Zdravo Tomas!
Vi ste jebeno sjajni za ono što radite za ljude u usranim situacijama, i cenim vas što ste odvojili vreme da ispitate moju situaciju!
●Možete li objasniti da li je vaš nalog blokiran? Možete li da se prijavite? - Da i Da.
●Da li imate problema sa popunjavanjem KIC-a? Šta se konkretno čini da je problem? -Ne mogu KIC jer ne primaju igrače iz SAD. Igram na kripto sajtovima bez KIC-a i retko menjam svoj VPN iz Kanade jer izgleda da imam najviše sreće sa provajderima na sajtovima bez KIC-a. Imao sam utisak da vildfortune.io takođe nije bio KIC.
●Da li je kazino opravdao bilo koju svoju odluku navodeći neka pravila? Koji? - Nikada mi nisu dali nikakvu odluku, jer jedini ljudi koji će razgovarati sa mnom su živi agenti. Kažu da to podižu u lanac, ali pošto ne mogu da KIC ili da igram preko svog depozita, niko mi neće odgovoriti. Rekli su da nije trebalo da koristim VPN.
●Koje ste igre igrali da biste akumulirali trenutni balans u kazinu? (koji slotovi, igre uživo itd.)- Igrao sam nekoliko FS koje sam dobio sa svojim depozitom, ali kada sam primetio th3i 2ere KIC, poništio sam sve bonuse tako da mi je ostao samo originalni depozit od $50,00 i otišao da ga povučem odmah. To je 2 kada mi je odbijeno povlačenje i rečeno da igram kroz 1k depozit, ali kada pokušam da učitam igru, ona ide direktno u KIC obrazac. Rečeno mi je da to ne bi trebalo da radi, ali to radi jer sam otkazao bonuse i th3i ne može (ili jednostavno neće) to da popravi. Sad sedim u ničijoj zemlji!
Ako vam treba još nešto od mene, samo mi javite! Zaista te cenim
traži ovo za mene!!
sa zahvalnošću,
BleeKasHell (Drev ****)
Hello Tomas!
You guys are fucking awesome for what you do for folks in shity situations, and I appreciate you for taking the time to look into my situation!
●Could you please explain whether your account is blocked? Can you log in?- Yes and Yes.
●Are you having trouble completing KYC? What specifically seems to be the issue?-I cant KYC as they don't accept players from the USA. I play on crypto no KYC sites and rarely change my VPN from Canada as I seem to have the best luck with providers at the no KYC sites. I was under the impression wildfortune.io was a no KYC as well.
●Did the casino justify any of their decision citing any rules? Which ones?-They never really gave me any kind of decision as the only people who will speak with me are the live agents. They say they kick it up the chain but since I can't KYC or play thru my deposit nobody will get back to me. They said I shouldn't have been using a VPN.
●What games did you play to accumulate your current balance in the casino? (which slots, live games etc.)- I played a few of the FS I received with my deposit but when I noticed th3y 2ere KYC I canceled out all bonuses so I was left with just my original deposit of $50.00 and went to withdraw it right away. That's 2hen I was denied withdrawal and told to play thru 1x of deposit but when I try to load a game up it goes directly to KYC form. I was told it shouldn't do that but is doing it because I canceled the bonuses and th3y can't (or simply wont) fix it. I'm sitting in no-man's land now!
If you need anything else from me just let me know! I REALLY appreciate you
lookinginto this for me!!
BleeKasHell (Drew ****)
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