Dragi chrisprf,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli ovu žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem. Proverio sam uslove i odredbe VinDetta kazina i evo šta sam našao:
2.6. Kreiranjem naloga saglasni ste da pružate samo pouzdane informacije o sebi, kao što su vaše ime i drugi lični podaci. Takođe se slažete da nećete praviti duplikate naloga; svakom korisniku je dozvoljeno da kreira samo jedan. Nalog se ne može duplirati pomoću bilo koje druge osobe, porodice, adrese (poštanske ili IP) ili adrese e-pošte povezane sa uređajem. Nalozi koji nisu primarni se smatraju duplikatima.
3.1. Vindetta može po svom nahođenju u bilo kom trenutku:
- suspendovati ili blokirati pristup uslugama Kompanije, konfiskovati sredstva sa bilansa igrača u slučaju da se isti detalji plaćanja koriste sa drugim nalogom.
Štaviše, pogledajte naš Kodeks poštenog kockanja za igrače https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codek-for-plaiers :
„Za depozite i isplate treba da koristite samo bankovne račune i kreditne kartice koje se drže na svoje ime. Ako to ne uradite, mogli biste upasti u nevolje kada pokušavate da izvršite povlačenje. Ovo pravilo je uglavnom na snazi da spreči kredit. zloupotrebe kartica, kao i zbog međunarodnih propisa protiv pranja novca".
Imajte na umu da je ovo pravilo prekršeno. Kazina mogu dozvoliti neke izuzetke kada deponuju ili povlače sredstva koristeći zajedničku karticu ili se ova mogućnost unapred saopšti. Tehnički je veoma teško proveriti ko je vlasnik načina plaćanja u fazi deponovanja. Ovo se može proveriti samo tokom verifikacije naloga, što se obično radi kada se traži povlačenje. Stoga je odgovornost igrača da koristi samo dozvoljene načine plaćanja.
Ako niste u mogućnosti da dokažete da ste legitimni vlasnik načina plaćanja i niste dobili odobrenje od kazina koje vam dozvoljava da koristite metod plaćanja treće strane, bojim se da ne možemo mnogo da uradimo za ti.
Hvala vam unapred na odgovoru i razumevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear chrisprf,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. I have checked the Terms and Conditions of WinDetta Casino and this is what I found:
2.6. By creating an account, you agree to provide only reliable information about yourself, such as your name and other personal information. You also agree not to create duplicate accounts; each user is only permitted to create one. The account cannot be duplicated using any other person, family, address (postal or IP), or email address associated with the device. Accounts other than the primary account are considered duplicates.
3.1. Windetta may at its discretion at any time:
- suspend or block access to the services of the Сompany, confiscate funds from the player's balance in the event that the same payment details are used with another account.
Furthermore, please check our Fair Gambling Codex for Players https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-players:
"For deposits and withdrawals, you should only use bank accounts and credit cards held in your own name. If you don't do this, you might get into trouble when trying to make a withdrawal. This rule is mostly in place to prevent credit card misuse and also because of international anti-money-laundering regulations."
Please understand that this rule has been breached. Some exceptions might be allowed by casinos when depositing or withdrawing funds using a joint card or this possibility is communicated beforehand. Technically it is very difficult to check who’s the owner of the payment method at the depositing stage. This can be checked only during the account verification, which is usually done when a withdrawal is requested. Therefore, it is a player’s responsibility to use allowed payment methods only.
If you’re not able to prove that you are a legitimate owner of the payment method and you haven’t received approval from the casino allowing you to use a third-party payment method, I’m afraid there’s not much we can do for you.
Thank you very much in advance for your reply and understanding.
Best regards,
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