If you want me to check the status for your account you can forward me your information.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
They target the dutch market with promo emails and affiliates links. They do not hold a dutch KSA liscense. There for not allowed to register dutch players. Ive notified them and they say they will investigate and it can take up to 60 days! That is crazy.

Its a scam.. dutch should not play here.

And Westcasino replied under my review... and that is ofcourse so not true and will not hold with dutch authority.
  • No liscense
  • Bad helpsupport
  • Non responsive
Hello Sabine1984,

Greetings from WestCasino!

Before registering in the casino you will need to check the terms and conditions as well as the appropriate legislation that applies in your case, to see weather you can open an account with us.

Any accounts found in breach of the terms and conditions will be closed accordingly.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Isplata traje zauvek Tražio sam isplatu pre 3 nedelje, ali isplate se odlažu u nadi da će igrač nastaviti da igra i da će sve biti ponovo prokockano
  • Isplata traje predugo
  • Verifikacija je komplikovana
  • Varanje u nadi da će igrač otkazati povlačenje
  • Neprijateljska podrška
Hello aliyesil6210,

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am sorry to hear that you aren't happy with the withdrawal process. Withdrawals take a maximum of 5 business days, if your account is already passed the verification. As such, it isn't possible for you to wait for a payment for the stated amount of time.

If you want me to check your case in detail, please forward your information in my attention to our support email address.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Odličan kazino, isplata nije dugo trajala. Čak sam morao da proverim unapred. Imati 08.01. Osvojio 200€ tamo i bili su na tome sinoć!
Dakle, trebalo je samo 5 dana (verifikacija i isplata)
To je brzo!!
  • Odlične igre
  • Lepa podrška
Hello QueenLea,

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am glad to see that you are happy with your experience in our casino.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Postoji 1 zvezdica za izbor igre i opcije depozita.
Inače je katastrofa, jer nikad nisam doživeo tako mali NORMALNI DOBITAK i uložio sam nekoliko stotina evra u Vest Casino. Uvek ima nekoliko evra profita, tako da niste izgubili 50 evra posle 5 minuta. Mogu samo da savetujem svakom igraču da se kloni ovakvih prevaranata. Ako igraš da bi igrao, dobro je za to, ali ako imaš nameru da pobediš... RUKE DALjE !!!!!!
  • izbor igre
  • opcije depozita
  • Dobijte nešto ispod tržišnog standarda, više ka prevari
  • Verifikacija, jer čak ni broj mobilnog telefona ne radi na verifikaciji
Hello hansen260678,

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am sorry to see that luck wasn't on your side. The results of each bet you make are based entirely on a random number generator and, as such, there is no way to actually predict the outcome of any session you may have.

If you seem to be experiencing a period with low wins you can always switch to a different game and/or choose a game with a lower volatility.

All the best,

• pre 2 godina
Igram u Vestcasinu skoro godinu dana i stalno se nerviram. Kazino uglavnom zadržava isplatu nekoliko dana, podrška navodi vreme od 3-5 dana. Ali 5 dana je apsolutno pravilo, ovde se nadamo da će igrač otkazati svoju isplatu i kockati se. Isplata je otkazana i potreban je izveštaj o imovini uz pretnju ograničenja naloga, sa potpuno verifikovanim nalogom koji je dobro primećen! Zaista mogu samo da savetujem svima da ovde polože svoj novac. Ono što je posebno vredno pažnje su bonus ponude bez dna, npr.: Funstarter u ponedeljak (depozit od 100€ mesečno) i trebalo bi da dobijete 100 besplatnih obrtaja ponedeljkom, ali ih ne dobijate ako postoji stanje na računu ili to je to. Najviše je antisocijalno kada imate otvorenu isplatu. Pošto Vestcasino ionako obrađuje isplatu tek nakon 5 radnih dana, besplatni okretaji obično nestaju sa njim. Nevolja je ovde neizbežna, čim moja isplata završi, odmah ću zatvoriti svoj račun tamo. Zaista nikada nisam doživeo takvu politiku povlačenja, samo jadno.
  • izbor igara
  • trajanje verifikacije
  • Politika povlačenja
  • bonus politika
Hello berlinercasi,

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am sorry to see that you had troubles with the withdrawal process.

The maximum time in which a withdrawal process is reviewed is indeed 5 business days, however in most cases the payments are done much faster than this. Only in situations where there is a high workload for the finance team there are delays.

If your account is verified then all the process will go smoothly and no input will be required on your end.

I hope that you will reconsider and give the casino another go.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
What a terrible casino this is. The customer service is a horror. When you ask for anything, even simple as checking a pending deposit you have to send ton of documents.

This casino is recommaned by Casino Guru, but please be careful of wasting your time on West Casino.
  • Easy to register.
  • After registration the horror begins.
  • The worst customer service i’ve ever encounterd
Hello Moulay,

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am sorry to see that you feel this way about our support team.
I have checked and can see that your requests were all handled accordingly - including the deposit which arrived with a delay to your account. If there is ever the need for a transaction to be checked with a payment provider you will be asked for a proof of payment as standard procedure. This is to ensure that the transaction can be checked in the shortest time possible - and ultimately provide you with a good experience.

I hope that you will reconsider and continue being a member of our casino!

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Najbolji kazino ikada.
Uz jedinstvenu podršku i odlične bonus ponude. Aktivnost i lojalnost se uvek nagrađuju, a ulazak u VIP klub ne ostavlja ništa što se želi.
Moj lični supervizor Gerard Serano je uvek spreman da mi ponudi savršeno iskustvo u kazinu.
Nikada nemate osećaj da ste samo broj, uvek ste dobro i lično o vama.
Apsolutna preporuka:
Jednom Vest Casino, uvek Vest Casino! 👍🏻
  • Jedinstvena podrška
  • Mnoge bonus ponude bez opklada
  • Lični ViP supervizor
  • Otvoreni za poboljšanja

Greetings from WestCasino!

I appreciate you taking the time to review your experience with our casino and I am glad to see that you were happy with your account manager!

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
I opened my account in westcasino this month only where i deposited twice one with jeton and Second time with crypto ltc of INR 1980 approx.
I took 170 free no deposit spins along with my second deposit offer which i wager my deposit once according to their terms and made good winnings . Before withdrawal i verified my account by giving government id And bank statement then i went chat to ask whether i can i withdraw my winnings . He said all is good i can withdraw with crypto only as no jeton withdrawal option available. So requested my withdrawal on 16th December where status remains pending approval so waited till 21st December when i email the finance team about my withdrawal status then they asked to submit my crypto deposit statement for verification after wasting so many days which they could have told before i requested withdrawal on chat itself . I sent all crypto deposit payment statement which they verified then they have asked me place withdrawal request again as earlier withdrawal requested which placed on 16th December failed due to technical reason on 21st December., So again i requested withdrawal on 21st December 2022 of inr 9000 through litecoin.

Why is it taking so much time to process the simple withdrawal.?
Very bad experience as the website design and games were good but this withdrawal slowness And time wasting tactics is something i don't feel good.

Now today when i chat with customer support with issue they asked me use alternate method as there is problem with crypto . They told me to use muchbetter , they could have told me the same on 21st December instead of wasting time .
  • There is nothing positive about them
  • Withdrawal issue as verified customer aslo face long withdrawal time
  • Finance team is not responsive .
  • Chat support doesn't know anything about withdrawal matter as they just kept on saying it's finance department
Hello Rocky,

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am sorry to hear that you encountered issues with the withdrawal process.

I can see that our Finance team has informed you on the 21st that the payment provider for your chosen withdrawal method is currently unavailable due to technical issues.

This information has been provided to you both by the Finance team and by our support team.

As they haven't provided an ETA on when this will be fixed you can request a withdrawal using one of the other methods available to you.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Started of great it said I'd get 255 spins at .10$ but gave them at .25$. but that's where my fun hear ended. I was playing green knight and it has a multiplier that comes up once every 5 spins or so sometimes 3 spin sometimes 8. But when it comes up the prize is multiplied by 2,5,10,50 and 100. The first rip off came when on a X10 multiplier i won 20 cents but in the row was a wild with another X10 multiplier. So the win should have been .20 x 10 x 10= 20$. So i went to the support told them what happened. They asked for a screenshot. Well i hadn't taken one so i used 8 bucks till i hit the bonus round where every round is multiplied the first round at x2 it paid nothing i then hit 5 extra spins all at X5 i made .66$ the next 2 were losers too but the final spin i got 4 horses in a straight line which at my 20 cent bet equaled .30$ but it's at 100 times the win so 30$ i was paid 3 dollars. West casino started saying you only get the top bonus if a wild is in the win well that's not in the rules anywhere. It states that everyround is multiplied by the top win box. So they not only changed the win ratio on the game and are not using it like avalon78 where i have played this before. I even went to the pay table to check if i missed something but it said just like i stated to casino management. That 4 horses x100 at ,20$ is 30$ win. So all i can say is don't play here. They definitely will ripp you off and mean to do it.
  • Great welcome thou you'll never cash it
  • Support that's always availible. But don't help
  • Good games sadly with win ratios altered
  • Everything
Hello Dagan,

Greetings from WestCasino!

I can see that your customer support team has explained how the multiplier for the game function and, I hope that you will consider changing your review accordingly.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Pokušavam da verifikujem svoj nalog od 4. novembra, sada 20 dana kasnije i još uvek nije verifikovan.

Bizarno što mora da traje toliko dugo, izgubio sam samopouzdanje. Mnogo sam deponovao i mnogo igrao.
  • Nalog nije verifikovan posle 20 dana

Hello Patrick,

Greetings from WestCasino!

The verification process usually takes a few days, considering you send all the required documents correctly.
The process may be delayed if further documents are required and it is completed based on how quickly you provide them.

From what I see your account is now verified, so I hope that your experience will be much better in the future!

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Osvojio sam 1000 evra 6. novembra 2022, isplatio ovih 1000 evra i poslao svoja dokumenta na verifikaciju računa direktno. Danas je 15. a moj nalog još uvek nije verifikovan! 9 dana za verifikaciju? Nikada nisam bio svedok nečemu ovakvom!
Ažuriraj, sada su mi čak blokirali nalog jer sam navodno imao drugi nalog. Što apsolutno nije tačno!
  • Verifikacija naloga traje predugo.
  • Zanima me koliko će mi trebati da dobijem svoj novac
  • Ćaskanje su botovi
  • Samo zatvorite račune.
Hello Jennifer,

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am sorry to hear about this situation.

I have checked and indeed your account was locked as it was a duplicate account. Our casino doesn't allow players to own and operate multiple accounts, as per the terms and conditions.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Zapravo dobar kazino, samo je verifikacija muka. Nikada nisam toliko čekao na verifikaciju. Osvojio 1000 evra, da vidimo koliko će mi trebati da ga dobijem kada budem konačno verifikovan.
  • Podrška odlična.
  • Dobar izbor igara
  • Verifikacija traje zauvek.

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am glad to hear that you had a positive overall experience!

I hope that with following your future experiences with the casino you will have an even better one!

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Igrao sam u mnogim lošim kockarnicama, ovaj ih nadmašuje. 25€ deponovano sa 300% su kod mene 75€ je još uvek imalo 100€ na računu. Upitan u ćaskanju uživo da li ovaj bonus od 300% ima ulog od 35k, ovo mi je potvrđeno. Igrao sam na putu do €210 i odigrao samo 4%. Odigrali su 210€ na 2€ i samo 13% je primenilo bonus koji ne može biti. RTP je tako katastrofalan da je retko doživeo takav otpad. Odmah zatvorite račun, nema želje za takvom prljavštinom
  • Dobar izbor igara
  • Bonus lažan i nije pravi
  • Rtp izuzetno nizak
  • Nema alata za odgovorno igranje


Greetings from WestCasino!

I am sorry to see that you were unhappy with your experience with the casino.

I understand that losing isn't the best experience, however the result of each bet placed is entirely random and the RTP of each game is determined by the gaming provider itself - as advertised for each game.

As for the bonuses our casino offers, the standard bonuses have a wagering requirement of 35x and we have many offers daily with wagerfree bonuses.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Depoziti rade bez ikakvih problema, ako nešto osvojite, morate vječno čekati da se nešto dogodi.
Prva uplata je trajala 5 radnih dana, a onda je novac stigao.
Ali sada sam htio isplatiti drugi put i sada, iako je moj račun u potpunosti verifikovan, moram dostaviti kompletan dokaz o svojoj imovini (plata, dionice, nasljedstvo, itd.).
Zašto to pitaš samo kada ja želim da isplatim novac, sve dok igram i ne isplaćujem novac, nije te briga odakle novac dolazi.
Poslao sam im tri izvoda iz mog bankovnog izvoda za zadnja 3 mjeseca, koji pokazuje moju platu, nije dovoljno, hocu zadnja 3 mjeseca kao kompletan PDF.
Za mene su to kriminalci.
Kakva šteta!
  • dobre igre
  • Loša podrška
  • Plaćanje je samo problem
  • Ne upoznaj mušterije

Greetings from WestCasino!

I am sorry to see that you were unhappy with the verification process.

As a casino we are required to undergo several different verifications for players. Our Finance team tries to handle these as quickly as possible and if you send everything requested the process is concluded smoothly.

You also have the option to send these well ahead of any withdrawal, as all the information regarding the verifications is stated in the terms and conditions.

All the best,
• pre 2 godina
Promijenite metode depozita po želji, Sofortüberweisung više nije dostupan. Pa, vidimo se
  • Nice slotovi
  • dobra struktura stranice
  • samo sumnjive metode depozita
Dear player,

Thank for your valuable feedback and please be assured that it is highly appreciated in order to upscale our service.

Temporarily, we removed this method of payment due to a maintenance on the provider's end and we are sorry for all the inconvenience. Once this is concluded the method will be available on the cashier again.

For quick assistance feel free to reach out to our Live Chat support team which is available for you 24/7.

All the best,
• pre 3 godina
Tako da sam zapravo registrovan u brojnim kockarnicama i takođe sam zatražio sve bonuse bez depozita. Ali do sada nisam imao sreće ni u jednom kazinu. Zatim je došao Westcasino i nakon nekoliko depozita, imao sam veliku sreću i mogao sam dobiti isplatu od skoro 5000 eura da sam mogao. Nažalost, kao što je slučaj, tada je većina opet prokockana. Inače vrlo odlična bonus ponuda, podrška je također vrlo lijepa i dostupna 24 sata dnevno. Ništa negativno sa moje strane. Vrh tako čini kockanje zabavnim
  • Odličan dizajn
  • Brza podrška i korisna
  • Odabir igre jasan
  • Bonusi odlični
  • Plaćanje traje malo duže
Dear player,

Greetings from WestCasino Casino!
Thank you so much for being willing to share your feedback.
We hope to see more of you in our casino!

All the best,
• pre 3 godina
Dobro uredjen sajt sa velikim izborom igrica. Podrška je također dostupna gotovo 24 sata dnevno. Vrlo dobre bonus ponude sa mnogo besplatnih besplatnih okretaja za klađenje. Jedini ozbiljan nedostatak je vrijeme potrebno za isplate. Min. 5 radnih dana
  • Jasno
  • Dobra podrška
  • Odličan izbor igara
  • Vrlo dobre bonus ponude
  • Spore isplate
  • Gamomat igre nisu dostupne
• pre 3 godina
I registered to this casino of the high ranking here at casino guru as nr 2. So after I registered and played several hundreds of my own initial deposit including the deposit bonus for new players. I cleared the wagering requirements. After this I initiated a withdrawal request since 5 January and still pending waiting to be approved. The amount is €1750 (under € 2000) and I used iDIN for the online identification used to withdraw (same deposit bank). So the withdrawal should be quick as promoted but reality is different.
I contacted the support about this inquiry several times. Every time I got the same prefixed answer and they could see my account is verified and the withdrawal would be processed. So yesterday again after asking specifically again why it takes so long they wanted me to send the requested documents (ID + Utility) as explained above. Its a shame and I don't like this kind of treatment, its a kind of "bulliying" the player. I dont feel trusted especially when it comes to payout
  • Variety of games
  • -Withdrawal limits (max€ 2000 per transaction capped at€ 5000 per 5 business dayst
  • -Processing time withdrawal too long
  • -Live chat Support is NOT very knowledgeable , mostly "chatbot" standard answers
Objašnjenje Indexa Sigurnosti

Index Sigurnosti WestCasino objašnjenje

Pogledajte objašnjenje faktora koje uzimamo u obzir pri izračunavanju ocene indeksa sigurnosti WestCasino. Indeks sigurnosti glavna je metrika koju koristimo za opisivanje pouzdanosti, pravednosti i kvaliteta svih online kazina u našoj bazi podataka.

Kazino srednje veličine, bazirano na našim istraživanjima i procenama
Smatramo kazino T&Cs uglavnom korektnim
Nije pronađena nijedna relevantna kazino crna lista
Bez pritužbi igrača ili veoma niska vrednost zadržanih dobitaka u pritužbama igrača u odnosu na veličinu kazina
Razmotrili smo i druge faktore koji su imali pomalo negativan uticaj na Indeks Sigurnosti kazina
Index Sigurnosti ovog kazina je izračunat isključivo na našem istraživanju i podacima koje je sakupio tim koji radi recenzije. Naučite više o metodologiji recenzija kazina

Da li je ovaj kazino uradio nešto nepošteno prema vama?

Unesite pritužbu

Nepošteni uslovi i pravila

  • Ovaj casino zabranjuje određene obrasce klađenja ili strategije kada se igra sa bonus sredstvima, ali još nismo bili svedoci da se ovo pravilo koristi protiv igrača.

Drugi faktori

  • Radi bez licence

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