Zdravo Nik,
Verifikacija je počela 11. septembra i dao sam im svoju ličnu kartu, selfi sa ličnim dokumentom, potvrdu plaćanja sa verifikovanim načinom depozita i dokaz adrese. Nakon što su sve ovo otpremili, potvrdili su to i pustili mi 750 dolara od 1361 dolara. Ubrzo nakon toga, poslali su mi poruku da moraju da verifikuju preko skajpa da bi potvrdili moj identitet, a zatim su povukli uplatu od 750 dolara koja je vraćena sa mog paiz naloga. Pokušao sam da ih kontaktiram da zakažem skajp poziv kako su tražili, što je ignorisano nekoliko dana. Poslao sam dodatne e-poruke i član njihovog tima se izvinio što mi je propustio e-poštu, a zatim zakazao poziv sa mnom. Kada su pozvali, razgovarao sam sa njima preko Skajpa gde je bio moj video kako bi mogli da potvrde da sam to zaista bio ja na pozivu. Postavili su neka pitanja poput mog imena, adrese i e-pošte što sam potvrdio bez problema. Jedino pitanje u koje nisam bio siguran je kada su me pitali koju sam tačno igru igrao - i rekao sam im da se tada ne sećam jer je prošlo oko 2 nedelje otkako sam igrao, a takođe igram u drugim kazinima. Da dodam ovome, moj nalog je onemogućen tako da nisam mogao da se prijavim da proverim svoju istoriju igara. Nakon ovoga, osoba sa kojom sam razgovarao je rekla da će me pozvati kada bude obavešten o mom povlačenju. Nekoliko sati kasnije nakon poziva primio sam e-poruku sa njima u kojoj su istaknuti uslovi i odredbe borbe protiv prevara. Rekao sam im da sam to veoma pažljivo pročitao i da verujem da nisam prekršio nijedan od uslova tamo, i mogli bi da me ponovo pozovu preko skajpa ako uopšte bude bilo kakvog nesporazuma, ili da traže bukvalno bilo koji dokument da potvrdim svoj identitet. Nakon što su to zahtevali, odbili su da pregledaju moj slučaj i rekli da je njihova odluka da zatvore moj nalog i da neće dalje razmatrati moj slučaj. Ovo je krajnje nepravedno sa moje strane, jer sam spreman da dam bilo koji dokument koji zatraže ili ponovo pozovu da proveri šta god da su prošli put bili nezadovoljni, ali oni nisu voljni ni da pokušaju. U ovom trenutku imam osećaj kao da su mi upravo ukrali novac.
Hi Nick,
The verification started on 11th of September, and i provided them my ID, selfie with ID, payment confirmation with deposit method verified, and proof of address. After uploading all this they confirmed it and released $750 of the $1361 to me. Shortly after, they sent me a message saying they needed to verify over skype to confirm my identity, then withdrew the payment of $750 which was taken back out of my payz account. I tried to contact them to schedule in a Skype call as they requested, which was ignored for a few days. I sent follow up e-mails and a member of their team apologised for missing my email and then scheduled a call with me. When they called, i spoke with them over Skype where my video was on so they could confirm that it was indeed me on the call. They asked some questions like my name, address and email which I confirmed with no problem. The only question I wasn't sure about was when they asked me exactly what game I played - and I told them I could not recall at the time as its been around 2 weeks since I played and I also play on other casinos. To add on to this, my account was disabled so i could not log on to check my game history. After this the person I spoke with said he would call me once he had an update regarding my withdrawal. A few hours later after the call i received an email with them highlighting the anti-fraud terms and conditions. I had told them i read it very thoroughly and believe i did not breach any of the terms there, and they could call me again over skype if there was any misunderstanding at all, or ask for literally any document for me to confirm my identity. After requesting this, they refused to review my case and said it was their decision to close my account and they will not review my case further. This is extremely unfair on my end as I am willing to provide any document they ask or get on a call again to verify whatever they were unsatisfied about last time, but they are not willing to even try. At this point it feels like they have just stolen money from me.
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