Igrač iz Njemačke žali se što mu se dobitci ne pripisuju nakon što je doživio tehničke poteškoće. Odbili smo ovaj slučaj jer nije moguće dokazati da je problem bio na strani kazina i da kazino nije stekao prednost zbog gubitka igrača.
The player from Germany is complaining about having his winnings not credited after he has experienced technical difficulties. We rejected this case because it isn't possible to prove that the issue was on the casino's side and the casino didn't gain any advantage from the player's loss.
Igrač iz Njemačke žali se što mu se dobitci ne pripisuju nakon što je doživio tehničke poteškoće. Odbili smo ovaj slučaj jer nije moguće dokazati da je problem bio na strani kazina i da kazino nije stekao prednost zbog gubitka igrača.
Želim svoj slučaj opisati što preciznije:
1. Sudjelovao sam u casino igrama Winfest casina uživo i igrao poker u dvije ruke sa ukupnom opkladom od 24 EUR. Uložio sam oklade i runda je započela. Dobio sam na obje ruke bonus igre (x7 svaka) i nakon što sam kliknuo na "call", to znači da sam igrao ovu ruku, moj ekran se zaustavio i runda nije bila procijenjena i moje oklade i dobici nisu pripisani. Odmah nakon što se to dogodilo, kontaktirao sam podršku uživo kazinoa i potvrdili su da postoje neke nepravilnosti i dostavili su mi kartu br. (vidi prilog).
2. Preostalo je nekoliko dana, kontaktirao sam chat uživo winfesta i rekli su mi da uopće ne znaju za moj problem i da je broj karte pogrešan / ne koriste takve brojeve karata i to mora biti miješanje i moram su igrali u drugom kazinu. Samo sam pomislio: ok, zanimljiva priča, reci mi više o tome. Šta se ovde dešava? Vodiš mrežni kazino i ne znaš za svoj posao? Puštate kupca da igra u kazinu uživo i želite objasniti da ovdje nema slučaja, iako im pružam snimak zaslona razgovora s chatom uživo s ulaznicom br.
3. Ostalo je i ostalo još nekoliko dana i razljutio sam se. Na kraju, neko iz chat-a uživo Winfesta rekao mi je da će kontaktirati kazino uživo da bi dobio više informacija o mom slučaju.
4. Nakon nekoliko tjedana obavijestili su me da su mi vraćene oklade od 24 EUR i da neće biti dodatnih dobitaka.
Dakle, dopustite mi da izdvojim svoj problem: igrao sam, pobijedio, kazino uživo je radio savršeno (runda nije otkazana) i nakon puno tjedana daju mi takav odgovor?
Mislim da bi Winfest trebao izračunati moj dobitak prema spomenutom krugu casino igara i isplatiti mi dobitak. Imenovani kazino uživo nije otkazan od strane casina uživo pa je runda bila važeća.
Do danas mi Winfest ne nudi adekvatnu korisničku podršku.
I want to describe my case as precisely as possible:
1. I took part in the live casino games of Winfest casino and played a round of two hands poker with a total bet of 24 EUR. I have placed my bets and the round started. I got on both hands bonus games (x7 each) and after I clicked on "call", that means I have played this hand, my screen stopped and the round was not evaluated and my bets and winnings were not credited. Directly after this occurs, I contacted the live support of the live casino and they confirmed that there were some irregularities and they provided me with a ticket no. (see attachment).
2. Some days left, I contacted live chat of winfest and they told me, that they dont know about my issue at all and the ticket number is wrong /they dont use such ticket numbers and it must be a mix-up and I must have played in a different casino. I only thought: ok, interessting story, telll me more about it. Whats going on here? You are running a online casino and dont know about your own business? You let customer play at live casino and want to explain that there is no case here despite I provide them with a screenshot of the conversation with live chat with ticket no.
3. Several more days left and left and I became angry. At the end, someone from live- chat of Winfest told me that they will contact live casino to get more information about my case.
4. After several weeks they informed me that my bets of 24 EUR were returned and there will be no additional winnigs.
So let me summerize my issue: I played, I won, live casino worked perfect (round was not cancelled) and after a lot of weeks they provides me with such a answer?
I think Winfest should calculate my winnings according the mentioned live-casino game round and pay me out my winnings. The named live casino round was not cancelled by live casino so the round was valid.
Until today, Winfest dont offer me adequat customer support.
Dragi Grillz520,
Zahvaljujemo na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je zbog vašeg lošeg iskustva. Nisam baš siguran da je ovo nešto u čemu bismo vam mogli pomoći. Ovu situaciju je mogla uzrokovati slaba internetska veza i gotovo nam je nemoguće pošteno procijeniti je li problem nastao na vašoj strani ili na strani kazina.
Imate li video zapis ili bilo koji drugi dokaz da ste pobijedili na tim okladama?
Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Grillz520,
Thank you for submitting your complaint. I’m very sorry to hear about your bad experience. I am not very positive that this is something we could help you with. This situation could have been caused by weak internet connection and it is almost impossible for us to fairly evaluate whether the problem occurred on your or the casino’s side.
Do you have any video recording or any other proof of winning from those bets?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Hvala vam na povratnim informacijama. Nažalost, imam samo objašnjenje chat casinoa uživo.
Mogu isključiti da sam imao problema s internetom jer:
a) casino slika / video u živo nastavili su normalno funkcionirati.
b) nisu se pojavile samo opcije za igranje. Da sam imao problema s internetom, sve bi stalo, a ne samo dio. Takođe, mogu biti siguran da nisam imao problema s Internetom. Jer sam mogao nastaviti normalno igrati prije i poslije.
c) Da li vas je chat casino uživo odmah nakon toga obavijestio da ste primijetili nepravilnosti. Da imam problema s internetom, ne bih vidio nepravilnosti u kazinu uživo, zar ne? Mislim, da imam problema s internetom, za kazino bi bilo kao da nisam igrao. A tada sa stanovišta kasina ne bi bile pronađene greške ili nepravilnosti, zar ne?
d) Sigurno da kazino ima video snimke?
Veliko hvala na vašoj pomoći. Zaista cijenim!
Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately, I only have the explanation of the live casino chat.
I can rule out that I had internet problems because:
a) the live casino picture / video continued to function normally.
b) only the options for playing did not appear. If I had had problems with the internet, everything would have stopped and not just a part. Also, I can be sure that I haven't had any internet problems. Because I was able to continue playing normally before and after.
c) Did the live casino chat inform you immediately afterwards that you noticed irregularities. If I had internet problems, I wouldn't have seen any irregularities at the live casino, would it? I mean, if I had internet problems, for the casino it would be like I hadn't played. And then no errors or irregularities would have been found from the casino's point of view, right?
d) Surely the casino has video footage?
Many thanks for your help. I really appreciate it!
Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung. Leider habe ich nur die Erklärung des Live-Casino Chats.
Ich kann ausschließen, dass ich Internetprobleme hatte denn:
a) das Live-Casino Bild/Video hat ganz normal weiter funktioniert.
b) nur die Auswahlmöglichkeiten zum Spielen sind nicht erschienen. Wenn ich Internetprobleme gehabt hätte, dann wäre ja alles stehen geblieben und nicht nur ein Teil. Außerdem kann ich sicher gehen, dass ich keine Internetprobleme hatte. Weil ich davor und danach ganz normal weiterspielen konnte.
c) Hat das Live-Casino-Chat ja auch direkt danach mitgeteilt, dass Sie Unregelmäßigkeiten festgestellt haben. Wenn ich Internetprobleme gehabt hätte, dann wären doch beim Live-Casino keine Unregelmäßigkeiten festgestellt worden, oder? Ich meine, wenn ich Internetprobleme gehabt hätte, dann wäre das für das Casino so, als hätte ich nicht gespielt. Und dann wären auch aus der Sicht des Casinos keine Fehler oder Unregelmäßigkeiten festgestellt worden, oder?
d) Bestimmt hat das Casino Videomaterial?
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Das schätze ich sehr!
Žao mi je, Grillz520, ali ne možemo iznijeti slučaj samo na osnovu vašeg opisa, posebno bez bilo kakvih dodatnih dokaza. Provjerio sam opće uvjete poslovanja casina i otkrio ovo:
"11.3 Winfest nudi softver na web lokaciji" takav kakav je "bez ikakvih garancija ili uvjeravanja. Winfest ne snosi odgovornost za bilo kakve gubitke i štete za koje se tvrdi da su prouzrokovane bilo kakvim greškama u softveru na web mjestu. U slučaju bilo kakva softverska greška ili greška u igri (pobačena ili prekinuta igra kako je predviđeno Propisima o daljinskim igrama iz 2004. godine, Pravna obavijest 176), Winfest će vratiti sva sredstva koja je igrač koristio za igranje određene igre, tako da će se sve direktno pogođene strane naći u istoj poziciji prije početka igre. "
U ovom slučaju casino je postupio ispravno i u skladu s njihovim T&C-ima i, nažalost, u ovoj situaciji ne možemo ništa učiniti. Ako vam još nešto mogu pomoći, nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati me jer ću u protivnom biti prisiljen odbiti ovu žalbu.
I am very sorry, Grillz520, but we cannot make a case solely based on your description and especially without any supporting evidence. I checked the casino's T&Cs and I found this:
"11.3 Winfest offers the software on the website "as is" with no warranties or assurances whatsoever. Winfest is not liable for any losses and damages that are alleged to have been caused by any errors in the software on the website. In the event of any software error or game error (miscarried or aborted game as provided in the Remote Gaming Regulations of 2004, Legal Notice 176), Winfest will refund any funds used by the player to play that particular game, so that all parties directly affected will find themselves in the same position before commencing the game."
In this case the casino proceeded correctly and in accordance with their T&Cs and, unfortunately, there is nothing we can do in this situation. If there is anything else I could help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me, otherwise I will be forced to reject this complaint.
".... nadoknađuje Winfestu sva sredstva koja je igrač koristio za igranje određene igre, tako da se sve direktno pogođene strane nađu u istoj poziciji prije početka igre ...."
Ali to nije bio moj slučaj. Igra nije napuštena i svi oni koji su bili izravno pogođeni nisu stavljeni u isti položaj.
Posebnost je u tome što imate posla s Live Casinom, a svi ostali igrači su dobili dobitak iz ovog kruga 🙂
".... reimburses Winfest for all funds used by the player for playing the respective game, so that all parties directly affected find themselves in the same position before the start of the game ...."
But that wasn't my case. The game was not abandoned and all those directly affected were not placed in the same position.
The special thing is that it is up to Live Casino and all other players have received their gains from this round 🙂
„....erstattet Winfest alle vom Spieler für das Spielen des jeweiligen Spiels verwendeten Mittel, sodass sich alle direkt betroffenen Parteien wiederfinden in der gleichen Position vor Spielbeginn...."
So war aber mein Fall nicht. Das Spiel wurde nicht abgebrochen und alle direkt Betroffenen wurden nicht in die gleiche Position gebracht.
Die Besonderheit ist doch, dass es dich um Live Casino handelt und alle anderen Spieler ihre Gewinne aus dieser Runde erhalten haben 🙂
Grillz520, razgovarali smo o ovom slučaju s našim timom. Došli smo do zaključka da nije moguće dokazati je li problem bio na vašoj strani ili na strani kazina. Uz to, samo su drugi igrači ostvarili prednost zbog vašeg gubitka, a ne i kazino, tako da u ovom slučaju ne možemo kazniti kazino, posebno kada su vam te oklade vraćene i nema dokaza o dobicima.
Nažalost, u ovim okolnostima ne možemo vam pomoći i odlučili smo odbiti ovu žalbu. Žao nam je što vam nismo mogli pomoći s ovim, ali nemojte se ustručavati kontaktirati nas u budućnosti ako naiđete na probleme s ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom i mi ćemo se potruditi da pomognemo.
Grillz520, we discussed this case with our team. We've come to a conclusion, that it is not possible to prove whether the problem was on your or the casino's side. Additionally, only other players gained an advantage from your loss and not the casino, so we cannot punish the casino in this case, especially when those bets were returned to you and there is no evidence of winnings.
Unfortunately, under these circumstances, we aren't able to help you and we decided to reject this complaint. Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino and we will try our best to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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