Dobar dan,
Naša korisnička podrška pregledala je dostavljeni ID igre interno i sa Dragon Gamingom, nažalost ne postoji.
Također su provjerili vaše transakcije, a u većini slučajeva, kada bi klijent naišao na probleme s naše strane tijekom igranja, odbitak s korisnikovog računa, koji se koristio za stavljanje oklade, bio bi interno otkriven.
Rekavši da je odlučeno da se vašem računu pripiše kredit od 50 USD gestom dobre volje, koji se temelji na vašem ukupnom depozitu, doživotnim isplatama i prosječnim gubicima/pobjedama u kasinu.
O tome ste bili obaviješteni i putem e -pošte, na adresu e -pošte registriranu na vašem računu.
Wild Casino
Good day,
Our Customer Support have reviewed the provided game ID both internally and with Dragon Gaming and unfortunately it does not exist.
They have also checked your transactions, and in most cases, when a customer has experienced issues on our end whilst playing, the deduction from the customer’s account, used to place the wager, would be internally detected.
Having said that it was decided to credit your account with a $50 goodwill gesture credit, which is based on your overall deposit, lifetime payouts and average losses/wins in casino.
You were also informed about this via email, on the email address registered in your account.
Wild Casino
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